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Brianna Suggs

Dr. Jizi
UWRT 1102
1 February 2016

Double Entry Journal #2

Can Money Buy Happiness?
Can Money Buy Happiness Quote:
We thought about his questionIn the real
worldmore complex than a simple yes or
no. (Pg. 160)

My thoughts exactly- it is not a simple answer
because what matters to one person may not
matter to another. Each individual person has a
simple answer, but the population as a whole
does not.
When you thing of money and happiness, you This is a common argument for why it can. Not
probably recall the things money can buy. (pg. to mention, taking away financial burdens will
lessen stress, but dont you think if someone
were unhappy without it, they would find
something to be unhappy about even with
money? Its about learning to be happy.
Rich people may sacrifice other types of
I suffer from severe depression. One of my
wealth to get money (pg. 160-161)
biggest pet peeves when I explained this to
friends whom noticed by behavior change, was
the comment but youre rich or what do you
have to be sad about? of even you have
everything, theres no excuse to be sad
Financial status means nothing.
Instead, they mentionedhelping the world,
Exactly like my statement above: money
fulfillment and pride (pg. 162)
means nothing. Money simply opens up
opportunities, regardless of money, you could
find ways to get those opportunities.
Nicholson appeared to be living a much more It is about how you live that affects happiness.
fulfilling life. (pg. 165)
The first time I brought my best friend to my
house she looked at me and said I didnt know
you were rich. I simply stated Im not and she
replied with yeah, you are. You dont act that
way. I turned away designer shoes and
overpriced clothes for Old Navy and Walmart
as opposed to the middle class girls at my
school that acted like they were sitting pretty.
In the end, does it really matter? How I lived
my life and how I act was more important than
all of that.

Being satisfied with your paycheck, just like

being satisfied with your life, is about point of
view. (pg. 169)

Happiness= attainments/aspirations (pg. 170)

Yes! You will always find rich that are sad and
poor that are happy, so there cant be a definite
answer. It all depends on how you look at
things. I did a project for psychology once
where we had to create a life from two
different salaries- poverty line, and a randomly
selected one (higher amount). The extra money
was nice, but I had enough to make it on the
poverty line. Whether I would let the stress of
stretching the budget affect me or not was the
true question aka how would I view things?
Learn to be happy with less!

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