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Forma: SHOULD/WOULD+Infin. para primera persona. Las dems slo WOULD.

Uso: 1)En frases condicionales. 2)En usos especiales. 3)Como el equivalente a un pasado del futuro.
(Estilo Indirecto).
CONDICIONAL PERFECTO. Se forma igual pero con el Infinitivo Perfecto. Idnticos usos. I
hope he will have finished before we get back.
I hoped he would have finished before we got back.
1.-Probables .Frases con IF: verbo en presente. Principal: en futuro. If he runs he'll get there in time
*Variaciones en la principal: -Con MAY o MIGHT. If the fog gets thicker the plane may/might be
diverted (Posibilidad).
-Con CAN. If your documents are in order you may/can leave at once. (Permiso o habilidad).
-Con MUST, should o expresiones de requerimiento. If you want to lose weight you must/should eat
less bread. (Consejo).
-Otro presente. (Automaticidad) If you heat ice it turns to water.
Si el IF no esconde una frase condicional, se pueden dar muchas otras posibilidades: If Ann hates
London why does she live there? She ought to move out.... (If= as, since).
*Variaciones en la frase con IF: -If + Pres. Cont (Accin presente o futura). If you're waiting for a
bus you'd better join the queue.
-If + Pres. Perfect. If you have finished dinner I'll ask the waiter for the bill.
2. Improbables. Frase con IF en pasado; principal en condicional. If I had a map I would lend it to
you (El pasado es un subjuntivo: irreal). Se utiliza esta construccin cuando la suposicin es contraria
a los hechos. If I lived near my office I'd be in time for work.
Y tambin cuando pensamos que la accin con IF no va a tener efecto: If I dyed my hair blue
everyone would laugh at me (No pretendo...).
Formalmente tambin se podra expresar: If I were to dye my hair..
*Variaciones en la principal: -Con MIGHT o COULD (certeza o posibilidad) If you tried again you
would/might succeed.
-Condicional continuo. If I were on holiday I would/might be touring Italy too.
-Con otro pasado: reaccin habitual. If anyone interrupted him, he got angry.
*Variaciones en la frase con IF: -Con Pasado continuo. (We are going by air and I hate flying) If we
were going by boat I'd feel much better.
-Con Past Perfect. If he had taken my advice he would be a rich man now.
3. Imposibles. Puede expresar suposiciones respecto a acciones ya pasadas. La frase con IF en Past
Perfect, la principal en Condicional Perfecto: If he had tried to leave the country he would have been
stopped at the frontier.
*Variaciones:-COULD o MIGHT en lugar de Would. If he had found him earlier, we could have
saved his life (Habilidad)...we might have saved.. (posibilidad).
-Condicional Perfecto continuo. At the time of the accident I was sitting in the back of the car,
because Tom's boy was sitting beside him in front. If Tom's little boy had not been there I would have
been sitting in front.
-Condicional Perfecto Continuo en la frase con IF. Luckily I was wearing a seat belt. If I hadn't
been wearing one I would have been seriously injured.
-Con HAD y suprimiendo IF: Had you obeyed orders this disaster would not have happened. (If
you had obeyed orders this....).
a) If you will/would en requerimientos corteses: If you will/would wait a moment, I'll see if Mr. Jones is free.
b) If+will/would para expresar deseo: If he'll listen to me I'll be able to help him.
c) Will para expresar insistencia obstinada: If you will play the drums all night no wonder the neighbours complain (If you
d) If+would like/care en lugar de WANT o WISH es ms educado. If you would like to come I'll get the tickets for you.
e) Should en tipo 1 expresando improbabilidad: If you should have any difficulty in getting spare parts, ring this number.

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