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Fonts used: Colors:

Bank Gothic Spot color: Black and PMS 368

Gill Sans
CMYK: Green is C57, M0,Y100, K0

RGB: Green is R97, G188, B38

primary logo

The FLPPP logo is a two-color design that consists of

three parts: the initials, the group name, and the slogan.
The fonts used are Bank Gothic for the inials, and Gill
alternate versions Sans for the name and slogan.

The logo can be reproduced in spot color, cmyk, or rgb.

Spot color (also called Pantone or PMS color) uses a
different ink for each color in the design and is often
used for printing letterhead, business cards, etc. CMYK
is also called process color or full color, and is used in
printing magazines, newspapers, in color copiers and
generally anywhere that a full range of colors needs to
be reproduced. RGB color is usually used for on-
screen viewing or websites. Some applications like
Word use RGB to specify colors by default. Versions of
the FLPPP logo are available in all color spaces.

When possible, the entire logo should be used.

However, if it is to be reproduced too small for the
slogan to be legible, a version without the slogan should
be used. If the logo needs to be reproduced in one
color, such as on a fax header sheet, a black and white
version is available. In particular rare situations, a green
and white version of the logo or a version with only the
initials could be used.

The logo files are available in both high-res/print ready

formats as well as low resolution for web or
Powerpoint use.

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