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Angry birds trailer

Close to you -Song

Why do birds suddenly appear
Every time you are near?
Just like me.............
Oh My God, is she looking at me?
Hello you beautiful.
Hehe....hello you, too, sweetie.
You are simply adorable.
Youre adorable, too.
Im sending you a kiss.
Im sending a kiss, too.
Come, honey, come.
This girl is mine. Lets go, honey.
Oh, nooo. I am such a loser.
- Hey Red, how are you? - Oh, I'm horrible.
- We're gonna be working on managing our anger through movement.
Eagle, parrot, peacock, warrior, mountain, tree, rabbit, fish, locus, king pigeon, and of course,
downward duck.
Sometimes, when I get upset, I've been known to blowup.
Ah, excuse me, party foul.
I am a pig!
What's a pig?
- Unbelievable. - Not working. Not working.
- Where are we going? - Not working.
We practiced this a hundred times.
Give it to me. We're gonna come in again.

The Bare Necessities Lyrics

Look for the bare necessities
The simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries and your strife
I mean the bare necessities
Old Mother Nature's recipes
That brings the bare necessities of life

Busca lo mas vital, no ms

lo que es necesidad, no ms
olvdate de la preocupacin
Tan slo lo muy esencial
para vivir sin batallar
y la naturaleza te lo da

Wherever I wander, wherever I roam

I couldn't be fonder of my big home
The bees are buzzin' in the tree
To make some honey just for me
When you look under the rocks and plants
And take a glance at the fancy ants
Then maybe try a few

Doquiera que vaya

doquiera que estoy
soy oso dichoso
oso feliz
La abeja zumba siempre as
porque hace miel slo para m
y las hormigas encuentro bien
y saboreo lo menos cien
del primer lenguetazo
Lo ms vital en esta vida lo tendrs
te llegar

The bare necessities of life will come to you

They'll come to you!

This is "Little Kids, Big Questions."
Featuring is your host,
-Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
-Whoo! -Oh! Thank you.
What exactly does it mean to be emotional?
Do we choose to be happy or sad?
Or is it in our DNA?
Well, you know what!
Let's ask some experts.
Please welcome to the stage,
Hi, guys!
-Hi! -Hi! -Hi!
-How are you doing?
-Good. -Good. -Good.
-Oh! You say everything at the same time?
-Yes. -Yes. -Yes.
-Do you like ice-cream?
-Yes! -Yes! -Yes!
-Do you like spinach?
-Yes! -No! -No!
-Good! -Okay.
Has anyone told you what our,what out
episode is about tonight?
-No. -No. -No.
-It's about -emotions.
I have in my hands a series of faces, basically.
This game is called, Face Your Emotion.
Here is a set for you.
-Thank you.
-Here is a set for you.
-Thank you. -And pass this down.
Here you go.
-Thank you. -Okay.
So I'm going to say something to you,
either a word or a phrase,
and I want you to look through your faces
and pick out the one that fits the word
or the phrase that I said.

Okay? Ready?
Next one, are you ready?
-Yeah. -Candy!
Okay. You love it.
It makes you happy. It makes you happy.
So, emotions. Do you guys know what
emotions are?
-No. -No. -No.
-Yes, you -- Yes.
-Emotions are like when someone's crying.
-Okay, that's like a sad -- Yeah, yeah.
-Yeah. -You're sad, happy.
-Sad, happy, I just figured it out, too.
If someone were sad, what would you tell
them to make them feel happy?
So if I was sad Lluis.
[ Sobbing ] I'm so sad.
What would you say to cheer me up?
[ Sobs ] [ Laughter ]
-Be happy! It's beautiful day!
-All right, I like that one.
That's good. That's good.
XAvier tell me what you do when you get
-Uh, I kick stuff.
-One time like I got so mad that my feet
puffed up this big.
-What advice would you give someone
who is frustrated with their life?
-Take them out to dinner. -That's nice.
Take them out to the dinner. What kind of
-Chicken nuggets. -Chicken nugget dinner?
Any dipping sauces? -No.
-No. Straight up, just chicken nuggets.
-That's awesome. Thanks to you guys so
See you next time busca lo mas vital

Busque las necesidades bsicas Los simples necesidades bsicas Podr olvidarse del estrs y vuestros
pleitos Me refiero a las necesidades bsicas Las recetas de edad de la madre naturaleza Eso trae las
necesidades bsicas de la vida Siempre que sea vago , siempre que sea vago No podra estar ms

aficionado a mi gran casa Las abejas son Buzzin en el rbol Para hacer un poco de miel slo para m
Cuando se mira debajo de las rocas y plantas Y echar un vistazo a las hormigas de lujo Entonces tal vez
probar varios Las necesidades bsicas de la vida vendrn a usted Ellos vendrn a usted!

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