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University of Kansas Department of Special Education 1

SPED 775 Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Plan Template

Unit Title
Subject Area
Lesson Title
Length of Lesson
Audience Description

IEP Goals (where


Readworks-Informational Text
Back from the Brink
30 minutes
Number of students: 2
Race: Caucasian
English Language Proficiency: English
Gender: Female
Exceptionalities: Learning disabilities
Cultural Considerations: N/A
Other information: N/A
List the IEP goals for the student(s) as it pertains to this lesson.
Reading: In 36 instructional weeks, when given a 3rd grade level nonfiction reading
passage, Abby will answer comprehension questions related to the passage with 75%
Reading: In 36 instructional weeks, when given a 3rd grade level nonfiction reading
passage, Sarah will determine the meaning of a specific word or phrase.


The students will identify the main idea of the reading passage.
The students will understand key details in the reading passage.
Independently read questions about a story and write or select an answer.
Share information and ask and answer questions during discussion
Understand new vocabulary based off of the passage.



Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main

Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the precise
meaning of key words and phrases.
Assessment (formative
and/or summative)
Resources (texts,
technology, materials,
Incorporation of other
subject areas
(anticipatory set,
thinking device, advance
organizer, lesson

Formative-Observation, group activity, Back to the Brink passage question set.

Smartboard,, Passage Questions, LINCs strategy study card sheets.
Reading Back from the Brink will incorporate Science concepts as well as Social Studies
(bald eagle is a symbol of the United States)
# of minutes: 5
I will begin my lesson with a focus question such as what do you know about endangered
animals? Do you know any animals that might be endangered? To get an understanding of what
my students background is for this passage about endangered species. I will then introduce the
article that the students will be reading from Readworks. Prior to reading, I will have my students
and I read the questions that they will be answering after reading the passage. This is a great
testing strategy for students, so that they know what to be looking for as they read the article.
UDL Engagement:
-Providing Background Knowledge
-Testing strategy

I am providing background knowledge so that
the students can make text connections when
reading the article from Readworks Back from
the Brink. Having a discussion about what
endangered animals are will help the students
make connections prior to reading the passage.
I am also incorporating a testing strategy in my

University of Kansas Department of Special Education 3

SPED 775 Lesson Plan Template
introduction so that the students can
understand what information they should be
looking for as they read to correctly identify the
answers at the end of the passage.
Lesson activities
(content, methods,
procedures, formative

# of minute 20

I will first review the annotation symbols to my students on the Smartboard. The
requirement is that when the students first read independently, they need to include these
symbols as they read to develop a deeper understanding of the text.
I will first pass out a hard copy of the reading passage to the students so that they can
incorporate the annotation symbols on their paper. This way, the students can go back to
their text to find evidence to support their answers to the questions at the end of the
The group that I will be teaching this lesson to will only have two students so I will have
the students read the article to themselves followed by reading the passage aloud
together from the smart board or on their paper. As we read together, I want the students
to share where they had placed different symbols for their annotation to increase
discussion as we read the passage together.
I want to incorporate multiple opportunities to read the article to increase opportunities for
students comprehension and understanding from the reading.
As we are reading together, I will implement questions during the reading to assess
students understanding and checking to see if they are following along.
.Following reading the article, I will have the students answer the questions provided from
the passage on their paper. Once the students answer the questions independently we
will go over the answers together so that I can assess their knowledge and understanding
from the passage.
If a student misses a question, I will have the students look back at their text to find
evidence that supports the correct answer. By doing this, I am emphasizing to the
students the importance of looking back on their text to find the answer.
I will then explain the LINCs strategy to my students. I will have printed out worksheets
with the chart for the study card already included to save time. The chart will include a
box for the word, reminding word, LINCing story, image, and the definition.
The two words are: banned and symbol.
I will walk the students through the first one as I fill it in on the board to ensure
understanding and incorporate a visual model.



UDL representation:
I will have hard-copies of the article for
those who prefer to read on paper rather
than the Smartboard. I will also have the
article portrayed on the Smartboard for
those who would rather follow along on the
The paper copy will also be used for the
students to annotate symbols and highlight
A piece of construction paper will be an
option for students to use as they follow
along. (A reading guider)

I provided different ways to read the article

because there are different learners with
different needs that need to be met to be
Providing simple symbol annotations will help
students become more familiar with the text
and be able to comprehend the passage.
Having a reading guider will help keep the
students focused as they read independently
and as we read together.

UDL engagement:
I will allow three opportunities to read the
article-independently and with the teacher.
The Smartboard is interactive when they
answer at the end of the article.
LINC strategy: draw pictures, create a story
or example, etc)

There are multiple means on engagement in

this lesson. I chose to have students read the
article together to enhance their engagement. I
also am utilizing the LINC strategy as another
piece of engagement. The students draw the
meaning of the word, they create a story which
are all positive ways to make connections with
unfamiliar words.
I want to make sure that each learner is able
to show me what they have learned by
providing the students with different activities
to meet each learning need in my group. I
dont want there to be any learning barriers
that the students might feel in my lesson.

UDL action & expression:

I will provide several options when
assessing what the students know by
implementing opportunities for collaboration,
observation, independent work, as well as
including the LINCs strategy for new
vocabulary words.

# of minutes: 5
I will end the lesson with revisiting the focus question, what do you know about endangered

University of Kansas Department of Special Education 5

SPED 775 Lesson Plan Template
animals now? What are the two new vocabulary words that you now know? I will have a
short discussion on what the students have learned from the lesson.
I will then have the students share their LINCs study card with each other.
Each student will present what they decided to include on their card and listen to what the
other student did and compare with each other.
The students will turn in their questions that they answered from the passage as well as their
passage with the annotated symbols.
UDL principle & description (at least 1):
UDL Engagement: For my conclusion, I incorporated having the students share their LINCs
strategy study card with each other and myself. According to the UDL Center website, fostering
collaboration and community is a key factor when it comes to engagement in the classroom.

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