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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam May 10, 2016

Where do we spend bulk of our time in this birth? Bhagawan explains to us

what ordinary people do and prods us on an inward journey.

Earning money cannot be the sole purpose of education.

Acquiring good qualities can be the only purpose of
education. From our birth till the body perishes, we are
making many attempts to earn money and acquire food.
In this process of amassing wealth, we are adopting
several methods which are adopted by the birds and
animals. To acquire food, different kinds of strength,
abilities, and skills are used by us; just as the very same
skills are used by animals and birds! It is not right that we
use all our knowledge and skill for doing just what the
animals and birds also do. In the process of spending all
our energies in acquiring food, we are going far away
from the aspect of the Divine principle (Atma) which is
the very purpose of this special birth.
- Summer Showers in Brindavan 1974, Ch 1

Fullness in life is marked by the harmony of thought, word and deed. Baba

10 meI,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: ies jnm iv`c,AsIN Awpxw bhuqw smW,ik`Qy bqIq krdy
hW?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM smJwauNdy hn ik Awm AwdmI,kI krdw hY Aqy swnUM
Awpxy AMdrUnI sPr bwry vI ,pRyirq krdy hn[
au`qr: pYsw kmwauxw hI ,is`iKAw dw mu`K lkS nhIN hoxw cwhIdw[is`iKAw dw
mu`K lkS,cMgy gux pRwpq krnw hI hoxw cwhIdw hY[Awpxy jnm qoN lY ky Awpxy
SrIr dy ivnwS dy smyN qweIN,AsIN pYsw ie`kTw krn, Awpxy Bojn nUM pRwpq

krn leI hI , bqIq krdy hW[D`n ie`kTw krn leI AsIN,keI ies qrHW dy
qrIky vrqdy hW ijhVy qrIky,pSU-pkSI vrqdy hn[Bojn pRwpq krn
leI,AsIN keI qrHW dI auh SkqI,hunr Aqy qrIky AwpxwauNdy hW ijhVy pSUpkSI vI ApxwauNdy hn[ieh swfy leI cMgw nhIN hY ik AsIN,auhI igAwn
Aqy hunr,ijhVw pSU-pkSI vrqdy hn, Awpxy leI vrqIey[jd AsIN,AwpxI
swrI SkqI,Bojn iek`Tw krn iv`c lgw idMdy hW qW AsIN,Awqimk is`DWq qoN
bhuq dUr cly jWdy hW,ijhVw is`DWq,swfy ies Kws jnm dw lkS hY[(smr
Swvrz ien ibRMdwvn 1974,A`iDAwey 1)[
jIvn dI pUrqI,qW hI huMdI hY jd mnu`K dy mn,vcn Aqy krm iv`c,iekswrqw
huMdI hY[(bwbw)[

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