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1)Given that uu is a vector of magnitude 2, vv is a vector of magnitude 3 and the angle

between them when placed tail to tail is

45, what is uv ?

2) What is the approximate angle between

a and b if ab=3, |a|=2, |b|=2.6 ?

3) What is ab if a=3ij and b=2i+j+4k ?

4) Calculate the dot-product of two vectors u and v, if their magnitudes

are |u| =

, |v| = 1 and the angle

between the vectors is

= 45.

5) Find the dot-product of two vectors u and v, if their magnitudes are

u = 1, v =

between the vectors is

= 135.

6) Find the scalar product of the vectors u = (5,4) and v = (3,2).

7) Find the scalar product of the vectors u = (

, ) and v = (

8) Find the angle between the vectors u = (8,-1) and v = (4,7).
9) The unit vector u makes the angle of 45 with the positive direction
of the x-axis (Figure 1).
The unit vector v makes the angle of 60 with the positive direction of
the x-axis.
Find cosines of the angle

between the vectors u and v, which is

equal to 15.
10) Prove that the vectors u = (5,2) and v = (2,-5) in a coordinate plane
are perpendicular.
11) Prove that the vectors u = (
coordinate plane are perpendicular.

,1) and v = (

) in a

12) Prove that the vectors u = (

coordinate plane are perpendicular.

, ) and v = (

) in a

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