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Country of Origin

Norway Tm 3
The character was born in a foreign land and moved to this land upon
reaching adulthood. Reroll country of parents origin again on Table 1018:
Country of Origin for the homeland
United States of America Tm 7
Decadent CuMod 8
Prince (Princess): Child of a king or an emperor.
Also may be the ruler of a Principality in which case he is equal to a king.
TiMod: +22. Lands: 65
Regional: influence affects a limited, but substantial portion of the country.
Extremely Wealthy
SolMod 10
Money: Within reason, the character has as much money as he requires-as
long as he isat home (limitthisto 20x the normal starting money). Character
has no need to borrow money unless
he is bankrolling a country or a war.
Two Parents
5 Siblings
First Born
Aunt livng with them
Born In the temple of an evil or malignant cult.
Five unusual occurrences
Character is hidden away to prevent others from the knowing of his birth.
Character is born during the occurrence of a noteworthy event A natural disaster
Not only did the doctor arrive just in time, she turned out to be a world-renowned brilliant
surgeon and obstetrician. Events just seem to fall the character's way. This incredibly lucky
character receives a plus 5 to his or her Luck attribute (if applicable) and a 25% favor from the
GM on all randomly determined rolls concerning the character.
Character is part of an unusually large multiple birth. 8 Siblings
Character's mother attempted to kill character immediately after birth, but was prevented. No
justification was given at the time for her behavior.

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