Aubin 1

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Aubin 1

Tristin Aubin
Kinlea Hensel
English IV
April 6, 2016
Service Learning Research Paper
Since the beginning of human history we have always been expressing ourselves in ways
such as music,art, dance, and other outlets of expression. Now because music is seen as a
distraction in school systems its being threatened of being taken out of the academic scenario.
Taking music out of school is like taking religion away from the world. Nobody would know
what to do with themselves and chaos would take over.
Students who take part in music classes at school tend to have higher cognitive and
critical thinking skills than others who do not take any at all. Playing and listening to music helps
to improve the brain's memory capacity. A Stanford study shows that music engages areas of
the brain which are involved with paying attention, making predictions and updating events in
our memory (11 Facts). Humans are hardwired to do better with music and tend to have better
spatial awareness when having instrumental practice. Music permanently wires a brain to
perform at enhanced rates.
Second graders who were given music lessons scored 27% higher on proportional math
and fractions tests than children who received no special instruction (Importance). On
average schools who have music programs score about 20% higher than those without a
program. Schools have even shown higher graduation rates compared to their non musical
counterparts. Schools that have music programs have an attendance rate of 93.3% compared to

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84.9% in schools without music programs (11 Facts). Thats a significant amount of students
who fail to graduate simply because they were deprived of music in school.
Music also gives you skills that teachers are not able to just simply teach a student. It
gives them the skills to better understand oneself and the people around you. It is a physical by
developing coordination. Music also does the amazing feat of nature and brings people of every
color of the rainbow together. It even promotes and develops team working skills.
Music is a source of fun for everyone. Music is also many other amazing things like brain
development, exercise, academic, and social. Many things bring the world together like war,
famine, politics, religion,etc. Music however is one of the few things that bring this world
together for good and deserves to be kept in school.

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Works Cited
"11 Facts About Music Education." 11 Facts About Music Education. Web. 07 Apr. 2016.
Brown, Laura Lewis. "The Benefits of Music Education." PBS. PBS. Web. 07 Apr. 2016.
"The Importance of Music." Music Education Online. Web. 07 Apr. 2016.

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