Autism Graded Draft

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Javaneh Fakhra
Professor Batty
English 113B
7 April 2016
Treat Autism Fairly
People who have different brain than a normal brain are called disable people. One of
the disabilities of the brain is called autism. Autism is a common disorder in kids. Autism
appears with different symptoms in different kids. It does not have any remedy but it can get
improved in a way or the other depending on the symptoms that the person has. Autism has
concerned a lot of schools such as middle school. Sometimes, teachers and staff do not know
how to deal with certain behaviors autistic students have at school. Schools, staff, and family of
autistic people must be trained for autistic kids
Although some teachers would disagree getting trained on how to properly handle kids
with autism, it is important to get trained to bring a new home for autistic kids at school where
they feel comfortable and know that their teachers know how to deal with them. Middle schools
deal with autistic students every day. Since autistic students do feel the same as other students at
school, they should be treated the same. However, they might sometimes need special help or
training in order to do some simple tasks but, extra helps do not mean that people can treat them
as poorly in the society as they want. Often times, Autism students are not able to do basics. In
the article, Apps for Communication and Video Modeling for Middle School Students with
Autism Spectrum Disorders, Kate D. Simmons has discovered some facts about autism students
such as difficulties understanding nonverbal cues (Simmons79). Furthermore, s

tudents with autism get hurt emotionally at school because they get mistreated by other students.
students with harsh symptoms of autism do have harder time at school and society in
general. Other students at school need to be aware of the autism spectrum disorder and autistic
students at school so they know how to deal with students at school.
Children at school need to be aware of the autistic students. Autistic people feel
comfortable and better when they are treated the same at school and society because if their mind
is not concerned about their surroundings there is more chance for them to focus. Moreover,
autistic students need special help and patience at school. Autistic students get bullied more than
other students at school if the students are not aware of their disorders. Usually students would
notice the first time they see an autistic student not having facial expression, or does not talk at
all. Treating autistic students, the same as other students with their special need will help
students with autism feel better, learn faster at school.
School has certain responsibilities for autistic students. These responsibilities include
treating autistic students the same. School is also responsible for providing them special needs
that they might have. A school had tried a method for its autistic students at school to help them
learn social skills. According to the article A peer-mediated school intervention significantly
improved the social skills and playground interactions of children with autism spectrum
disorder, Wilkes-Gillan, Sarah compares two different groups of autistic students at a school.
Some students meet with a trained therapist for 20 minutes during lunch, twice a week for 6
weeks. One group get the results after the 6 weeks training and their social skills improved, while
the other group did not significantly improve in their social skills. The results were different
based on the personality and symptoms of the disorder. Half of the group improved their social
skills for the rest of the lives and this will benefit them in the future in the society. Also, they will
have less chance of getting bullied by others.

Another way of supporting, and treating the autistic students the same is to have special
schools for them. Autism schools are beneficial; however, they might have their own bad effect
on kids in the long run. Having autistic students going to special schools will help them keep
track on their work better and not get distracted by seeing other peoples reactions everyday.
Also, teachers at those schools are trained so the chance of hurting students feelings decreases.
Going to the special school will also help students learn easier and faster because they have the
necessary supplies and staff to improve themselves on social skills, and/or basic tasks.
Sometimes autistic students stop going to public schools because they are tired of getting bullied
so they strike going to school. Although the benefits of having separate school for autistic
students are countless, there are some other facts that impact autistic students going to the special
schools. Autistic students at special schools will feel the segregation once they graduate school.
They will have a huge shock of seeing the differences they have with other people. This matter
will affect all autistic people but the intensity varies depending on their disabilities, whether it is
social skills, basic tasks, or lack of facial expressions.
There are challenges for teachers and parents to pay more attention to the autistic children
at school. For example, children with Aspergers syndrome need more attention and control at
school. Aspergers syndrome symptoms include high functioning, and difficulties in social
interactions in kids. Teachers and parents need to pay more attentions and be more prepared
when dealing with kids with Aspergers syndrome. We can see how important it is for teachers
and schools to be aware of their students and their special needs. There will be serious outcomes
if teachers and staff are not aware of their kids with their special needs. For example,
they would lock themselves in their rooms for days, they would stop eating and even
communicating with their parents. So now that they know their special needs, they need to treat

those kids with their sensitive emotions the same as other kids at school because autistic kids are
smart. They are not dumb or unconscious about their world around them. So if teachers, staff,
and parents deal with them weird or their peers bully them at school, they will definitely notice
and realize that they are being bullied or put aside from other kids at school because of their
special need(disability).
As it has been mentioned earlier, there are some solutions for autistic children at school.
For example, if teachers and staff are trained for autistic students for their own type of autism, it
will make the teachers life much more easy at school when dealing with them. Also, practicing
the material they receive daily will help them learn faster and easier.
Going back to autistic childrens emotions, their emotions can ultimately make them feel
worst about themselves and their disorder and sometimes this can lead to suicide. Kids with
autism spectrum disorder need special attention, help, and service to grow faster mentally and
sometimes physically. Sometimes, take actions that we think it might be better for autistic
children while we are not aware of the impact that our action might have on them in the long run.
Some kids do not even try to communicate later in their life due to the actions and reactions they
have faced throughout their childhood. Before we take any action whether at school or outside,
reconsider the action and analyze the impact on an autistic kid.
To make a better and more comfortable life for autistic students at school, we need
special training as parents and teachers to know exactly how to deal with our kids who are
different from others and this gives us a chance to let autistic kids grow faster and ideally
overcome their fears.

Some of the ways of helping them is to let them do what they like to do and master the
activity or the entertainment they like. Trying not to pressure them in certain subjects at school
because some autistic students do get upset when they feel pressure on learning some material.

Most autistic students tend to not do what teachers or parents emphasize on. So trying to take it a
little easier on them will help teachers, parents and students to learn better and feel better about

Works Cited
Cook, Edwin H., and Bennett L. Leventhal. "Autism Spectrum Disorder." Neuron. Department of
Pyschiatry, n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2000.
Feature, Kelley ColihanWebMD. "Autism in the Classroom." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 31
Mar. 2016.
Simmons, Kate D. "Apps For Communication And Video Modeling For Middle School Students
With Autism Spectrum Disorders." Journal Of Instructional Psychology 41.1-4 (2014):
79-82. Academic Search Premier. Web. 31 Mar. 2016.
Wilkes-Gillan, Sarah, and Martia Falkmer. "A Peer-Mediated School Intervention Significantly
Improved The Social Skills And Playground Interactions Of Children With Autism
Spectrum Disorder." Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 61.5 (2014): 371-372.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 31 Mar. 2016.

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