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Psychological Report

Department of Psychology
Westside Hospital

Personal Information
Date of Birth:
Education Level:

Ashlyn Penelope Boyd

6 years, 7 months
October 12, 2010

Source of Referral:
Reason for Referral:

Dr. Diane Letterman

Unexplainable Thought Patterns and Behavioral Habits

Tests Administered:
Physical Exam
Child Behavior Checklist
Teacher Report Form
ADHD Rating Scale
Childhood Autism Rating Scale
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children

Physical and Behavioral Observations

Dates of Administration:
January 12, 2016
January 26, 2016
January 26, 2016
February 3, 2016
February 8, 2016
February 27, 2016

Ashlyn came in accompanied by her parents, Emmy and Jason Boyd. She wore
a blue shirt and jean shorts. Ashlyn seemed small for her age, but overall she appeared
to be a normal young child. She is a white caucasian female with blonde hair and blue
During the testing sessions, Ashlyn seemed to cooperate, then suddenly lash out
on her parents and test givers. She was very aggressive. Also, she kept mentioning how
much she loved her pet owl and pet rats. Her parents claimed that Ashlyn had neither
as pets. Ashlyn had a delayed response when she was asked questions. Sometimes
she would start rocking back and forth or would wrap her arms around herself. Another
observation made was that she muttered to herself at times, but when asked about it
would not explain further. She also had a tendency to look off into space.

Test Results and Interpretation:

A. Intellectual Functioning
Ashlyn was physically healthy and perfectly functioning. She was surprisingly
strong for her young age. Ashlyn was exceptionally smart for her age, to the level that
she would be considered a borderline genius. She has trouble with writing quickly, but
all the same she can and it is legible. While her speech is somewhat delayed, it is clear
and advanced for her age level.

B. Social Functioning
Socially, Ashlyn seems to be withdrawn from her family. While her speech has
developed well, her social skills are lacking causing her to have trouble making and
keeping friends. Ashlyn is notably moody for her age. She is also quick to violence in
order to resolve issues. There also seems to be a lack of motivation about her. In
addition, she seems to have abnormal and inappropriate reactions to things in social
While her family can take her out, it is extremely difficult and a dreaded
experience. Teachers also claim that while she is smart, she is very hard to control.
Ashlyn seems to be physically healthy and normal. Her intelligence level is
admirable considering her age. She often has delays in her speech patterns and stares
off into space. It was also noticed that she believes too strongly in her imaginary friends.

She is withdrawn from her surroundings and seems to lack motivation to complete
tasks. Her caregivers never know when she will lash out for no apparent reason, making
caring for her a struggle.

Diagnostic Impression:

Based on the evaluation presented, I would recommend the following forms of
A. Initiation in a child based psych ward for a short time for continuous
B. Trying of new medications to help control her.
C. Being calm yet firm with her and trying to understand that her imaginary
friends are very important to her.

Lillian Barker

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