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Program managers Laura Rew and Shane Crnkovich

Agency supervisor Devon Saul Ability First Sports
Title of program Wheelchair Tennis Clinic
Date of program April 2, 2016
Rating Scale: 1=poor 2=below average 3=average

4=above average 5=excellent

Communication with co-managers: 3

Devon did not always respond to our emails, calls, or text messages promptly

Professionalism: 3
Devon was fairly professional but would often make offensive jokes about Shane
and I, the Ability First staff, and the participants. He did not always use
professional language.

Management of volunteers: 4
Devon helped us organize tasks for volunteers and helped guide them during the
first half of the event

Attitude toward participants: 4

Willingness to offer assistance when needed: 5

Devon always offered to help us and was available as often as his schedule

Rating of leadership: 4

Effectively supervises staff and volunteers: 5

He guided, led, and taught when appropriate

Two strengths relating to supervisors abilities: Devon was a great teacher to the
participants, the volunteers, and to Shane and I. We were able to learn from him
to better improve future events.

Two suggested areas of improvements: Devon could work on being more

available through phone and email. It was sometimes hard to coordinate when
and where to meet up with him because we could not get ahold of him.
Additionally, Devon said that he would help us run the event and that we had
nothing to worry about, and to create an overall vision of how we wanted the
event to go. When we told him our vision he argued against us and did not fully
understand what we really wanted to achieve. He did help us really well in the
first half of the event when he was teaching the participants tennis, but during the
second half of the event when we really needed his guidance, he was less willing
to help out.

Personal statement about willingness to work in this setting in the future: I think
he was a good supervisor, but you dont necessary want a GOOD supervisor
when you can have a GREAT supervisor. However, we should continue to work
with him and that agency in the future.

Overall: Devon did well as a supervisor and was able to help us to the best of his
abilities. There was some miscommunication at times, but in the end everything
worked out and was a success. I would give him an overall score of 3 or average.

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