Stage 1

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Stage 1 Identify Desired Results

(Stage 1 completed once for the unit)

Goal: Identify overall goal (s) of the unit based on the Mississippi
Curriculum Frameworks or Common Core Standards.
Understand different political systems in the Modern Western World and their impact
on the respective societies that adopted them.
1B. Compare and contrast governmental forms (Democracy, aristocracy/oligarchy,
absolutism, constitutionalism, totalitarianism, monarchy, republic) as practiced by the
societies that adopted them over time. (DOK 2)
1C. Analyze the different governmental systems of countries in Europe, Asia, and the
Americas (e.g., Fascism in Italy and Germany, Communism in Russia and China,
Democracy in the United States, Monarchy in England, etc.) since the Age of
Enlightenment in terms of the main factors that contributed to their rise and fall. (DOK
Understand the impact of political, technological, economic, cultural, religious, and
demographic changes within the global community.
2B. Explain, by drawing on different political and cultural contexts, the evidence of the
tensions between religions, within religions, and between secularism and religion.
(DOK 2)
Understand causes and consequences of contact, cooperation, and conflict (e.g.,
diplomatic, economic, political, cultural/ethnic, military, biological) between various
societies, nations, and groups of people.
3A. Analyze the role of imperialism and industrialism as factors in the rise of global
conflict since the Age of Enlightenment. (DOK 3)
3B. Critique the successes and failures of initiatives to create international security
(e.g., Bourbon Family Compact, Concept of Europe, Holy Alliance, League of Nations,
United Nations, SEATO, Non-Aligned States, etc.). (DOK 3)
3C. Analyze the causes, effects, and unique features of WWI and WWII in terms of the
changes in diplomatic relationships among the various countries involved.
3D. Describe the causes of the Cold War and its effects on contemporary world affairs.
Understand rights in society and changing conception of rights (civil or human).
5C. Identify and distinguish between the methods of proponents of civil or human
rights and the methods of their opponents since the Age of Enlightenment (e.g.,
Rousseau, Wollstonecraft, Blanqui, anarchists, Gandhi, Ho Chi Minh, Cesar Chavez).
(DOK 2)
Understand the economic causes and patterns of global change in the era of New
Imperialism in Africa, Southeast Asia, China, India, Latin America, and the
6A. Assess the role that scarce resources, the quest for markets, and the
technological innovation have played in conflicts between states and/or empires since

the Age of Enlightenment. (DOK 3)

Understand the development of various economic systems through time and place and
how those systems have shaped global relations.
7C. Draw conclusions using examples of how governments, international institutions
(e.g., Napoleons Continental System, GATT), and private corporations (e.g., East
India Company) have sought to regulate economics since the Age of Enlightenment.
(DOK 3)
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.9-10.1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to
support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the
D2.Geo.1.9-12. Use geospatial and related technologies to create maps to display and
explain the spatial patterns of cultural and environmental characteristics.
D2.His.1.9-12. Evaluate how historical events and developments were shaped by
unique circumstances of time and place as well as broader historical contexts.
D2.His.9.9-12. Analyze the relationship between historical sources
and the secondary interpretations made from them.
What understandings are desired?
The students will be able to:
Analyze the threat to world peace posed by dictators in the 1930s
and how the Western democracies responded.
Describe how the Spanish Civil War was a dress rehearsal for World
War II.
Summarize the ways in which continuing Nazi aggression led Europe
to war.
Analyze governmental systems in Europe since 1650.
Critique attempts to create international security.
Analyze the causes, effects, and features of World War II.
Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but
failed to conquer Britain.
Summarize Germanys invasion of the Soviet Union.
Understand the horror of the genocide the Nazis committed.
Describe the role of the United States before and after joining World
War II.
Analyze the role of imperialism in global conflict.
Identify methods of opponents of civil or human rights.
Understand how nations devoted all of their resources to fighting
World War II.
Explain how Allied victories began to push back the Axis powers.
Describe D-Day and the Allied advances toward Germany.
Analyze the role of industrialism in global conflict.
Critique attempts to create international security.
Describe the causes of the Cold War.
Analyze the efforts of governments to regulate economics.

Describe the reasons for the final defeat of the Nazis.

Summarize how the Allies began to push back the Japanese in the
Explain the American strategy for ending the war against Japan and
the consequences of that strategy.
Assess capitalisms impact on international conflicts.
Describe the issues faces by the Allies after World War II ended.
Summarize the organization of the United Nations.
Analyze how new conflicts developed among the former Allies in the
years after World War II.

Daily objectives: What key knowledge and skills will students

acquire as a result of this unit? What should learners be able to do
as a result of such knowledge? Include integrated content areas
from the Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks. Label objectives
with the DOK level of learning.
The students will:

TSW analyze governmental systems in Europe since 1650. (DOK 4)

TSW critique attempts to create international security. (DOK 3)
TSW analyze the causes, effects, and features of World War II. (DOK 3)
TSW analyze the threat to world peace posed by dictators in the 1930s and how
the Western democracies responded. (DOK 4)
TSW describe how the Spanish Civil War was a dress rehearsal for World War II.
(DOK 2)
TSW summarize the ways in which continuing Nazi aggression led Europe to war.
(DOK 1)
TSW identify appeasement. (DOK 1)
TSW identify pacifism. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Neutrality Acts. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Axis powers. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Francisco Franco. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Anschluss. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Sudetenland. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Nazi-Soviet Pact. (DOK 1)
TSW label a map of Europe during WWII. (DOK 1)
TSW list the date in which a specific country was conquered by German
aggression. (DOK 1)
TSW cite evidence as to why Hitler invaded other European countries. (DOK 3)
TSW predict the effects of German invasion. (DOK 2)
TSW analyze the role of imperialism in global conflict. (DOK 3)
TSW analyze the causes, effects, and features of WWII. (DOK 3)
TSW identify methods of opponents of civil or human rights. (DOK 2)
TSW describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to
conquer Britain. (DOK 2)


TSW define Primary Source. (DOK 1)

TSW identify different types of primary source documents. (DOK 1)
TSW make observations about a primary source. (DOK 2)
TSW predict what is going on in a primary source based on their observations.
(DOK 2)
TSW relate a journal article to a primary source document. (DOK 2)
TSW draw conclusions as to what is going on in the primary source document.
(DOK 3)
TSW create a scene in which they act out what is going on in the primary source
document. (DOK 4)

summarize Germanys invasion of the Soviet Union. (DOK 2)

understand the horror of the genocide the Nazis committed. (DOK 2)
describe the role of the United States before and after joining WWII. (DOK 1)
identify blitzkrieg (DOK 1)
identify Luftwaffe. (DOK 1)
identify Dunkirk. (DOK 1)
identify Vichy. (DOK 1)
identify General Erwin Rommel. (DOK 1)
identify concentration camps. (DOK 1)

TSW analyze the role of imperialism in global conflict. (DOK 3)

TSW analyze the causes, effects, and features of WWII. (DOK 3)
TSW identify methods of opponents of civil or human rights. (DOK 2)
TSW describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to
conquer Britain. (DOK 2)
TSW summarize Germanys invasion of the Soviet Union. (DOK 2)
TSW understand the horror of the genocide the Nazis committed. (DOK 2)
TSW describe the role of the United States before and after joining WWII. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Holocaust. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Lend-Lease Act. (DOK 1)
TSW apply concepts from the lesson using the Holocaust Identity Cards. (DOK 4)


TSW analyze the role of imperialism in global conflict. (DOK 3)

TSW critique attempts to create international security. (DOK 3)

analyze the role of industrialism in global conflict. (DOK 3)

critique attempts to create international security. (DOK 3)
analyze the causes, effects, and features of WWII. (DOK 3)
describe the causes of the Cold War. (DOK 2)
analyze the efforts of governments to regulate economics. (DOK 3)
compare how nations devoted all of their resources to fighting WWII. (DOK 2)
summarize how Allied victories began to push back the Axis powers. (DOK 2)
describe D-Day and the Allied advance toward Germany. (DOK 1)
identify Rosie the Riveter. (DOK 1)
identify aircraft carrier. (DOK 1)
identify Dwight Eisenhower. (DOK 1)
identify Stalingrad. (DOK 1)
identify D-Day. (DOK 1)
identify Yalta Conference. (DOK 1)

TSW analyze the causes, effects, and features of WWII. (DOK 3)

TSW describe the causes of the Cold War. (DOK 2)
TSW assess capitalisms impact on international conflicts. (DOK 3)
TSW describe the reasons for the final defeat of the Nazis. (DOK 2)
TSW summarize how the Allies began to push back the Japanese in the Pacific.
(DOK 2)
TSW explain the American strategy for ending the war against Japan and the
consequences of that strategy. (DOK 3)
TSW identify V-E Day. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Bataan Death March. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Douglas MacArthur. (DOK 1)
TSW identify island-hopping. (DOK 1)
TSW identify kamikaze. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Manhattan Project. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Hiroshima. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Nagasaki. (DOK 1)
TSW analyze the role of imperialism in global conflict. (DOK 3)
TSW critique attempts to create international security. (DOK 3)
TSW analyze the causes, effects, and features of WWII. (DOK 3)
TSW describe the causes of the Cold War. (DOK 2)
TSW assess capitalisms impact on international conflicts. (DOK 3)
TSW describe the reasons for the final defeat of the Nazis. (DOK 2)
TSW summarize how the Allies began to push back the Japanese in the Pacific.
(DOK 2)
TSW explain the American strategy for ending the war against Japan and the
consequences of that strategy. (DOK 3)
TSW identify V-E Day. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Bataan Death March. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Douglas MacArthur. (DOK 1)
TSW identify island-hopping. (DOK 1)
TSW identify kamikaze. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Manhattan Project. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Hiroshima. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Nagasaki. (DOK 1)
TSW critique attempts to create international security. (DOK 3)
TSW analyze the causes, effects, and features of World War II. (DOK 3)
TSW describe the causes of the Cold War. (DOK 2)
TSW describe the issues faced by the Allies after WWII ended. (DOK 2)
TSW summarize the organization of the United Nations. (DOK 2)
TSW analyze how new conflicts developed among the former Allies in the years
after WWII. (DOK 3)
TSW identify Nuremberg. (DOK 1)
TSW identify United Nations. (DOK 1)
TSW identify Cold War. (DOK 1)

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