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Senior Portfolio Committee

I am writing this cover letter to state my intentions for my future academically. This is to be
applied for purely academic positions, and to complete the necessary portion of my senior portfolio. I
hope to, with this letter, explain why I should be considered as an exceptional student.
After a decade of association with the Boy Scouts of America, I have multiple areas of
accelerated proficiency. One key area is community outreach. I have been volunteering for countless
opportunities, accounting for over 500 hours of service to churches, cities, and other non-profit
organizations. I have also served in several leadership positions such as patrol leader, assistant senior
patrol leader, and senior patrol leader with over a year for each. I currently hold the rank of Eagle
Scout, as of January, 2015. Along with scouts, I have been extremely active in sports for over a decade.
I've played at least two years each of football, baseball, soccer, and basketball. As far as jobs go, I
worked retail for Old Navy and was a temporary junior apprentice for a plumbing company. Both these
jobs gave me a better understanding of how to work both efficiently and optimistically.
I am a 12th grade high school student planning on attending a four year college. I will be
pursuing a ROTC scholarship for the United States Marine Corps at San Diego State University. I hope
to major in cinematography, and proceeding my career in the military, join the film industry as a
producer of both films and television shows. However, before doing so, I plan to spend a year as an
intern at a local church, The Father's House, to both better my theological understandings and prepare
myself for future success academically and through careers.
I look forward to the pursuit of my next stage of life as an elevated academic and contribution
to my society. Beginning a new story of my life of further growth and prosperity is exciting and
anticipate being able to make life-altering decisions. Overall, I hope that this portfolio exemplifies my
readiness to move forward in this community.

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