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Photoshoot planner

GCSE photography


Sam Bishop

Shoot/draft no:

Project title:

Repetition Maurizio Galimberti.


Your next steps from the previous shoot(s) how will you refine and develop your work?
I will not use the Lego structure for my final shot because although it works well, it clutters the shot and Im going for
a more simplistic look.
Description of aims and ideas for your shoot what do you want your photographs to communicate?
For my final shoot I am going to place the three storm troopers in a diagonal line facing the camera, one slightly in
front of the other. This will create a following shadow onto the next storm trooper. I will also take a picture of
scratched metal and change into a colour of my choice.




Location notes permission, studio, booking, transport and weather

I will be using the studio.

Photographer/artist inspiration
Maurizio Galimberti, Peter de Lory.

Techniques/processes you will use to achieve your aims

Camera Skills, Photoshop.

Equipment notes
Camera, 3 Lego Storm Troopers.


Camera Yes Tripod No

Models No
Props Yes

Lighting Yes
Crew No

Camera checks:

Battery charged (the day before) Memory card Yes

File type Yes
Correct white balance Yes

He who fails to plan is planning to fail - Winston Churchill

ISO setting Yes

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