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Murphys Father And The Murphy Family Business Have Contributed Half A
Million Dollars To The Super PAC Supporting Patrick Murphys Senate
Campaign. In a span of four months, the father of U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy, DJupiter, and his business interests poured a half-million dollars into a super PAC
supporting his son's bid for U.S. Senate. (Kristen M. Clark, Super PAC Supporting Patrick Murphy Gets $300k
From His Fathers Miami Company, The Miami Heralds Naked Politics, 4/15/16)

Tampa Bay Times Headline: Patrick Murphy Bemoans Super PAC Era
While Getting Super PAC Help. (Alex Leary, Patrick Murphy Bemoans Super PAC Era While Getting
Super PAC Help, Tampa Bay Times, 8/26/15)

Tampa Bay Times Headline: Senate Candidate Murphy Wants Money Out
Of Politics, But Not His Fathers. (Adam Smith, Senate Candidate Murphy Wants Money Out Of
Politics, But Not His Fathers, Tampa Bay Times, 3/4/16)

Murphy Dismissed Questions About His Republican Fathers Financial Support

For His Campaign As A Gotcha Question. But when asked by the Tampa Bay
Times about the possibility of cutting off the biggest source of money flowing into his
U.S. Senate race his Republican father, who so far has given at least $200,000
Murphy made it clear he did not appreciate the question. I hate the money in politics,
and I hate the sort of gotcha questions, too, said the Palm Beach County congressman,
drawing applause from members of the Suncoast Tiger Bay Club. (Adam Smith, Senate Candidate
Murphy Wants Money Out Of Politics, But Not His Fathers, Tampa Bay Times, 3/4/16)

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