Subtab Enhancement in Sales Cloud

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Subtab Enhancement in Sales Cloud

In this article we'll look at new features of subtabs in Sales Cloud. Our example uses
a custom child object (named Focus) exposed as a subtab on the Opportunity
Separate Edit and Create Pages
In the Pages functionality on the Opportunity parent object, under each layout you
can add a subtab and base it on a Child (or Related) Object. From here the subtab
configuration page has a new checkbox entitled "Enable Separate Create and Edit
Pages". If you select this you enable get new regions to add/remove fields (and add
field groups) from these new expanded pages as part of your layout configuration.

The result allows both the inline create/editing in the summary table (shown in the
screenshots at the bottom of this article), plus when create or edit actions are
explicitly taken (clicking links and buttons) a new page opens with all the selected
fields available. Here is an example:

Accessing Parent Data

As you can see from the screenshot below the new Release 11 groovy coding
window has the palette switched to a right-hand pane, and has a few more utility

buttons, such as find and go-to-line. Also any errors are displayed at the bottom of
the screen.

Below we show an expression that checks the Win Probability field from the parent
Opportunity object. The logic is used to set the Required property on the Budget
field on our custom Focus child object. You'll notice the API Name for the parent
OpportunityVO_c and incidentally also the foreign key field as OpportunityVO_Id_c.

As shown by the following screenshots, now when the Win Probabity is less than
10% the Budget is not required, when it's more than 10% the Budget field becomes

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