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Travel the U.S.

By: Grace Logan, Frances Abernathy, and Sarah Jane


Where are we going?

We are heading to Boston and Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
The travelers are Grace Logan, Sarah Jane Yerger, and
Frances Abernathy.
We will fly Delta Airlines from Memphis International
Airport to Logan International Airport. Our flight is at 10:
00am and we land in Boston at 1:50. The price is $300 per
person round trip. John Abernathy will get us to Memphis for
Miles traveled: Boston from Oxford: 1408 miles Boston to
Cape Cod:65 miles

Day 1: Boston
Fly in at 1:50pm to Logan International airport.
Get Car at 2:00 (Toyota Corolla $137 total for 7 days 33 miles a gallon)
Drive to DoubleTree Club by Hilton Hotel Boston Bayside ($219 a night)
Walk around hotel to see the area
Go back to hotel get cleaned up
Eat at Sam Lagrassas ($5-12 per person)
See in Boston Common if there is concert or event going on.
IF there is not go back to hotel and rest

Day 1: Pictures

Sam Lagrassas

DoubleTree Club by Hilton Hotel

Boston Bayside

Logan International Airport

Toyota Corolla

Memphis International Airport

DoubleTree Club by Hilton

Hotel Boston Bayside

Day 2: Boston
Eat breakfast at hotel (Complimentary)
Go on tour of Harvard (Drive with our rental car)
Eat quick lunch for cheap (At most 10 bucks)
Go to Public Garden and do swan boats ($3.50 a person)
Go back to hotel and clean up for dinner
Eat dinner at Hub Pub ($8-10 per person)
Back to hotel

Day 2: Pictures

Hub Pub restaurant



Swan Boats in Public Garden


Day 3: Boston
Eat Breakfast at the hotel
Go on walking tour called Freedom Trail (Free)
Paul Reveres house ($3.50 each)
Lunch quick on the walk
Walk around Boston Commons ($20 each)
Back to hotel
Dinner at Italian Express Pizzeria
Go back to Boston Commons for live music and night life
Head back to hotel and get ready to leave tomorrow

Day 3: Pictures
Freedom Trail

Paul Reveres House

Boston Common
Italian Express Pizzeria

Day 4: Boston/Cape Cod

Eat Breakfast at Hotel
Check out at 11am
Drive to Cape Cod (Grace is DJ WOOP WOOP)
*Hour and 15 minute drive*
Check into Condo get keys
Squad goes to grocery store (Budget: $300)
Unpack and go to the beach
Come back and relax and have cookout on patio
Rest up for the next day

Day 4: Pictures

Our Car
Graces Aux

Grocery Store
Truro Beach

Day 5: First Full day in cape cod

Wake up around 9
Frances will cook a big breakfast
Around 10:30 we will head to Marthas Vineyard for the day ($59 per person
round trip) Ferry at 10:45.
We will have 100$ for spending money
Walk around Marthas Vineyard for most of the day
We will grab a snack around 1:30
At 6:30 we will return from Marthas Vineyard
At 7:30 we will go to the Mews Restaurant for dinner
After eating we will return home to watch a movie before going to sleep

Day 5: Pictures

The Mews Restaurant

Marthas Vineyard

The view from the Mews

Marthas Vineyard
Marthas Vineyard

Day 6: Cape Cod

Wake up around 9
Grace will cook a big breakfast
Around 10:00 we will head outside to the beach until around 12:30
Frances makes sandwiches for lunch
Parasailing at 2:00
Go back to the house and get freshened up for dinner
Go to dinner at 6:30ish at Kreamn Kone
Come back to the house
Watch a movie
Go to bed

Day 6: Pictures

Parasailing on Cape Cod

Kreamn Kone

Beach on Cape Cod

Day 7: Cape Cod (Last Day)

Wake up whenever
Grace and Frances cook breakfast
Lay out at the beach
Go to the aquarium for FREE
Go to Lighthouse for FREE
Scenic drive
Picnic on beach watch sunset
Go back to condo and pack
Get ready for flight out tomorrow

Day 7: Pictures

Woods Hole Science Aquarium

Cape Cod Lighthouse
Woods Hole Science Aquarium

Scenic Drive Sunset

Day 8: Travel day

Wake up at 5:30am and finish packing
Quick breakfast
Leave condo and check out by 6:15am
Drive hour and 15 minutes to Logan International Airport
Get to airport at 7:30am
Go through security quickly and be at gate by 8:00 (departure)
Get back to Memphis
John picks us up again
Back in Oxford

Condo Dedication Slide

Budget:1200 per person ($3600 in all)
$900 round trip on Delta Airlines ($300 each)
$137 for 7 days Toyota Corolla
$100 for gas
DoubleTree $219 a night ($657)
$30 for food
Dinner: night 1: $36, night 2: $30, night 3: $60,night
5:$36, night 6: KreamnKone $30 bucks

Money Continued...
Grocery: $300 bucks
Parasailing: $90 ($30 a person)
Marthas Vineyard $59 each
Condo: $716 ($205 a night)
$280 for spending money
$3.50 each for Swan boats
$3.50 each for Paul Revere house.
Left over: $$ for airport food and if we went over

#Summer2k27 HEre we come!

(In real LIfe)

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