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Product Development and Engineering- developing prototype of the models

View Necessary Machine Data

With augmented reality technology, your shop floor team can view information
regarding a manufacturing machine or part, and its current performance. With an
augmented reality enabled mobile app, your production team can scan QR codes
to view live video feed, images, or graphics to use or repair a machine and its

One such example is BMW the company is exploring AR in various forms to assist its technicians in car
maintenance and assembly
Converting those opportunities into revenue means either cannibalizing existing business or persuading
customers to begin spending in a new category.

What is AR going to displace in terms of customer spending?

Are there niches that have not yet been filled and in which new revenues will be generated from

Which AR segments are high volume/low margin and what are the low volume/high margin

How are AR business models going to change if and when Google, Apple and Microsoft are able
to deliver the basic AR components at low cost or free?

Is licensing patents and other forms of cost or revenue associated with intellectual property
rights already an issue when building an AR company?

manufacturing planning, assembly and maintenance, technical publications and electronic work

Problem statement:

1) When your manufacturing organization faces production downtime due to a

broken part or machine
2) View information regarding a manufacturing machine or part, and its current
3) With augmented reality technology, your production team on the shop floor
can add photos and videos to a report on their mobile device for review, instead
of taking time to write about the issue. By snapping a photo or recording a video
for a few seconds, your employees spend less time manually filling out forms,
and more time fixing the issue and getting processes moving

It leverages the use of virtual reality in systems such as parts analysis and
simulation, staff support, asset tracking, production layout simulation,
manufacturing planning, assembly and maintenance, technical publications and
electronic work instructions.
Virtual and Augmented Reality for Design Development

From a product development perspective VR and AR help to refine and optimise

designs at an early stage. Concepts and options can be reviewed, adjusted and
modified quickly. Digital models can also be virtually tested, analysed and
simulated with tools like FEA and CFD. The result is rapid iterative design cycles
and ultimately great products. Importantly you can get cross-functional team
input, including potential clients.

VR and AR make animated simulations possible so you can see how products will
be used over time. This is invaluable if you are serious about understanding how
products will be used, with factors like ergonomics, access, look and feel coming
into play. Anybody can understand a life-like simulation, whereas 2D engineering
drawings and more complex 3D models can be difficult to interpret if you do not
possess a technical background.

Ultimately VR and AR aid communication and buy-in during product

development. The result is reduced technical risk, with a greater probability
components and products will be fit for purpose.

Virtual and Augmented Reality for Production

Manufacturing and production have huge amounts to gain from VR and AR. Businesses are now
planning their production and assembly processes out in full in a virtual world. In turn this is used
to speed up factory and plant commissioning and operation. In practical terms manufacturers have
used virtual and augmented reality to

Structure and optimise the location and flow of production lines.

Position automation lines, robots, production cells and importantly people, to maximise
productivity and efficiency, as well as reduce inventory.

Operate and handle virtual tools and equipment. Rehearse and train staff for the real

Factor in the ideal ergonomics for fitters, technicians and other operatives in terms of
reach, leaning, twisting and bending.

Plan around support pillars, lighting, heating and air-con ducting.

Factor in access for maintenance, cleaning and line-side delivery.

Scan in an existing factory environment and lay it out with new virtual production lines and

The use of VR is becoming more common in the automotive sector, with several
companies particularly at the high end of the industry using the technology
to give prospective customers a taste of the vehicle layout and look. But with its
Ergonomics Lab at its facility in Gaydon, JLR is taking this to another level, using
VR in a similar way to the aerospace sector, with a VR suite incorporating Sony
4K high-resolution screens. Almost half of the time on the VR suite is used for
vehicle package engineering, such as fine-tuning the cabin ergonomics,
improving vision from the driving seat of the instruments and ensuring that the
vehicle frame doesnt obscure the drivers vision in dangerous ways. Other areas

where it is used include crash simulation and aerodynamics and in designing the
assembly process.

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