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Kim 1

Stephanie Kim
Professor Batty
English 113B
10 May 2016

No More Animal Testing for Cosmetics

Animal testing for cosmetics is one of the worst ways of animal harm. Seventy-three
percent of American voters are in favor of federal legislation to end animal testing for cosmetics
(#BeCrueltyFree USA Campaign Welcomes Humane Cosmetics Act to End Cosmetics Animal

Testing in United States). The number of animals tested will decrease if the federal legislation
decides to ban animal testing for cosmetics. Although some people may say that animal testing
for cosmetics ensures safety for the public, I believe that animals endure severe pain, different
testing methods are available, and cosmetic industries need advice to prevent this issue from
getting worse.
Animal testing will harm and eventually kill the animals. The animals are harmed with
chemicals without anesthesia. In the article, #BeCrueltyFree USA Campaign Welcomes
Humane Cosmetics Act to End Cosmetics Animal Testing in United States, it explains, Mice,
rabbits, rats and guinea pigs have substances forced down their throat, dripped into their eyes, or
smeared onto their skin, usually without any pain relief (#BeCrueltyFree USA Campaign
Welcomes Humane Cosmetics Act to End Cosmetics Animal Testing in United States). This
quote explains how the animals are getting treated at the testing laboratories. During the testing
procedures, the animals might feel fearful and unwilling approach to the testers. Due to the

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harmful ingredients from the chemicals, the animals might get blind, fractured, paralyzed, or
There are alternative methods, such as research, that can be performed for testing instead
of using animals for testing. According to the #BeCrueltyFree campaign, Hundreds of brands
produce cosmetics without harming a single animal, and more than 30 countries globally have
already banned such testing, so it's time for the United States to catch up and join the
#BeCrueltyFree movement" (#BeCrueltyFree USA Campaign Welcomes Humane Cosmetics Act
to End Cosmetics Animal Testing in United States). Alternative testing methods are a better
choice than using animals for testing. This quote emphasizes how the U.S. should ban animal
testing of cosmetics. The statistic shows how many countries do not use animals for testing,
which explains that alternative testing methods are used in these countries and it more effective
than animal testing because they do not harm animals.
Although there are alternative testing methods available, unfortunately some methods are
lacking and need more support. According to a report by the European Commission, It will be
impossible to develop, by March 2013, alternatives to animal testing to detect certain complex
effects on health of ingredients found in cosmetics (Gale Cengage Learning). Not all alternative
methods work the first time and it takes time to improve the testing methods. The European
Commission is considering to find out another method to replace the alternative testing methods
temporarily, while it is receiving support. In the article Animal Testing: Cosmetics: Alternative
Testing Methods Still Lacking, it states, While full replacement is not possible, there is
potential for partial replacement strategies and developing a toolbox' of test methods to be
improved until the goal can be reached (Gale Cengage Learning). In other words, the European
Commission will study about how the replacement of alternative testing methods will improve.

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Searching for another method to replace alternative testing methods, clearly explains how the
European government is strongly against animal testing of cosmetics. The European government
should influence other countries to ban animal testing for cosmetics.
Cosmetic industries are also trying to get help from the government in order to improve
their industries. In the article, Global in-Vitro Toxicology/Toxicity Testing (Diagnostic
Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics, Chemical) Market, Dublin mentions it states, cosmetic industry
will be the fastest growing industry in the coming years as a result of the huge government
support in Europe to ban the use of animals for testing the toxic effects of beauty products
(Dublin). In other words, the European government is willing to provide support to make animal
testing come to an end. The industries will continue to grow with getting help from the
European government. If the industries did not receive support from the government, they will
continue to test animals with cosmetic products.
Some people may think that animal testing for cosmetics are beneficial to the general
public because it provides safety. They think it is necessary to test the products on the animals
first because it may contain harmful ingredients. Not only cosmetics, but also other products
should be tested as well. For example, shampoo, condition, and body wash are products that are
used on a daily basis. Although these products are essential, I believe that alternative testing
methods should replace animal testing. Alternative testing methods are better because it is more
effective and it prevents animals from being harmed and killed. The use of animals being treated
poorly is unacceptable and should come to an end soon. The U.S. should be strongly encouraged
by other countries and governments that animal testing is immoral.
Animal testing of cosmetics are not only providing safety to the public, but also affecting
animals in a negative way. Animals are harmed with chemicals that cause severe pain without

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anesthesia, alternative testing methods are encouraged to be used, and cosmetic industries are
improving with their qualities. These conclusions about animal testing of cosmetic products will
have significant applications in countries that do not wish to ban animal testing as well as in the
government. Although animal testing of cosmetics may seem of concern to only the European
government and to countries that ban animal testing for cosmetics, it should in fact concern
anyone who cares about animals and their safety.

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Works cited page
LACKING." Europe Agri 23 Sept. 2011: 300021. General OneFile. Web. 15 Feb. 2016.

"#BeCrueltyFree USA Campaign Welcomes Humane Cosmetics Act to End Cosmetics Animal
Testing in United States." PR Newswire Europe Including UK Disclose (2015) ProQuest.
Web. 15 Feb. 2016.

Dublin, Global in-Vitro Toxicology/Toxicity Testing (Diagnostic, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics,

Chemical) Market - Forecast to 2018." PR Newswire Europe Including UK Disclose
(2014) ProQuest. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.

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