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King Solomon

Solomon inherited his fathers kingdom

He was endowed with God-given wisdom

Solomon built a magnificent Temple for God and even larger palace for

Solomon had organized his court, a start was made on editing the sacred

He was a great king

Solomon played the great lord too much

The Bible credits him with 700 wives and 300 concubines

He exploited his people

Two Kingdoms

From 933 there were two kingdoms

Northern Kingdom or Israel, with Samaria as its capital

Southern Kingdom or Judah, with Jerusalem as its capital

The Prophets of Israel

YHWH raised prophets to guide his people and warn them about the
consequences of worshipping the pagan gods.

Prophets of the Northern Kingdom

1. Elijah
2. Elisha
3. Hosea
4. Amos
Prophets of the Southern Kingdom
1. Isaiah
2. Micah
3. Zephaniah

4. Jeremiah
5. Nahum
6. Habakkuk

Prophetic writings

1. A reminder of the election of Israel, the exodus and covenant

2. A condemnation of the peoples rebellion against God
3. A warning on impending punishment
4. An affirmation of Gods faithful love and compassion
5. A promise of redemption and restoration
Themes of prophetic writings
a. Justice for the poor and oppressed
b. Faithfulness to the covenant
c. Messianism

The Prophets of the Exile

1. Ezekiel
2. Daniel
3. Obadiah
The Return from the Exile (post-exilic prophets)
1. Haggai
2. Zechariah
3. Joel
4. Malachi
5. Ezra
6. Nehemiah
7. Ezra

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