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Teacher: Kaitlyn Sonifrank

Date: April 2016

Subject / grade level: SAE Exploration-Day 1
1) SAE Folders
2) 1 copy of goals worksheet for each student
3) 1 copy of hours record paper
4) SAE PowerPoint presentation

Lesson objective(s):
1) Students will be able to define SMART goals
2) Students will set 3 short term and 3 long term SMART goals
3) Students will explore different SAE options related to the goals created.
4) Students will explore differences between production and entrepreneurship
5) Students will be able to identify different components to creating a basic SAE outline
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
1) Lecture style work for auditory learners.
2) PowerPoint for visual learners
3) Worksheet/in class activities for kinesthetic learners
4) Based on identified student needs additional resources will be developed.
1) Once goals have been created the students will know what they want to do they will be able to
connect different SAE opportunities to their personal lives.
2) Students will create SMART goals based on their own individual lives.
3) Students will create a KWL chart about SAE
4) Complete a matching activity to demonstrate knowledge of the differences between production and
5) Students will be one step closer to choosing their own projects by being able to outline the needs for
an SAE program.
6) Students will view videos about different SAE projects
1) Students will be creating individual SMART Goals
2) They will practice filling out SAE record sheets
3) Students will complete a KWL chart on SAEs
1) What do you want to do for a career?
2) How could SAE help you with your career?
3) What is the difference between short and long term goals?

4) How does production differ from entrepreneurship?

5) Can production and entrepreneurship be the same thing? Explain.
6) What are 5 different things that are needed to have a successful SAE project?

1) What are SMART goals?
What are short term goals?
What are long term goals?
Matching activity- Give examples of goals and have students decide rather they are SMART goals
and if they arent how they can be changed to become SMART goals.
2) What is SAE?
Supervised Agriculture Experience
What are some SAEs? List a few: have students share from personal knowledge through 4-H, older
siblings, previous experiences.
How can SAE help them to achieve their SMART goals?
Activity: Students work with the SAE hours worksheet using a scenario that is given to them.
Have a think-pair-share activity of what each group thinks is the most important part of the
3) Production vs. Entrepreneurship
What is production?
What is entrepreneurship?
What are some examples of SAEs that fit into these categories?
Activity: Match different SAEs with the proper heading of either production or entrepreneurship.
4) Identify characteristics of a successful SAE project
What is a stakeholder?
What do you as the student need to put into your SAE for it to be resourceful?
What kind of resources would be needed?
Activity: Each student will pick an SAE topic and complete a worksheet on what the needs of the
program are, who would serve as the Stakeholders, how that project would impact the community.

1) Student will be able to connect what they are learning about SMART goals to their own lives through
the activity of creating their own short and long term SMART goals.
2) Students will identify different SAE projects and how they can relate to their long term goals.
3) Students will elaborate on the differences in programs between production and entrepreneurship
4) Students will be able to identify the different characteristics of successful SAE projects.
5) Vocab:

6) This knowledge can be used in their everyday lives because every day you make goals for something
in your life. SAE experiences can be applied to real life because the experiences that students get
through their SAE projects help them to get jobs and other awards. Students will learn the difference
between production and entrepreneurship which will allow for them to identify these characteristics in
real world scenarios. By identifying the different components to an SAE project students will be able
to have a better understanding of the concept of SAE.
1) Students will receive a participation grade for completing participating in class.
2) Students will receive a completion grade for finishing the worksheets.
3) Students will take a short exit quiz on the vocab.
4) In the beginning of the next class there will be a short review quiz.

Teacher: Kaitlyn Sonifrank

Date: April 2016
Subject / grade level: SAE Exploration-Day 2-Day 4
5) SAE Folders
6) SAE Exploration worksheet
7) Computer access
8) Poster board and other poster making supplies.

Lesson objective(s):
6) Short verbal review of previous lesson.
7) Complete any material not covered from previous class.
8) Identify two or three SAE projects that they are interested in.
9) Begin researching selected SAE topic.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
5) Lecture style work for auditory learners.
6) PowerPoint for visual learners
7) Worksheet/in class activities for kinesthetic learners
7) Once students have chosen their preferred topic they will begin to fill out the SAE exploration sheet
8) Students will create their own presentation to share with the class at the completion of the unit.
9) Students will explore different SAE project plan templates.
10) Students will utilize different forms of technology to complete their presentations.
11) Students will complete the setup of their SAE notebooks.
1) Students will choose an SAE topic that they are interested in and begin researching the details of the
2) Students will set up at SAE record notebook.
3) Students will create presentations to showcase their chosen SAE project.
4) Students will develop a plan to begin their own projects.

How will this project help you in your future endeavors?

How does your chosen SAE connect to your SMART goals?
Did you choose production or entrepreneurship? Why?
What are 5 different types of SAE programs?
How can your SAE help you go to college? Find a job?
What is the purpose of having a successful SAE project?

What are SMART goals?

Short term goals?

Long term goals?
What is SAE?
What is the difference between production and entrepreneurship?
Name two characteristics of a successful SAE program?
What is a stakeholder?
Activity: The above questions will be asked as a targeted review with verbal responses from the
2) Complete unfinished material from previous lesson
3) Identify interested SAE projects
Show SAE videos
Have students write a list of interested SAEs
Show list of all approved SAE projects by Virginia FFA
Activity: Students will watch short videos and pick 2 or 3 topics from the provided list.
4)Individual Projects
Students will pick an SAE and research that project
-What is the topic
-What is included
-What would an ideal project look like
-Who can help you
-How will this project help you in the future
Activity: Students will begin to research their individual projects answering the above questions and
following the requirements outlined in the rubric.

7) Students will be able to review the subject matter that was covered in the previous lesson.
8) Students will identify SAE projects that interest them and are connected to the SMART goals that
they set in the previous class.
9) Students will research and complete projects showcasing the SAE project that they are most
interested in completing.
10) Students will prepare to present their projects to the class.
11) Vocab: No new vocab for this lesson.
5) Students will receive a participation grade for completing participating in class.
6) Students will receive a completion grade for finishing the worksheets.
7) Students will take a short exit quiz on the vocab.
8) In the beginning of the next class there will be a short review quiz.

Teacher: Kaitlyn Sonifrank

Date: April 2016
Subject / grade level: SAE Exploration-Day 5-Day 6
9) SAE Folders
10) 1 copy of goals worksheet for each student
11) 1 copy of hours record paper
12) SAE PowerPoint presentation
13) SAE agreement paper
14) Student Presentation Rubrics
Lesson objective(s):
10) Students will be able to be able to give 5-10 minute presentations on their chosen SAE projects.
11) Students will be able to complete peer-review rubrics.
12) Students will use critical thinking skills to evaluate peer presentations.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
8) Lecture style work for auditory learners.
9) PowerPoint for visual learners
10) Worksheet/in class activities for kinesthetic learners
11) Based on identified student needs additional resources will be developed
12) Based on identified student needs additional resources will be developed.
12) Students will strengthen public speaking skills while giving oral presentations.
13) Students will explore critical thinking skills while peer reviewing projects done by classmates.
14) Students will expand their knowledge on SAE by peer teaching.
1)Students will fill out a peer review sheet for each presentation
2) Students will gain knowledge based on what their classmates have researched and make connections to
their own lives.
1) What did you learn from your peers presentations?
2) How can their presentation effect your life?
1) Student presentations
2) Written Plan for individual projects
-Students will turn in a written agreement by the end of SAE presentations where they will agree what
SAE project they will be completing throughout the year.
12) Students will connect SAE projects to their own lives.

13) Students will elaborate on the different SAE projects that are available to them.
14) Students will submit a written plan for their SAE project.
9) Students will receive a participation grade for completing participating in class.
10) Students will receive a completion grade for finishing the worksheets.
11) Students will take a short exit quiz on the vocab.
12) In the beginning of the next class there will be a short review quiz.

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