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Jacky Vasquez

November 21, 2015

SBS 318

They came before Columbus

Dr. Ivan Van Sertimas speech gives sold evidence about how Africans have been
erased from all history. Sertima debates that there were Africans in America before
Columbus. They came to America as Masters, not slave. Columbus was just one to
suggest enslavement. Columbus pointed out on his second voyage, he was told by
natives that black people had travelled there first. They were there to trade and there
are facts to prove that. Columbus found spears in Americas and these spears were
made of the same material of those spears being produced in Africa. There are also
three major routes that go straight to America because of the strong currents. Evidence
shows that there were also Africans before Christ and it has been carbon-dated.
The destruction of Africans in the history of humankind has been happening and
still continues to happen. Luckily, history can be documented in other forms and it
cannot be denied that Africans were the first. In 1858, stone heads were found in the
Gulf of Mexico. These basaltic sculptures were of African men. It indicated that they
were 291 years old Before Christ. In the late 1930s that more of these stone heads
were found and articles were created to deny Africans in history. The first pyramids were
also found near the stone heads and both had similar architecture (in Mexico and
Egypt). This is just an example of how history is being white washed to have only one
superior race. The history of the world is not written, the history of Europe is.

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