Critical Review Reflection

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English 1102, Critical Review Reflection

Akil Martin

Please provide a short response to each following question or statement.

1. Did you feel that the six questions, used as a lead-in, were helpful to starting your own composition? Why so/Why not?

-The six questions provided were useful and helpful with writing the critical review. The six questions made it easier to
express how I felt about the book (Last Lecture) and assisted in giving ideas on what to include in the critical review.

2. Influence me as to what to focus most upon during grading: what do you most want weighed in your favor as I grade
your overall project? Why?
-I would like my main points to be weighed in my favor as I felt I explained them exceptionally well.

3. Influence me further as to what to focus least upon during grading: what do you want weighed least against you as I
grade your project? Why?
-I would like my gramma to be least weighed in my favor as am not sure if I did it well.

4. Was the peer review beneficial to you? How so?

-The peer review was beneficial as it helped identify minor mistakes that I made which I was not aware of and also it
helped spot words I used that was not necessary to include in the critical review as it would weaken it.

5. Based upon what you have been assigned, verses what you have completed, what grade does your work justify?
-I feel I deserve is 100% because I spent my time reading a very inspirational, motivational and powerful and wrote a
genuine critical review the best I can by utilizing the book.

Rubric ~
Point Value:
Critical Review


EC: Six-Question Lead-In/Pre-writing


+1 - +6

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