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We Te ome ae uta gfe Get Sta we a wa WH a we Aaa. : B-AQN-o-JUA wien gfe sya wn der udterot feat C wT aaa : dhe inte : 200 ae 10. eater ger eC are a Ry ae Hone one ais ayta ia ares We ge are, oe ee wan err 6 ogre rare wm Fe why Aen wey, we at ET UWE owe esta anf se ae er 8, oF AA heer ghee Bee AL + een wart wal fe OM swore %, oft tera we, der wea afk utter yer seo A, B, Cm Dw, Sr 8 ed fier fret ow or fein wet ote ew we wt Pchert sattcan AO fet a seme seein a feat a seen fees a feet areT fram ti sem fee oth Um Fe he atm gfe #100 savin (xe) Rey me Bi arte weve Ae ate at eA wor 91 seks weve ¥ ra (sem) fee me Bw @ ee Segre eh ga &, FR ey see a afer we eR HI a mee Son oA Be at meg 8, A se GRE wien a one aoa AL seks wet fg hae ee Beye oT + ae a ae Mey Sree fa me ae ww sift fy me Re Ba 5. A seat 3 sie wy BI > eR wed fh srs ate Fe % Fan weve seg See fin wT Rw, ome wr ean are ain ogee segue 6 faa Taare #38 BL 9 ot wo weg eh areca A eh are ae ada eT een ae-cor aie wy dhe #1 area are} ‘ra tir gferaT Sa A oT 81 6 fi tee ee 3 ara A sem B1 vera oat % fire ve vweghte ser-vit seftcare re fq my ere awit fore awe Fear ore (9 se ea fry am Sefeeg aoe tear a webs ig ew ee fre et Bg Fe fe 1 sist wr fd es eu Hare are (i) ie at eee if a Barb, ae ere a mT aT, we Re ME TH A ETH Hl a, foc st a er & fee sedan we ae we feet TET (i) eter eh eset Fe, re er rae er a, oz Te ef ee we feet are) iC i Note : English version of the instructions is printed on the front cover of this Booklet Directions for the following 8 (eight) items: ‘Read the following seven passages and answer the items that follow. Your answere to these items ‘should be based on the passages only. Passage -1 ‘The richer States have a responsibility to fut down carbon emissions and promote clean ‘energy investments, These are the States that ot electricity, grew faster and now have high er capita income, making them capable of sharing India's burden of becoming eco-friendly. Delhi, for example, can help by generating its town clean electricity using solar resttop panels (oF even help poor States finance their clean energy projects. It is no secret that State Electricity Boards, which control 95% of the distribution network, are neck-deep in losses, ‘These losses further discourage State utilities from adopting renewable energy as it ia more expensive than fossil fuels, 1, Which among the allowing is the most logical and rational assumption that can ‘be made from the above passage ? JT her States must lead in the production and adoption of renewable energy. (b) ‘The poor States always have to depend ‘on rich States for electricity, (©) The State Electricity Boards can improve their finances by undertaking clean energy projects. (@) The high economic disparity between the rich and poor States is the major Passage -2 ‘Set against « rural backdrop, “Stench of kerosene’ is the story of « couple, Guleri and ‘Manak, who have been happily married for several years but do not have a child. Manake ‘mother is desperate to have a grandchild to carry on the family mame. Hence, she gets Manak remarried in Galer's abvence, Manalk, who acts 25 a reluctant but passive spectator, ia ‘meanwhile, informed by a friend that Guleri, on Ihearing about her husband's second marriage, ‘poured kerosene on her clothes and set fre to them. Manak is heartbroken and begins to live ‘5 if he were a dead man. When his second wife delivers a son, Manak stares at the child for a long time and blurts out, “Take him away ! He stinks of kerosene, 2 Tet aay gy wa Peerless etedecies seu oh bod ga (©) Lack ofp tude owen A tna a sass Passage —2 ‘The ultimate aim of government is not to rule or eontrl by fear, no to demand obedience, ‘but cooversely, to free every ma from fear, that the may live in all posible geeurity. Tn other Words to strengthen is natural right to exist and work without ijury to himself or others. ‘The object of government isnot to change men from rational beings into beasts or puppet. It should enable them to develop their minds and bodies in security, and to employ their ‘cause of high carbon emissions in India. BAQN-O-KYB (2 ‘unshackled. Fi e) 5. Waid moog teres be eet logical and rational inference that can be es eeeeet Sf Ditetin procera ae fhe chines ther wel tad. pail ake "The primary concern of government is to provide absolute soeis! security to all ite citizens. ‘The best government is the one that allows the citizens to enjoy absdlute liberty in all matters of ite ‘The best government is the one that ‘provides absolute physical security to ‘the people ofthe country. © Passage —4 Our municipal corporations understaffed. The issue of skill) and competencies of the staff poses an even greater challenge. Urban services delivery and infrastructure are complex to plan and execute. ‘They require a high degree of specialization and professionalism. The current framework within which municipal employees, including senior ‘management, are recruited does not adequately factor in the technical and managerial competencies required. Cadre and recruitment ‘rules only specify the bare minimum in academic ‘qualifications. There is no mention of managerial or technical competencies, or of relevant work ‘experience. This isthe ease with most munisipal corporations. They also suffer from weak ‘organisation dexign and structure, BAQNO-KYB 4 Which among the following is the most logical and rational assumption that cao. ‘be made from the above passage ? (a) The task of providing urban services is a complex issue which requires the organisational expansion of municipal bodies all over the country. Our cities ean provide better quality of life if our local government bodies have adequate staff with required skills and competencies. Lack of skilled staff ie due to the fabsence of institutions which offer the ‘requisite skills in eity management. v © @ Passage -5 Flamingos in large flocks in the wild are ‘social and extremely loyal. They perform group, ‘mating dances. Parents are very fond of their chicka, gathering them into eréches for protection while both males and females fly off to ‘search for food. 5. Which among the following is the most logical coroltary tothe above passage ? (a) Mass nesting in all specios of birds is ‘essential to ensure complete survival of ‘their offspring. ‘Only birds have the capacity to develop ‘cial behaviour and thus can do mass ‘nesting to raise their ehicks in safety ‘Social behaviour in some species of birds inereases the odds of survival in ‘an unsafe world All species of birds set up erdeches for their chicks to teach them social ® @ re behaviour and loyalty. c) Passage -6 Vast numbers of Indian citizens without bank accounts live in rural areas, are financially ‘and functionally illiterate, and have little ‘experience with technology. A research study was conducted in a particular area in which ‘electronic wage payments in Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) are meant to go directly to the poor. twas observed that recipients often ‘assume that the village leader needs to mediate the process, at was the case under the previous paper-based system. Among households under this research study area who claimed to have at least one bank account, over a thind reported stil receiving MGNREGS wages in eash directly ‘rom a village leader, 6 What is the most logiea, rational and ‘crucial message that is implied in the above passage? (a) MGNREGS should be extended only to those who have a bank account. ‘The paper-based system of payments Is ‘more efficient than eleetronie payment {in the present seenario, ‘The goal of electronic wage payments was not to eliminate mediation by ‘illage leaders. It is easential to provide financial titeracy to the rural poor. v BAQNO-KYB (6 eee Passage -7 Individuals, groups and leaders who ‘promote human development operate under strong institutional, structural and political constraints that affect policy options. But ‘experience suggests broad principles for shaping fan appropriate agenda for human development. One important finding from several decades of Ihuman development experience is that focusing ‘exclusively on economic growth is problematic. While we have good knowledge about how to ‘advance health and edueation, the causes of ‘growth are much less certain and growth is often lusive. Farther, an unbalanced emphasis on growth is often associated with negative environmental consequences and adverse distributional effects, The experience of China, swith ite impressive growth record, reflects these ‘broader concerns and underlines the importance of balanced approaches that emphasize investments inthe non-income aspects of human development, 11. With reference to the above passage, consider the following statements : 1, In. developing countries, a strong institutional framework is the only requirement for human development and policy options 2, Human development and economis growth are not always positively inter-related. 3, Focusing only on human development should be the goal of economic growth. Whi of the above statements iar comet? (@ Lonly ®) and only SA tonly @ 1,2end3 ¢) 8 10. a BAQN-O-KYB With reference to the above passage, the {alowing arumptios have been made 1. Higher economic growth is esential 10 tumure reduction in economic depart, 2. Bavironmeatal degradation is sometimes frconsequence of economic growth. Which of the above isfare ssoumption/awsmptions? (a) only A only (© Both 1and2 Neither !n0r2 valid fA runs Jon fast than B, and B runs as fast but not faster than C; then, as compared to A, Cruns (a) slower than A A faster than A (e) with same epeed as A (@) Given data isnot sufficient to determine Bach of A B, C and D has © 100. A pays € 20 tw B, who pays € 10 to C, who gots € 30 from D. In this context, which one of the following statements in mot correct? (a) Cisthe richest. (b) Dis the poorest. YF Chas ore than what A and D have together. (@) Bie richor than D. In a town, 45% population read magazine A, 155% read magazine B, 40% read magazine C, 80% read magazines A and B, 15% read ‘magazines B and C, 26% read magazines A ‘and C; and 10% read all the three magazines ‘What percentage do not read any magazine ? (a) 10% © 16% J we @ 25% (ee) 12, Examine the following statements: 1, Lady's finger is tastier than cabbage. 2. Cauliflower is tastier than lady’ finger. 3, Cabbage is not tastier than peas, ‘The conclusion that ean be drawn from these statements is that (a) peas are as tasty as lady's finger, () peas are as tasty 8 cauliflower and Indy’ finger, 4 cabbage the least tasty of the our vegetables. (4) cauliflower is tastier than eabbage. ‘Shahid and Robit start from the same point in opposite directions. After each 1 km, Shahid ‘always tume Jefe and Rohit always tums right. Which of the following statements is correct? (a) After both have travelled 2 km, the ‘ica owen en A They met ater cach has trav te, (o> They mos forthe fit tne afr ea fetal km (@) They go on without ever meeting again. In 2 500 metres race, B starts 45 metres ‘ahead of A, but A wins the race while Bis still 85 metres behind. What is the ratio of the speeds of A to B assuming that both start at the same time? aA we ) 25:20 @ 5:3 @ 5:7 15. 16, ” BAGNO-KYB Two equal glasses of same pe are respectively 19 and 1/4 fall of milk. They are then fled up with water and the contents are ‘mixed in pot. What isthe ratio of milk and veater in the pot? SA oa ® 1:3 © @ orm unas Out of 190 students appearing in an ‘examination, 62 failed in English, 62 failed in ‘Mathematics, whereas 24 failed in both English and Mathematics, The number of students who passed finally is vw o © @ gags In a group of persons travelling in a bus, 6 persons can speak Tamil, 15 can speak Hindi and 6 ean speak Gujarati. In that group ‘none can speak any other language. If 2 persone in the group can speak two languages only and one person can speak all the three languages, then how many persons ‘are therein the group ? « o 2 2 By © y (10= 18 1. c) In a parking area, the total number of wheels of all the cars (four-wheelers) and scooters! motorbikes (two-wheclers) is 100 more than twice the number of parked vehicles. The number of ears parked is @) 35 ® 4% a 0 @ % ‘The mangroves can shed tons of leaves per fre every year; fungi and bacteria break ‘down this leaf iter and consume it, they then are consumed by tiny worms and crustaceans, ‘which in turn feed small fish, which fed larger fish and birds and erocadiles. ‘Which among the following is the most Jogical inference ofthe above statement ? (a) Coastal areas cannot have food chains ‘without mangroves. Mangroves are an essential component ‘ofall marine ecosystems. ‘Mangroves have a crucial role in some ‘ofthe coastal food chains, ‘The composition of marine flora and fauna is largely determined by ‘mangroves. © Sa @ “By Uberty I mean the eager maintenance of that atmosphere in which men have the ‘opportunity tobe their best selves.” ‘Which one ofthe fallowing expresses the lew ‘implied in the above statement ? (@) Liberty is the absence of restraint oo ‘human action, Liberty is what law permits people to perform. Liberty is the ability to do what one desires. Liberty is the maintenance of conditions {for the growth of human personality. ® © v Directions for the following 8 (eight) items : Read the following six passages ond answer the items that follow. Your answers to these items should be based on the passages ony. Paswage = 1 ‘Human history abounds in claims and theories confining the right of governing toa few select citizens. Exclusion ofthe many is justified on the ground that human beings may be rightfolly segregated for the good of soeiety and ‘viability of the political process. $1, Which sone boing mtn is ert cmenel 5 algal os ee A nate ln affecting him. () In society, there are ‘tuper? and ‘sub’ Jruman beings. (©) Exceptions to universal citizen participation are ennducive to systemic efficacy. Governing implies recognition of | Aisparites in individual eapacities, @ Passage -2 By 2060, the Rarth’s population wil likely Ihave swelled from seven t nine billion people ‘To Bil all thoee stomachs — while accounting for shifting consumption patterns, climate change, and a finite amount of arable land and potable water — some experts say food prediction will have to double. How ean we make the numbers ‘add up ? Experts say higher yielding crop vareton and more efficient farming methods ‘will be erucial. So will waste Feduetion. Experts “urge cities to reclaim nutrients and water from BAQN-O-KYB ‘waste streams and preserve farmland. Poot courte, they aay, can improve exop storage and packaging and rch nations could cat back ‘on r0ure intensive od ke meat. 22. Which one of the following statements beat sums up th above passage? (@) The population ofthe world is growing very fast, (&) Food security is a perennial problem only in developing countries. (© The world dows not have enough resources to meet the impending food searaity YP Food security is increasingly a callective challenge. Passage -3 ‘Many people in India fel that if we cut our defence expenditure on weapon-building, we can create 8 climate of peace with our neighbours, ‘subsequently reducing the conflict or creating a nowar situation. People who proclaim such {ideas are either the vietims of war oF the Propagators of false argument. 23. With reference to the above passage, which of the following is the most valid assumption ? (a) Building of weapons systems by us has Instigned our Deghhoue to wage we reo Lat ears toamee A Setemons «si weapon-building by us would lessen the possibility of armed conflict with our ‘neighbours. (@) This necessary to have state of the art ‘weapons systems for national security, Many people in India believe that we fare wasting our resoures on ‘weapon-building. @ (12-c) [a Pascage-4 India sccounts for nearly a fifth of the World's child deaths. fa terms of number, it the highest in the wold — nearly 16 aks every Year. OF these, more than fal ie in the frst ‘month of if. Oficial believe thatthe reason for this ia the absence of steps to propagate basic health practices relating to breastfeeding and fmmunisation. Also the lange reproductive Population of 26 crore remains bereft of care luring the critical phases of pregnancy and Dost-delivery. Added to this isthe prevalence of child marriages, anaemia amang young women and lack of fcus on adolescent sanitation, all of ‘which impact child death rates, (@) A lot of fndians ar illiterate and hence do not recognize the value of basic health practices. India has a very huge population and the government alone cannot manage public health services, o Vv (@) The nutrition of women in child bearing ‘age doesnot affect child mortality rate. Universalization and integration of ‘maternal health and child health services can effectively address the problem. BAQNO-KYB Passage - 5 Foods travel more than the people who eat them. Grocery stores and supermarkets are loaded with preserved and processed foods. This, however, often leads to environmental threats, ‘such as pollution generated by long distance food. transportation and wastage of food during probéasing and transportation, destruction of rain forests, reduced nutritional content, ‘increased demand for preservation and Dackaging. Food insecurity alan increases as the produce comes fom repont that are not feeding their own population property 25. With reference to the above passage, which of the following statements is/are true ? 1. Consuming regionally grown food and ‘not depending on long travelled food is a art ofeco-tienly behaviour. 2 Food processing industry puts « burden ‘on our natural resources « ‘Select the corret answer using the code given below : v » Lonly 2only (0) Both tand 2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 (4-0) Speech, which was once an annoyance, snow 2 Pleasure. Its greatest Bonet han been tha it as taught me the economy of wurde 1 have satrally formed tie habit of restrining my thoughts. And T can now give mye the erate that a thoughlee word arly ever scapes my tong oF pn. 1 ot rele ever having had to regret anything in my speech or ‘ring. have thas bee spared many » nishep td asia of time. Experiene han taught me ‘at lene prof the pea icine ‘votary of truth. (Proneness to oneness 10 exaggerate, to ‘suppress or mdify the tet, wittingy or unwittingly, is «natural weakness of men, and silence is necsuary onder Wo surmount i.)A sman of few words will rarely be thoughts in in ovech: be will meas every word. We nd any people impatient to talk. There is no Shairman of «meeting whois not pestered with ave fr permits to speak. And whenever the permission ia given. the speaker generally ‘exceeds the time-limit, asks for more time, and Keeps on talking without permission. All this talking can hardly be suid to be of any benefit to the world I is so much waste of time. My syne has been in Feally my ahild and bbuckler. It has allowed mie to grow. It has helped sn my daceramen of rth. BAQNO-KYB 26. The author says that thoughtless word hardly ever escapes his tongue or pen. Which (ne ofthe following is not a valid reason for this? v (b) He believes in the economy of words, ‘Hie has no intention to waste hi time, (©) He believes in restraining his thoughts. (@) He has hesitancy in his speech. 47 The most appropriate reason for the author io be spared many a mishap is that be hanily utters or writes thoughtless word, (b) he ina man of immense patience. (©) he believes that he isa spiritual person. (@) hein a votary of truth, For the author, silence is necersary inorder to surmount (2) constitutional shyness, ©) hesitancy in apeoch, (©) suppression of thoughts GA enter torrie (18-c) 29, Twelve people form a club. By picking lots, | 32, Consider the following matric: ‘one of them will host a dinner for all once in a So eee | Ca lecha deal oot eee rar ae ee ee ‘What is the missing number at ‘7 in the oom - gr tanks re 2% Se tment dn mas] Mf mpeg:

From the graph, which one of the following can be concluded ? On the average A earned more than B during this period. () On the average B earned more than A during this period. (©The earnings of A and B were equal during this period. (@ The earings of A. were less a8 ‘compared to B during thie period. 2. u (38-¢) ‘Two pipes A and B ean independently fll « tank completely in 20 and 30 minutes respectively. If both the pipes are opened ‘simultaneously, how much time wil they take to fil the tank completely ? (a) 10 minutes minutes © 8 minutes (2 minutes Each of the six different faces of a cube has been couted with a different colour ie, V, 1B, G. Yand O. Following information is given 1. Colours ¥,0 and B aren adjacent faces. 2 Colours I, Gand Y are on adjacent faces. 8. Colours B,G and ¥ are on adjacent faces, 4. Colours O, V and B are on adjacent faces, ‘Which isthe colour af the face opposite to the {face coloured with 0? a) 8 mv va @ 4 Consider the flowing tatement flowed by ‘to conlasions Stotomentt: Some men are great Some men are wie. Conctacon 1: —Men-are eter presto wie Conctsion I. Sonse men are maith great mrs Which ane othe flowing correct? (a) Only conclusion Fis valid () Only conclusion 1 i valid (©) Both the conclusions are valid 4) Neither of the conclusions is valid 76. Consider the fllowing statements Some claim to have seen UFOs (nidentified Flying Objects). 2 Life on other heavenly bodies is considered tobe a possibility. 8 Vayage to epace inom an etablibed From the above statements, it may be ‘concluded that (@) UFOs are heavenly bodies () UFOs are sent from other heavenly bodies ‘Some living species in other heavenly. ‘bodies are more intelligent than man Nothing definite can be ssid about the UFOs. © If ABC x DEED = ABCABC; where A, B, C, and B are different digits, what are the values, ofDand E? @ D=2,E-0 ) D=0,E=1 Wf D=1,B=0 @ Det, Baa ‘Yearwise variation of the price of « certain ‘commodity ia shown in the following graph ‘The price ofthe commodity in the year 1980 (4) musthave been € 10/ (b) musthave been © 12 AF ina have ben anywhere breween ein and ane @ ishigher than that in the year 1991 BAQNO-KYB, (38-¢) 79, The proportion of expenditure on various ‘tems by two families A and B are represented ‘n the following Bar Charts: 10% Food] 50% Food. eo Other items 20% Other items a 20% Baueation| Education Family A Family B ‘Total expenditure; Total expenditure : © 20,000 per month € 1,00,000 per month Prom these charts, we can conclude that (a) Family A spent more money on food than Family B, » ¥ Family B spent more money on food than Family A. Family A and Family B epent the same ‘amount on food. (@) The expenditure on food by Family A and Family B eannat be compared, Usha runs faster than Kamala, Priti runs ‘lower than Swati, Swati runs slower than Kamala, Who isthe slowest runner ? (Kamala A siti (0 Swati (a) Usha

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