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si32016 Stroctural Sted Design App (Canadian Code) "gan op fo eny 30 pay ot pe) ee uuu Buipus se yone ses10; sso uno fmt oats a ‘© IG oases Auiovavo waanan SONoUNINEIIIG Sais awansonass ‘Bucy roe 3 ojoua Jas jo vequisus 270 Aupedes Oupueg Wauwan v 40 nosag 2 : Ubisap pue ya nan nat ‘aocmcennast jee fopaxpagun omnes Samana nt ee pI a wa — seviound EE VM = 3009 RLS iwzaMD po JdU UDISIC 13945 1UUNLONULS Wao © Seach fr peopl, jobs, companies, and moro a a Pulse Publish a post ‘Shaka Erg Sope ial fecbe Own Waangana Woda Spacey [_FOM quamananap SSeS ae (Canadian Code) ACH Pal P Ee (Em Structural Steel Design App (Canadian Code) Nay5,2016 | 48veus & t1Lkes G OCorments | OG Hello All, Getting Up to Speed with 1am glad to announce that, I developed an App which deals with Structural Steel cin: What It Is, Why I Matters, and Why Its in the. design of beam-column by using Canadian Steel code for "I" beams. ‘The App is now available both on AppStore (I-phone) and Google Playstore. A professional review was done by "APPSZOOM" for my App and it got 6.9 rating which is an News Now: This Apple product excellent rating. getting a reboot; Yahoo just year partnership. Search on App Store : Key word - " ign" or “infisol engineers" Buning withthe Uni Wrst Connator clos Seqreh on Google Blaustore: Key word "infisol” ‘This App is useful for Structural engineers, university students, teachers, all he Downside of Six Sign engincers, all design companies, field engineers at site ete. Please see the following description for details. You can download the "Free" version of the App hips shwwainkedn com/puselstuchsal-stel-esign apo-cenasan-code-p-eng-ab-p-eng-or- es ic Stan lard thrive in a 5 Misconceptions About Recruiter FDA Righ Cigarettes Jere comes the e- Stroctural Sted Design App (Canadian Code) for limited use, The "Full" version with all capabilities is available only for $9.99 Inc. (Developed by Abhijit Parkhi) ‘The Structural Steel Design App is developed as an embedded App so that, internet connection is not required after installation the App. The design is performed based on Canadian Steel code $16-o9 (latest code). ‘The current shaped beams only. It includes W, WWF, S, M, SLB, HP version is limited to beams. Main features : Display of Geometrical and Design properties of a section - Select a section. Geometrical properties will be displayed graphically and Design properties will be displayed in a proper format. Determination of capacity of a section - Select a section, Input length parameters, End connection type. Capacity will be caleulated for compression, tension, bending and shear. More details about the calculations will be displayed by clicking "Details". Design of amember - Select a section, Input length parameters, End connection type, Design Forces such as Factored Compression, Tension, Bending moment and Shear. Unity shear + checks will be displayed for Compression + Bending, Tension + Bending, Bending and Overall result of "Pass" or "Fail" will also be displayed with green or red color for quick interpretation. Notes : 1. There are several inputs displayed with first letter in Capital with Blue color. eg. "Choose section”. User can click on such input to see a "User note” attached to it to get more help about the input. 2. Click on "FREE VERSION" blue button to get limitation of free version. hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ sr2016 Structural Steel Design Agp (Canada Code) Thope you will like my efforts. ‘Thanks and Regards, Abhijit Parkhi ( OR abhijit @ Structural Engineering, Steel Design Feport this ‘AbhIt ParkhiP Eng (AB), P Eng (ony | C= J Uke comment 3 1 ‘11 Bkes Ocomreris, g be he fst comment ane sane covert! 5:00 am Alarm 9:05 am Alarm 6 6 Slane a ‘Sam Shank Follow (CeOerd Corareerat Hoon How to Trick Yourself Into Becoming a Morning Person Way5,2016 | 120483 ews 3 3.547LKes © sc4Conments | hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ si32016 Structural Steel Design Agp (Canada Code) T'm not naturally a morning person. Growing up, waking up was always a challenge (ask my folks). In college, I arranged my class schedule so that I could sleep until the PM every day. But my life now, as a CEO and a dad, means that ‘waking up early, clear-headed and ready to jump into the day, is a necessity. Over the years I've learned a few tricks to transform myself into an early bird who typically rises when the clock has a 5-handle. Wake up with purpose It’s so much easier to get out of bed when you have a sense of purpose and are excited about the day ahead. I get energized thinking about the meetings on my calendar, the incredible people T get to work and brainstorm and solve big problems with, and the time I spend with my family. Ifyou regularly wake up dreading the day, take a step back and make some changes. Life is way too short to live with a permanent case of the Sunday Scaries. ‘Sleep better ‘The importance of getting enough sleep has been getting a lot of press lately, and, for good reason. You spend a third of your life in bed, and the quality of your sleep impacts the other two thirds. Where you sleep is not the place to skimp. Invest in a good mattress, and get your pillow custom fitted (you can do this at any mattress store). Don't drink a ton of fluids before bed (h/t to my kids for teaching me this). Get black-out shades. Try earplugs. Check out white noise machines ~ Tuse an app for this when I travel. And learn how much sleep you need. Most people truly need 8 hours, and only 5% of the population — those with a genetic mutation ~ can get by with 6 hours. If you're in the other 95%, like I am, it’s not an impressive business feat to “ nly get a few hours.” It’s foolish and will impact both your health and your chance of success. Get up better Iwake up better when I am rousted from my sleep gently, not with a klaxon old school alarm. I use an app called Sleep Cycle with an alarm that starts low and gradually increases in volume. Alternatively, Fitbit has a vibrating alarm that'll wake you up gently, which I like as well. Give yourself time to wake up. Maybe you set your alarm for 6 a.m., but don't get out of bed until 6:30. That's fine ~ the body takes some time to wake up. Tike to stretch, drink a glass of water and meditate for a few minutes before my feet hit hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ si32016 Structural Steel Design Agp (Canada Code) the ground. And yes, I often spend 10-15 minutes reading email and reviewing the Hotel Tonight numbers from the past day. Fuel up wisely I'm not usually hungry when I wake up, but having something small with protein and fat, ike almonds or eggs, always gives me a boost of energy. I also put a personal ban on caffeine after 12 p.m. Think you need that 2 p.m. coffee fix because you're groggy? You'll be way more groggy the next day if you're up until 1 a.m, watching Daredevil Season 2 on a caffeine high. (I speak from experience on this matter.) Exercise T'm a big believer that exercise is not only good for your body but for your mind - reducing stress, helping clear your head and boosting your creativity (this is one of the reasons HotelTonight offers a gym subsidy). Some days I can only get in a ‘workout in the afternoon, but the mornings where I wake up and exercise early, I find I have a ton more energy for the day. It's definitely painful to start a workout at 6 a.m. the first few times (what am I doing here again?) but you get addicted to how good it makes you feel the rest of the day Another tip is to sign up for a workout class you have to pay for, rather than your usual gym ~ or plan to meet a friend there. The temptation to bail is way less when you're accountable to your friend or your wallet. What are your best sleeping tips? I'd love to hear them (and put them to use!) ~ share in the comments! Feport is Feaited In Leadership & Management, Your Career Wien by ‘Sam Shenk hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ si32016 ‘Structural Stod Design Agp (Canadian Code) Follow Getting Up to Speed with Bitcoin: What It Is, Why It Matters, and Why It's in the News. Way5,2016 | sazsevies S saolkes © 40Comrens | fH O Ifyou follow tech news you likely have secn recent stories reporting that the mysterious creator and patron saint of Bitcoin may have finally been unmasked. ‘This person or entity, who went by the name Satoshi Nakamoto, published the initial versions of the Bitcoin code and made a lot of the design decisions that make Bitcoin what itis tod: ‘What is that, anyway? Bitcoin isa eryptocurrency that uses a blockchain. In English, this means that Bitcoin is a way to exchange value that relies on having everyone who uses it ‘having their computers do difficult work to prove that a transaction occurred. The records of the transactions are all published in a distributed manner that anyone can view at any time. (ry it. This page lets you see who sent money, and to ‘whom, and how much. This single transaction ftom a couple of months ago is worth approximately $45 million USD with today’s exchange rate.) Bitcoin has no inherent value or fixed exchange rates. Like anything else, a Biteoin is worth what somebody else is willing to pay for it, and is effectively a ‘currency in its own right. Initial users of Bitcoin didn’t know exactly what an. interesting platform they would create (or how valuable Bitcoins would become -- ‘one of the first transactions that really established the value of a Bitcoin involved hhipediwwn linkedin comipuselstuctsa-stel-dsign-apo-cenacan-code-p-eng-abperg-or- si32016 Structural Steel Design Agp (Canada Code) Liszl6 Hanyeez paying an acquaintance 10,000 Biteoins for 2 pizzas. Ifhe had those 10,000 Biteoins today they'd be worth about $4.5 million.) ‘The platform has even more intrigue because of the radical nature of some of the design decisions that surround it, Every transaction in Bitcoin happens in public and is logged and audited by other participants in the Bitcoin network. There's no Bitcoin Central Bank - Bitcoin transactions are verified by other participants in Bitcoin agreeing that the transaction followed the rules. No other currency has characteristics like this. Additionally, the Bitcoin protocol is extremely advanced, and supports things like verifying that a document existed at a certain time, or creating transactions that only become fulfilled when certain conditions are met - ~and these conditions can be enforced through code rather than legal contracts. ‘The Bitcoin system, for better or for worse (and being the Payment Method Preferred by 9/10 Criminals* certainly isn't doing much to help its reputation) has tons of potential, and people want to know who thought up such a groundbreaking idea. * BIC fans, this is called a joke’, where I exaggerate a point for comedic effect. ‘That said, ransomware uses BTC pretty much exclusively nowadays... ‘Which brings us back to... Satoshi Nakamoto. Satoshi Nakamoto is the pseudonym used by whoever made Biteoin. They're in the news because Craig Wright, an Australian businessman, recently claimed that he is Satoshi Nakamoto. His website currently says that he totally is Satoshi but, can't bring himself to prove it. He first made these claims in late 2015, convineing Wired and Gizmodo that he was (cither alone or in concert) Satoshi. However, this story didn’t break much further than those outlets because there wasn't convincing evidence that this was the case, On May 2, Craig Wright posted a public message to his blog where he again claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto. The ‘proof that was provided for this assertion turned out to be false, and so now we're right back where we started with no concrete evidence about who Satoshi Nakamoto is. What now? Bitcoin is fascinating to many because of the intrigue surrounding the ecosystem, and because of the potential that a widely-used public blockchain system has. It's also fascinating because its origins are shrouded in such mystery. While it would be trivial for the real Satoshi Nakamoto to stand up, I tend to think that there isn’t much reason for him (or her, or them) to. Two reasons: First, Satoshi owns a huge hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ 123 sr2016 Structural Steel Design Agp (Canada Code) chunk of Biteoin (generally estimated at 1,000,000 BTC) and claiming ownership of that much money paints a pretty target for criminals. Second, a large feature making Biteoin so powerful is the community. Parts of the community feel that Satoshi ‘coming out’ would give whoever is able to prove they're Satoshi too much power to influence the future of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is amazing because it provides a fast, secure method of exchange, while also providing a puzzle for the ages surrounding the mystery of who Satoshi is. While there's an easy opportunity for someone to prove ownership of the design, possibly the coolest thing about Bitcoin is that it will continue operating and growing whether anyone ever does or not. @ cane Bien rept his Feared In Ector's Picks, Technoocy, Big Keas & Inncvation hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ si32016 Structural Sted Design App (Canadian Code) hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ si32016 Structural Sted Design App (Canadian Code) hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ 020 si32016 Structural Sted Design App (Canadian Code) hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ ses si32016 Structural Sted Design App (Canadian Code) hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ a} si32016 Structural Sted Design App (Canadian Code) hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ 1920 si32016 Structural Sted Design App (Canadian Code) hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ wes si32016 Structural Sted Design App (Canadian Code) hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ 1520 si32016 Structural Sted Design App (Canadian Code) hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ 1620 si32016 Structural Sted Design App (Canadian Code) hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ wea si32016 Structural Sted Design App (Canadian Code) hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ 1w20 si32016 Structural Sted Design App (Canadian Code) hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ 1920 si32016 Structural Sted Design App (Canadian Code) hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ si32016 Structural Sted Design App (Canadian Code) hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ es si32016 Structural Sted Design App (Canadian Code) hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~ si32016 Structural Sted Design App (Canadian Code) hhipsstwwr inkecn comfpulsestructra-stol-esign-app-canadian-code-p-eng-ab-pengar~

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