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Annotated Bibliography on Childrens Right for Education

Muoz, Vernor. "Education." Plan International. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.

-This is a database source that provides and explains information or facts about how essential
education is to children. This source also provides the priorities of education for children such as
laws and policies, equal access, quality education, accountability and participation.

Heymann, Dr. Jody. "Children's Right to Education: Where Does the World Stand?" The
Huffington Post., 06 Jan. 2015. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.

-In this article, it states that children have the right to drop out of school as it is legal in a variety
of countries. However, majority of countries see the importance of education and made a law that
children should complete school to assist to them gain success.

"Understanding Childrens Right to Education." Humanium Together for Childrens Rights. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.

-This is an open source that argues why education is important and essential to children. It states
the many ways how children would benefit from gaining education, such as developing ones
personality and identity, as well as physical and intellectual enhancements. It states that
education should be accessed by all children. Also, it states that the education being provided
should be of excellent quality.

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