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The Metro

The Great Technological Advance

The year was 2021. The world needed advancement in technology in
order to survive in the changing climate and to become an ultimately better
place. The United States led the world in advancement, and the new
technology helped us not only to survive, but also to end climate change
altogether by removing the greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere. Over
the years, everything just got better and better: In 2057, all dirty means of
generating electricity were outmoded by solar, wind, and nuclear fusion,
crime was reduced to 2% from the legalization and illegalization of various
activities and substances, and by 2085, all or our barbaric wars and conflicts
civil or not ended by treaty. The golden age of innovation and peace had
come at last. In 2105, the governor of Florida decided to continue their
leadership in the new world engineering. But in 2140, corruption began to
infect the United States government. While the corruption only lasted for a
couple of years, it caused the leading tech state to change severely. Testing
took new priorities, security prevented any information to leave the territory
easily, and by 2200, the entirety of Florida had formed a new government
and closed itself off from the rest of the world.
The New World
While they were secure and highly advanced, the people of Florida
werent free. Coal, oil, and plain old electricity dont fuel this society; its
fueled by the brainpower of the people who are placed in power plants.
Brainpower has been found to be incredibly powerful in the new machinery
developed in the past 200 years as opposed to electricity. Those who are
placed in the power facilities are expected to live very short lives, only about
10 years after they are hired, to be exact. In 2220, the state began a project
to build a mega-city that would cover the whole territory. They called it The
Metro: A highly advanced cityscape that combines everything that has been
worked for over the past two centuries into one massive town. It was broken
into several districts that citizens needed passports to enter, should they
move or travel. There were 17 different active districts and 5 abandoned
outlying districts. With The Metro came the security increase: They kept
anyone and everyone from either entering or leaving the state. Special

passports were needed to exit/enter the area, and only six government
officials possessed such things. Everyone was born and raised in a nursery
operated by the government, and most people are educated to a bare
minimum in order to keep everyone under control, in line, and not asking
questions. At the age of 14, the children are released into the world where
they must find a job and fend for themselves. At the age of 21, there is a
50/50 chance that they will be taken either for experimentation or to be put
into a power plant. The half that do not get taken live normal lives in society,
so long as they are not caught doing anything that they shouldnt do.
Some people are smarter than others in The Metro. These people either
make more intelligent choices in life as anyone would, or they decide to
resist the measures that the government has taken. All of the rebellion groups
to this point have been exterminated, but every now and then a few one will
still form.
Jeff and Nancy, who have recently formed a small resistance group, are
waiting for their ally Bruce to return from his reconnaissance mission. Jeff,
while he is a bit rude and pessimistic, he usually knows what hes doing.
When you look at him, youll notice that he is something of a cyborg. He
was originally taken into a lab for experimentation on brainpower
productivity. While he was there, all sorts of machinery was implanted into
his skin and flesh; wires, microchips, and more live in his body. All of these
implants were designed to increase brainpower productivity by at least 65%
in each individual. Because of this, his intelligence is incredibly high, and
this also allowed him to think freely and logically. It was then that he
realized what was wrong with the world around him. With the help of his
ally, Bruce, he escaped the laboratory. During his escape, he met another
rebel: Nancy isnt highly intelligent or strong, but she is extremely able and
nimble. Thanks to that, she was able to help Jeff and Bruce escape into the
old Metro ruins.
Today is March 21st, 2273.
Why does he always have to take so long? Its a pretty simple task, Jeff
said with boredom.

Its five miles away, Jeff, Nancy said. How well do you think you could
run that distance in twenty minutes and run the whole way back? Let alone
how we need to avoid being caught, if you have forgotten.
Well I, uh never mind, Jeff stuttered. Im just worried.
This area has been abandoned for years now, Nancy said. Were pretty
much the only ones in the district. Well, other than the rodents, of course.
Bruce can handle himself.
Im not worried about him, said Jeff. Were crazy low on supplies and I
dont know how much is left to be found in this part of town. Security has
been a much bigger issue in the populated areas, thanks to the guy who
tackled the governor last month. I just dont know if were ready to enter the
next sector.
Well, Nancy began. You said it yourself that were almost out of supplies
and that theres no more to be found here. Staying here is suicide.
So is going into The Metro, Jeff mumbled.
After a brief and somewhat awkward silence, Bruce ran into the alleyway.
Bruce was originally taken into a laboratory for experimentation and
observation of the unusual muscle mutations on his arms and chest area. He
and Jeff were kept in the same lab, so they escaped together.
Huff Puff, Bruce coughed from being so short of breath.
Phew, sighed Bruce. What a workout, am I right?
Dude, you dont need it, Jeff joked.
So, whats the situation? Nancy asked.
The district is under a strict curfew schedule, Bruce said. Given that our
movements are nocturnal, this will be a bit more difficult. Access is almost
impossible without a passport, so we cant just walk in; too many
checkpoints. There is an old warehouse with a staircase to the roof near the
gate. If we go in there and climb over the checkpoint, we should be safe.

Great! Lets go, Jeff said.

But we have one problem, Bruce said with a grim tone. The building may
be old, but it isnt abandoned. As it turns out theres some sort of major
operation going on there, because there are guards, guards, and guards
galore. No easy way in, Im afraid. Our best chance is the buildings fire
escape, as long as we can get to it.
Well, theres no other way to get in, Nancy said. Weve checked almost
the entire perimeter. Besides, theres nothing left in this area. Lets just get
going while we have the chance.
Jeff, Nancy, and Bruce went east to enter the Metro. The cold, empty urban
wasteland slowly melded into a dense cityscape. If they were to go too much
farther than the warehouse, theyd be met by a checkpoint.
Well, you sure werent lying about the guards, said Nancy as she looked at
the warehouse entrance.
Lets look around and find that fire escape, Jeff said.
As they walked around the decaying building, they were met by an
unpleasant surprise.
It collapsed!?, Jeff yelled with anger. You were here like 20 minutes ago!
What gives?
I dont know, Bruce said defensively. Half of this district is rubble, and it
keeps on piling up. I never guaranteed that we wouldnt need a plan B.
Well wed better think of one quick, Nancy said.
Hmm if we can sneak into the building, there should be roof access,
said Bruce.
I really cant say that I like that plan, but its our best shot, Nancy said.
Well just have to wait for the right timing so that we can get around the
patrols. Its do or die.
More like do and die, Jeff mumbled to himself.

After a few minutes, they were able to get around the patrol and find a
staircase. The three were hiding in a mound of boxes near the roof access
Ill go first, said Bruce.
Bruce tiptoed up the metal stairs and up to the roof. As he got to the roof, he
swiftly checked for any guards; he only saw two. He quickly dispatched the
two by putting them in a chokehold and knocking them unconscious. But
there was another guard on the roof that he did not see!
Run! Bruce yelled.
Before he could even blink again, he was shot 8 times in the head and chest,
killing him in seconds. Luckily for Nancy and Jeff, they didnt go with him,
but they quickly realized how grim their situation had just become.
In panic, they booked it out of the warehouse before more guards could
come in response to the gunfire. They went several blocks deeper into the
ruined district and into an alleyway.
What are we supposed to do now? Nancy said in panic. Bruce was our
first and last hope of surviving in the city!
I dont know, Jeff said. Weve just gotta make a temporary living out
here, I guess. I knew we shouldve checked the whole perimeter
Watch it! You know that we were and still are low on supplies! We
wouldnt have lasted two more days in these ruins, and you havent been
doing anything to help us! All you did is complain and tell us what to do,
Nancy yelled to Jeff.
Oi, a quiet voice said. Can you keep it down over there? Im trying to
sleep, here.
Uhh, whos there? Jeff asked.

A short and frail old man crawled out of the alley. He wore brown rags that
were tattered over his shoulders and groin. You could almost see his bones
through his thin skin and flesh.
The names Regis, the old man said offering his hand.
Mines Jeff, he said while reluctantly shaking the mans hand.
Say, Regis began. Yall look like you could use a place to stay for a
night. Waddya say about going to my camp?
Jeff and Nancy whispered to each other for a moment.
Look, hes just an old guy, Nancy said. What is the worst he can do?
Besides, sleep sounds like a great thing to me right now.
No way, Jeff said. What if he kidnaps and tortures us? With sticks and
spiders? I never trust random old men in alleyways.
For once, youre not making the decision here, said Nancy. Im going.
Oh, uh d-dont just leave me here alone! Jeff said.
Nancy and Jeff followed Regis for almost an hour while traversing various
streets and buildings, going deeper and deeper into the ruined city to find the
Cmon man how much longer? Jeff asked with boredom.
Patience child, Regis said. Were almost there.
Pssst, Nancy, Jeff whispered after a short pause. Earlier, he said that he
was trying to sleep, so Id find it safe to assume that that was his camp. Why
are we going all the way over here?
You know, Nancy pondered. You have a really good point.
Before Nancy and Jeff could protest to Regis about where theyre going, he
began to speak.

Ah, Regis said. Were finally here!

But then, a dozen spotlights all turned on at once; helicopters and ground
units all surrounded the area. Its a trap! They looked for a way to escape,
perhaps another building of some kind. They separated in a scramble to find
somewhere to hide. The whole world around them seemed to melt into terror
and loss. They ran and ran, but they didnt get very far before finally being
shot down.
The job is done, a man with a deep voice in the crowd said. Clean up and
move out!
A tragic end to their story, of course, but the next one begins at the source.
Not all government officials are clean, for the leaders are really quite mean.
New rebellions rise and fall, but someday one will rise that is the best of all.
But for now with all of the pain and death, you may find it hard to take a
deep breath. I would love to stay and tell the story, but to me its rather gory.
So it is now time that I must pack up and go, but remember never to go into
The Metro.

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