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Probability: The quantitative measure of uncertainty is called Probability.

The value of chances of the result in uncertain situation is said Probability.
Types of Probability:
1. Subjective Probability:
2. Objective Probability:
1. Subjective Probability:
The probability which is based on personal judgment or experiment
is called Subjective Probability. It does vary person to person.
E.g. The probability of patient survival by the doctor.
2. Objective Probability:
The probability which is based on some functions or formulas is
called Objective Probability.
E.g. The probability of head in tossing a coin.
Random Experiment:
The experiment which can give different results even it is repeated
any number of times.
1) Tossing a coin
2) Rolling a Dice
3) Drawing Cards
4) Drawing ball from a bag
Sample Space:
The set of all possible results of random experiment is called Sample
Space. It is denoted by S.
E.g. i. The sample set of Tossing a coin.
S= {head, tail}
n(S) =2
ii. The sample set of Rolling a Dice.
S= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
Statistics and Probability | M Rauf Tabassum

Probability of an Event:

( )

( )
( )

Q. If 2 coins are tossed, find the probability of 1 head.

For 2 coins:
n(S)= 4
A= 1 head = {HT, TH}
( )

( )
( )

Properties of Probability:
1. P(A) 0 (Non-Negative)
2. Probability lies between 0 and 1.
3. If A and B are mutually exclusive then Probability of

Laws of Probability:
1. Complement Law (
2. Law of Addition: P(A or B) = P(AB) = P(A) + P(B) P(AB)
If A and B are mutually exclusive then Probability of
P(AB) = P(A) + P(B)
3. Law of Multiplication: P(A and B) = P(AB) = P(A) * P(B)

Probability Distribution: The tabular arrangement of probability of random

variable is called Probability Distribution.

Statistics and Probability | M Rauf Tabassum

Types of Probability Distribution:

There are two types of Probability Distribution:1) Discrete Probability Distribution
2) Continuous Probability Distribution

Probability Distribution

Discrete Probability Distribution

The probability of discrete random
variable is called Discrete Probability
no of heads in tossing coins.
X 0, , 2, 3,
No of 6 in rolling dice.
--These values are countable.
Binomial Probability Distribution
Poisson Probability Distribution

Continuous Probability Distribution

The probability of continuous random
variable is called Continuous Probability
Height of students
Temperature etc.
--These values are measureable.
Normal Probability Distribution

Statistics and Probability | M Rauf Tabassum

Binomial Probability Distribution:

The experiment which can be divided/categorized in two categories
(success and failure) and the probability of success remains
fixed(constant) for each trials.
(Single perform of experiment is called Trial)

1) Experiment will be categorized into success and failure.
2) The probability of success remains fixed for each trial.
3) Numbers of trials are fixed.
4) The trials are independent.
Binomial Probability Distribution:
random variable (r.v X has binomial probability distribution
if and only if it has probability function:
P(X) = nCx . px . qn-x
(where x=random variable, n=no. of trials, p=probability of success
in each trial, q=probability of failure in each trial=1-p)

Binomial Probability Distribution has two parameters n and p.
Properties of Binomial Probability Distribution:
1) Area: The sum of all probabilities is always equals to 1.

( )
2) Mean:
3) Variance:


( )

( )+

Standard Deviation:

( )

( )+

Statistics and Probability | M Rauf Tabassum

Poisson Probability Distribution:

A random variable x has poisson probability distribution if and only if it
has the probability function:
( )
Area: Total probability of poisson distribution is equals to 1.
P(x) =1
Mean: Expected value of x.
E(x) = x.P(x) =
Variance: Variance= x .P(x) [ x.P(x)]2 =
Standard Deviation:

( )

( )

Normal Probability Distribution:

A random variable x has poisson probability distribution if and only
if it has the probability function:

( )

Where and are the parameters of normal probability distribution.

Area: Total area under the normal curve always equals to one.

( )

( )

( )


( )

It is a symmetrical distribution. (Mean=Median=Mode)

Statistics and Probability | M Rauf Tabassum

Laws of Probability:
1. Law of Complement:
( ) = 1 P(A)
P(A) = 1 P( )

2. Law of Addition:
Not Mutually Exclusive Events (something in common)
P(AB) = P(A) + P(B) P(AB)
Mutually Exclusive Events (totally different)
P(AB) = P(A) + P(B)

3. Law of Multiplication:
Independent Events:
P(AB) = P(A) * P(B)
Dependent Events:
P(AB) = P(A) * P(B/A)
P(AB) = P(B) * P(A/B)
Conditional Probability:
( )

( )
( )

( )

( )
( )

Statistics and Probability | M Rauf Tabassum

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