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Country Report Rubric and Information

The purpose of this assignment is to introduce students to countries which we will not be able to study
in class because of time restrictions. Students may choose any country in Africa, the Middle East, or
Australia to report on. After choosing the country, students must fill out the Country Report graphic
organizer using either their textbook or credible internet websites. This organizer will help them to
create a PowerPoint presentation. Students should not begin their Power Point until the entire graphic
organizer is complete. Each box on the graphic organizer should get its own slide. Therefore, there
should be at least 14 slides to this presentation. All of should be at least size 16 so that it is visible from
all points in the classroom during the presentation phase of this project. There should be no more than
2 pictures per slide, and a maximum of 15 pictures in the presentation. Each slide will be graded based
on content, spelling, grammar, punctuation, originality, and appearance These projects will be
presented Thursday and Friday, December 15th and 16th. The rubric below will help guide you and show
you how you will be graded.

Completed and handed in rubric (25)____________________________________________________

Title Slide(5)________________________________________________________________________
Absolute location slide (5)_____________________________________________________________
Relative location slide(5)______________________________________________________________
Capital slide(5)______________________________________________________________________
Major landforms slide(5)______________________________________________________________
Climate slide(5)_____________________________________________________________________
Government slide (5)________________________________________________________________
Economics slide(5)__________________________________________________________________
Language slide(5)___________________________________________________________________
Daily life slide (5)___________________________________________________________________
Religion slide (5)___________________________________________________________________
History slide(5)_____________________________________________________________________
Art slide (5)________________________________________________________________________
Social Groups slide (5)________________________________________________________________
Other info slide(5)___________________________________________________________________
Total (100)_________________________________________________________________________

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