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Immigration/Migration Unit Test

1) On the map below, trace the general route that Dust Bowl migrants followed to get to
California. What direction did they come from? (North? South? East? West?)

2) What is one reason that many men immigrated from China to the United States in the 1850s?

3) Briefly, compare and contrast the reactions of most Californians to the Chinese immigrants in
the 1840s-1880s, and the Dust Bowl migrants in the 1930s.

4) Which of the following laws imposed a $20 monthly tax on immigrant miners during the Gold
A. Foreign Miner's Tax
B. Chinese Exclusion Act
C. Migrant Miner's Tax
D. Anti-Okie Law
5) Describe one piece of California's culture (that we have discussed) which was brought to
California through immigration or migration. Where did this part of California culture come
from? When did it enter California?

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