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Abby Johnson

Video Taped Lesson Reviews

Content Knowledge


I establish good eye contact with my class. I

do not talk over their heads, to the blackboard
or to just one individual.
If I tend to teach predominantly to one area of
the classroom, I am aware of this.
I make a conscious effort at all times to pay
attention to all students equally.
I divide my students into small groups in an
organized and principled manner.
I recognize that these groups should differ in
size and composition, varying with the

B. The Classroom

I arrange the seating in my class to suit the

class activity for the day.
I consider the physical comfort of the room
such as heat and light.
When I need special materials or equipment, I
have them set up before the class begins.

C. Presentation


My handwriting on the blackboard and /or

charts is legible from all locations in the
classroom. It is large enough to accommodate
students with vision impairments.
I speak loudly enough to be heard in all parts of
the classroom and I enunciate clearly.
I vary the exercises in class, alternating rapid
and slow paced activities to keep up maximum
interest level in the class.
I am prepared to give a variety of explanations,
models or descriptions, understanding that
one explanation may not be sufficient for all

I think I did a good job with making eye contact with

all of my students and interacting with them. I tried to be
conscious of who needed a turn to speak and calling on
each student. I realize that I could have done a better job
with transitioning the students into small groups.
Because I did not provide enough clear instructions from
the beginning, we had to transition to doing the practice
as a whole group.

The teacher had arranged the student desks in a way
suitable for testing. When it was time for the experiment,
I had to get them to rearrange the desks. It created
enough room for the students to get up and move
around. I had organized all the materials for easy access
and had them with me at the front of the classroom.

The PowerPoint I created had large, neat font so that
even the students in the back were able to see the text.
The handouts I gave were all computer-generated and
large enough for the students to read. I spoke with a tone
loud enough for all students to hear. At the beginning, I
did a lot of teaching while they were in the seats.
However, their practice required them to get up and
move around. I used a variety of tools to explain the
concept. I used images and examples in the classroom.
The students did a lot of practice with the concept. Many
of them were able to apply what they knew to their lab
report. I allowed think time for them throughout.


I help the students form working principles and

Students use new skills or concepts long
enough so that they are retained and thus future
application is possible.
I plan for "thinking time for my students so
they can organize their thoughts and plan what
they are going to say or do.

D. Culture and Adjustment
o I am aware that cultural differences affect the
learning situation.
o I keep the cultural background(s) of my
students in mind when planning daily activities
and am aware of culture misunderstandings
which might arise from the activities I choose.
o I work for an atmosphere of understanding and
mutual respect.
o I tell students when they have done well, but I
don't let praise become mechanical.
o My activities are varied, some more visual,
aural, oral and kinesthetic. I provide models,
examples, and experiences to maximize
learning in each of these areas.

B. Self-concepts
I treat my students with the same respect that I expect
them to show me.
I plan one-centred activities which give all students
an opportunity at some point to feel
important and accepted.
C. Aptitude and Perception
I am aware that my students learn differently.
My exercises are varied, some ore visual, aural, oral
and kinesthetic. I provide models,
examples, and experiences to maximize learning in each
of these areas.
I finish my class period in a way which will review
the new concepts presented during the class period. My
students can immediately evaluate their understanding of
those concepts.
III. The Activity
A. Interaction
The activities maximize student involvement.
The activities are organized to insure a high success

As I planned the lesson, I knew I would need to have
something hands-on so that the students remained
engaged and learning. I gave pictures and visual
examples for the students. I allowed them to move
around when it came time for the experiments. The
examples I gave were ones I knew they could relate to.
At the beginning of the lesson, I explained that I
expected them to respect one another by listening. I was
conscious to praise and point out students who were
doing the right thing.


At the beginning of the lesson I explained to

them that we were all going to be respectful of our
classmates. I made a conscious effort to display the
respect I expected. I listened to them throughout as
they spoke. My activities included a wide range of
experiences to engage them on many different
levels. My closure had them apply the knowledge
they had learned. The activities were all focused on
the students being active learners and doing
something. It was planned with these specific
students in mind, and I incorporated items into the
lesson that they recognized. I realize that because
they are not conducting experiments often, I could
have done a better job explaining that.

rate, leaving enough room for error tomake the activity

The activity is focused.
The activity is geared to the proficiency level of my
class or slightly beyond.
I make the content of the activity relevant and
meaningful to my students world.

Video Observation
Notetaking Tool
Observers name: Rebecca Hastings
Abby Johnson - Motion

Lesson observed:

Purpose: To provide a framework for reflection and collaborative

conversations about teaching and learning.

Student Engagement/Classroom
1. How are students involved in the
What is the extent of student


1. Students are engaged through

in answering questions from the
throughout the duration of the le
watch a video to spark interest i
and supply basic knowledge. A P
made to include the students vis
the teaching. Once the teaching
lesson was taught, they were en
a hands-on experiment. One wa
could have been more involved
the use of a note-taking guide d
teaching portion if deemed appr

2. Were there opportunities for students

ask questions? What kinds of
were they asking?
How did the teacher help students
make connections to what they were

2. Students were allowed to ask

throughout different moments o
The teacher created a comfortab
environment for the students to
understanding of the topic was i
Students would ask questions fo
greater understanding. The teac
students questions about motion
pertained to things they see in e
things that they are interested in
were able to relate the concept
the real world and recognize how
experience all the time througho

3. Describe the interaction in the


3. During the beginning of the le

were attentive and listening to w
teacher had to share. Their atten
the front of the classroom. They
the questions when they were a
respectfully answered appropria
the practice of the lesson, the st
placed in groups and moved aro
classroom. The practice was still
teacher, but they were able to p
the lab. Many times interaction w
and respectful, but there were a
of students being distracted. The
a positive attitude throughout th
made sure the students were en
throughout the entire lesson.

Student Learning


1. What evidence do you see that

indicates student learning?
2. Was the learning outcome explicitly
conveyed to the students?

3. What evidence did you see that the

learning goals were achieved?
4. How did the teacher monitor student


1. Students responded to que

correct answers, displaying
attentiveness throughout th
Students were involved in t
participated attentively thr
the teaching. While the stu
excited about moving arou
practice, they were able to
and apply their new unders
2. The students knew from th
the lesson that they were g
learning about motion. The
tell the specific things they
be learning or expected to
the end of the lesson.
3. At the end of the lesson, th
asked questions reviewing
discussed throughout the c
lesson. Students responded
answers that showed they
and understanding. Many s
wanted to respond to the q
which shows that they gras
4. The teacher monitored stud
by observing the students t
lesson. The teacher could h
formative assessments use
teaching. These assessmen
included using hand signals
understanding. The teache
monitor the students when
class questions throughout
The quickness to response
students answers shows th
understanding and progres

1. What is the teacher doing?

(Facilitating, lecturing, co-learning,
2. How was content/concepts presented
to students? Was there adequate
explanation of the concepts to ensure
student learning?

3. What kinds of questions did the

teacher ask?
What questions provided
opportunities for students to
explain, defend, compare,
Did the teacher wait for
responses? Probe for deeper

1. The teacher has a mixture

and lecturing. During the b
the lesson, she is standing
the classroom. She used a
guide instruction and the te
moment was geered towar
During this portion of the le
asked the students questio
them engaged, which was
aspect of this lecture. Durin
half of the lesson, the teach
facilitating learning, becaus
students were involved in a
During this activity, they w
actively think about what t
viewing, and they were abl
involved through movemen
2. The content was adequatel
throughout the lesson. The
several examples and kid-f
language. She listened to t
and adjusted what she said
The content was presented
students through visual exa
demonstrations, a PowerPo
and questions and answers
3.The teacher asked questions s

When you hear the word m

you think of?
What is an animal that we
we think of an animal that
Which trial do you think is g
the most speed?
When is a time you might s
The teacher asked questions tha
students to tell the definition of

own way. They were able to defe

through these definitions or thro
explanation of these questions.
evaluated the demonstrations a
experiences observed during the
She waited for students respons
were moments she could have le
students think longer and have t
opportunity to share answers. Sh
think about the questions in way
the concept to their life. This qu
provided an opportunity for the
think deeper than surface level.

4. What tasks are students doing? Did

the students have the opportunity to
practice their new knowledge or skill?
Did the practice help support the
learning outcome?
5. How did the teacher manage the
learning environment? (Procedures,
securing attention, time on task, etc)

4. Students were able to practic

skill through the lab that was de
They were able to hit the ball an
motion. This caused the student
what was discussed during the fi
lesson. The practice supported t
because it directly related to wh

5. During the beginning of the le

students were very attentive. Sh
they responded through raising
providing an answer. The teache
proceed with teaching until all s
attentive. The teacher made adj
when the lab procedure was not
as planned. She was flexible and
efficient throughout. The practic
amount of time that was lengthy
changes in the plan. Thinking m
through the activity how the stu
respond could have been benefi


3 Affirmations based on the observations and

evidences above
The teacher did a great job during the teaching portion of the lesson.
Creating a PowerPoint was beneficial to the lesson, because it gave the
students something to visualize what was being taught. Choosing a video to
engage the students was a good moment of the lesson, because she said
that those videos were ones that the students loved. The teacher did a good
job with keeping a calm and respectful disposition throughout the lesson,
even when the students were not being the most respectful or attentive.

2 Questions for Consideration

Was there anything the teacher could add to the teaching portion of the
lesson to make the students even more involved, even though they were
attentive, listening, and responding well?
What could the teacher have done differently during the practice to make it
run more smoothly?

1 Recommendation
You did a great job teaching this lesson! If you had stepped the students
through more instructions of the practice before having them move their
desks, they may have understood what was taking place more clearly. Giving
instructions in the most attentive environment is always key! Making the
adjustments you made were beneficial for the students though!

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