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The quality requirement of a software system which is although a nonfunctional but is considered to be a basic entity.

It is quite challenging to
define the minimum and maximum critical limits of the quality of a software
product as it would either cause operational problems or increase its cost
respectively. Characterization of the limits of quality needs to be addressed
by developing a relationship between the quality levels and its impacts on
the required attributes.
Optimum quality levels can be characterized by recognizing certain
acceptable impacts on suitability, performance, reliability, usability and
portability as specified by the stakeholders. The quality-impact relationship
thus developed will not only help in efficiently designing a software product
but also provide high quality end output from it.
The paper selected here for discussion would help us to understand the
approach of categorization of the quality requirements to elicit the quality
impact-relationship. The impact on the stakeholders can be measured
empirically by their reactions towards pre-categorized quality levels as per
the given attributes. The evidence evaluated empirically from the
investigated features and stakeholders are reliable and adequate to decide
the optimal quality levels required by the software system. The key ideas and
instruments required to assess the methodology to elicit the impact on
stakeholder by specific quality attributes will be discussed in depth in the
selected paper with the help of an example from a real world software
development scenario.

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