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April 2016

A Technology Newsletter for Reynolds School District Secondary Staff

This newsletter is created to share about great things being done in Reynolds around Technology Integration and Digital Literacy in
our secondary schools. You will find some key components to every edition, including clickable links and highlights on how technology
is positively impacting student learning and engagement. The format/platform of this newsletter will vary in order to feature
the many creative technologies available to RSD staff and students.

Featured Technology of the Month

Technology available now for you to implement into your classroom.

Office365 Tools for Education

Already available to every RSD student. Essential for productivity, communication, and collaboration.

What does this do?

What are teachers saying?

Students can log in and access an entire suite of tools to support their
learning, productivity, communication and collaboration. This is only the
tip of the iceberg. Some of these tools include:

Simple and easy to use online word processing (less complicated

than the full version of Word). Try using Shared and Collaborative
Documents. Do you want your students to work together? This will
definitely help!

Cloud-based storage on OneDrive (1TB): Students can access their

work from anywhere, on any device that can get online (cell
phones, tablets, iPads, both Mac and PC computers).

Accessibility tools to meet the needs of your diverse learners.

OneNote Classroom is a blank slate for creativity and collaboration.

Since we set up Office 365 with my classes, the ease at which my students write,
edit, and revise is amazing. This year the
number of writing activities has doubled
compared to years past.
- Paul Cameron, RSD 6th Grade ELA Teacher

How will this benefit my students?

Students digital literacy will increase as a result of practical and applied experience with the most frequently used platform for work
productivity in the world.

Students will acquire the skills that are essential to success in school,
college and work.

Students will apply this technology in many areas:

What are students saying?

Creativity and Innovation

Communication and Collaboration

Research and Information Fluency

for all of my classes. I like that I can work

Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making

on things at school or home, and on any

Digital Citizenship

Technology Operations and Concepts

This (Offfice 365) helps me be more organized and is very easy to use. It is useful

(Oregon Educational Technology Standards)

- WonSung K., RSD 8th Grade Student

What is

Schoology in the
2015-16 school year:
There has been a high usage rate of
Schoology this year. In the past 8
months, at all RSD secondary
schools combined:
46,039 assignments have been digitally submitted to instructors. These
are from a variety of creative sources
and in many formats.

Schoology is an online learning management system (LMS)

that allows teachers (Grades 1-12 in Reynolds School District) to create and manage academic courses for their students. It provides teachers with a method of managing dynamic lessons that support and enhance content standards
and state technology standards. With ease, teachers can digitally engage students and families, share content with colleagues, and connect to collaborate with other educators
within their school, district, community, and worldwide.

Did you know?

There are Technology Standards for the State of Oregon?
The Oregon Educational Technology Standards, downloaded from the ODE website,
connect to some of the Oregon Diploma Essential Skills and are aligned to the ISTE

12,454 comments have been posted

(class discussions, etc.)
33,434 Files have been uploaded
(class materials, instructional resources, etc.).

What are teachers saying?

Schoology empowers my students
with access to all materials, anywhere, anytime. It allows parents of
my students to know what their kids
are working on. In my class I use the
Office 365 integration for seamless
workflow and unlimited creativity.
- Melissa Evans, RSD 7-8 Social Studies

What are students saying?

Schoology is a great way to access
classwork when I need to miss
school, and it really helps with organization. I can get feedback quickly
from my teachers and classmates,
and we can work together.
- Maria M., 11th Grade RHS Student

Handy and Helpful Resources:

Reynolds School District Teacher Technology Resources Group

Login to your Schoology account and join our group today for access to many shared resources and ideas:
Use this access code: T7RVZ-JT7WQ

Need some guidance and curriculum to teach Digital Citizenship? Common Sense Media has it all mapped out for you already.

Student Login Formats - Click Here

(for Computers, Schoology, and Office365)

Would you like some support or training for you and/

or your students?

Contact Gary Schuh at

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