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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Initially when I made my title sequence I couldnt see any particular

notions and representations of any social groups. This is mostly I feel
because of the genre of my film, hospital drama/thriller. This made it
really hard for me to analyse the different types of social groups.
Although I couldnt really show different social groups I was able to see
which stereotypes my title sequence conforms with and doesnt. For
example, a hospital is usually represented and shown as a safe place for
people to go to, however it is shown as a unsafe place to be. This would
go against this stereotype.

This screenshot from my title sequence shows vulnerability from the patient's point of view as a
random person has entered the hospital and is injecting her with something. This would be
enigmatic as we do not actually know who this person is and what they are injecting the patient
with. This then makes the audience question all of these things and engages them.

Personally the only social group I think my media product represents is

motherhood. This is due to how the title sequence would make the
audience feel. The use of sound effects over the shots helps build up
suspense and panic for the audience as they will begin to realise what is
actually happen. This then would make the audience feel sympathetic for
the character as they could imagine how the character is going to feel.
This also builds up emotion and engages the audience even further.
This screenshot shows the baby being taken.

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