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University of Kansas Department of Special Education 1

SPED 775 Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Plan Template

Unit Title
Subject Area
Lesson Title
Length of Lesson
Audience Description

IEP Goals (where


Customary Units of Capacity
30 minutes
Number of students: 2
Race: Caucasian
English Language Proficiency: English
Gender: Male and Female
Exceptionalities: Learning Disability
Cultural Considerations: N/A
Other information: N/A
List the IEP goals for the student(s) as it pertains to this lesson.
Math: In 36 instructional weeks, when given a 3 rd grade leveled math concepts and applicationbased probe, Sarah will solve the problems and score14 correct points or more.



Assessment (formative
and/or summative)

Students will estimate fluently with customary capacity units (cups, pints, quarts, and gallons)

Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units of grams (g),
kilograms (kg), and liters (l).
Formative-Observation, group activity, practice worksheet

Resources (texts,
technology, materials,
Incorporation of other
subject areas
(anticipatory set,
thinking device, advance
organizer, lesson

Smartboard, practice worksheet, Envision website, and measurement set

Math and science-Both involve numbers and the use of measurement

# of minutes: 10

I will introduce this topic by setting the purpose of the activity. I will start by reviewing that the
students have previously learned about measuring the length of objects, but that today they will
be learning about measuring how much a container holds. I will then make a connection with
the lesson and ask if the students have ever followed a recipe that required customary units
(cups, pints, etc.) I will then address the vocabulary word capacity and have students look the
word up in the dictionary, and I will model what capacity looks like. Afterwards I will do a quick
introduction activity to engage the students in the lesson. I will write the following on the board;
mug of hot chocolate, milk for school lunch, carton of OJ, jug of water. On the other side of the
words will be cup, pint, quart, and gallon. The two students will work together and match the
word to the correct unit of measurement. After they match the words, we will discuss together
on whether they achieved the right matches. I will also have a measurement set to visually
represent the different units of measurement.
# of minutes: 5
UDL Engagement:
Provide Background Knowledge
Working as partners
Interactive-hands on

I am opening the lesson by providing an
opportunity for the students to make a real
word connection. I am also modeling what
capacity looks like with real water in a cup
to help strengthen the understanding of the
word visually rather than just a verbal
representation. Lastly, the students will be
partnered up to match the words to the unit
of measurements on the Smartboard.
Working together is engaging and they are

University of Kansas Department of Special Education 3

SPED 775 Lesson Plan Template

Lesson activities
(content, methods,
procedures, formative

demonstrating what they know from the start

of the lesson.
# of minute 15
I will play the envision lesson on the Smartboard, I will have one of the students be in charge
of switching the video slides. I will frequently ask questions to the students to ensure their
understanding and making sure they are staying engaged with the lesson. The video will
review what I had introduced in the beginning of the lesson, so hearing the information a
second time will be beneficial for the students. The video uses real world examples and asks
real world questions such as, what do you buy at the store that is measured in gallons? The
students answers may be a gallon of water, a gallon of milk, etc. I will stress the importance of
estimating capacity, for example larger units will fill larger objects quicker but the estimate of
capacity will be less accurate than using a small unit of measure which would take longer to
do. I will then do a short activity on estimating capacity using real water, objects, and unit of
measurements. I will have a pitcher of water to pour into the unit of measurement being used
to fill a salad bowl that I will bring in from home. I will first have the students brainstorm on
what measurement would be the most appropriate to use to fill the salad bowl to capacity.
After the students agree on a unit of measurement, I will have them estimate the number of
cups, pints, quarts, or gallons it will take to fill the bowl to capacity. They will tell me why they
chose the unit of measurement and how they came up with their estimation. We will test their
estimation and see if it was close to the actual amount the bowl can hold. The students can
take turns pouring the water into the bowl and count together the total amount poured into the
bowl. We will have a short discussion followed regarding the results.


UDL representation:
I will be providing multiple means of
representation in my lesson. I will be
incorporating an interactive video that will be
a valuable visual representation of the
lessons content. I will also have physical
examples of different types of unit of
measurements. This will help students grasp
the information in the lesson quicker and
more efficient.

Having multiple means of representation is

essential in every lesson. I want to ensure
that all my students are able to follow along
to my lesson in a way that is visual, has
auditory, and is something that they can
physically touch. These are all key when
providing various representations to
students who may have sensory needs.

UDL engagement:
Smartboard video with pictures and sounds.
Hands-on activity using a unit of
measurement set and water to estimate
capacity of a salad bowl. Students will be
working together to also enhance
engagement and participation.


There are multiple means on engagement in

this lesson. I chose to have students interact
with the Smartboard as the video was being
played and participate together as I ask
questions related to the video. I also am
modeling an activity that relates to
estimating capacity using a unit of
measurement. The students will also have
the opportunity to be hands-on and help
pour the water into the bowl.
UDL action & expression:
Working in partners can be very beneficial
for all types of learners. I will make sure that
I will provide several options when
each partner is participating and is involved
assessing what the students know by
during the lesson. I will also be using
implementing opportunities for collaboration
physical movement by providing an activity
as partners. I will also provide options for
that is hands-on. Having a visual
physical action.
representation will be a beneficial for all
types of learners.
# of minutes: 5
The students will complete an Exit ticket as a quick assessment on what they had learned
from the lesson. They will answer 5 questions from Envision on the Smartboard. Once they
answer the questions we will check them as a group and I will clarify any confusion or
misunderstanding. I will then restate the purpose of the lesson on how they learned to
estimate the number of cups, pints, quarts, gallons a container or object could hold and how to
choose the better of the two customary units for measuring the capacity of a container. Lastly,
I will briefly tell them that the next lesson will be over metric units of capacity so they have an
idea on what they will be learning next.
UDL principle & description (at least 1): UDL action & expression: For my conclusion, I
incorporated an exit ticket for any student who might have not wanted to participate or wasnt

University of Kansas Department of Special Education 5

SPED 775 Lesson Plan Template
heard as much with their partner, but would prefer to write down what they have learned. Making
sure to navigate learning for various learners is essential to having a successful lesson for the

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