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Lesson 8: Reagan and the End of an Era


Essential Questions

Fun Fact of the Day

Economics/Political Science/Geography

History Social-Science

History Social-Science

The Reagan Revolution of the 1980s sought to change

Americans attitudes toward their country, their government,
and the world, as the United States emerged from the 1970s.
Understanding how and why Reagan was elected President is
critical to understanding how people in the U.S were feelingas a reaction from the Carter Administration, and Carters
softball attempt to play politics. American pride revived as
the economy soared and the Soviet domination of Eastern
Europe collapsed.

1. What were the U.S domestic policies like previous

to Reagan and during Reagans time in office?
2. Define Reaganomics?
3. How were U.S and Soviet relations previous to
Regan and Gorbachev? During their time in office?

Appointed the first female Supreme Court Justice- Sandra

Day OConner
Understand Regans economic policies and its effects
into the present day economy.
Compare and Contrast Soviet policies under
Gorbachev, while explaining the state of the Soviet
Union previous to Gorbachev and during his time as
President, in contrast to Reagan and his
Explain the U.S and its relations in the world and its
affairs during the early 80s to the end of the Cold War.
11.9.5- The role of the Reagan administration and other
factors in the victory of the West in the Cold War.
11.11.2- Discuss the significant domestic policy speeches of
Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Carter,
Reagan, Bush, and Clinton (e.g., with regard to education,
civil rights, economic policy, environmental policy).

RH1 Key Ideas and Details (Grade 11-12)

Literacy Standards

RH4 Key Ideas and Details (Grade 11-12)

WHST 4 Production/Distribution of Writing (Grade 11-12)
WHST 5 Production/Distribution of Writing (Grade 11-12)

Students Will Be Able To

Lesson Agenda
(60 mins)

1. Understand Soviet polices in comparison to U.S

international polices near the end of the Cold War.
2. Identify the Reagan administration and domestic
polices, in connection to lesson 2 looking at
Americas domestic policies during the 1950s.
3. Discuss and debate the ending of the Cold War, in
relation to the next unit- understanding the new 21 st
century world and America and if the Cold war still
resonates today in society

5 mins Video Clip of Reagan and Gorbachev

35 mins- Lecture on the end to the Carter Administration,
Regan Administration, and the ending of the Cold War
(symbolically versus reality)
10 mins- Pass out Study Guides, Q/A discussion about the
End of the Cold War.



Video Clip
Study Guide Handout
Lecture Notes/Outline

Reagan Library Video: Comparing Reagan and

Gorbachevs relationship
Discussion Objective Question: Given the Unit
information discussed on the Cold War, Did the Cold
War end? Explain in detail.

Closing Statements:
Bringing the Lesson Full Circle

All in all, Reagan said in his 1989 farewell address, not

bad, not bad at all.
-Three decades after the Reagan Revolution began we still
are exposed to Reaganomics-with debates about Big
Government and tax cuts continuing. Understanding
Americas domestic policy in the 1950s, and to understand
what mindset Reagan came from, and how his policies and
reform ideas shaped the nation.





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