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Monica Mata
Professor Batty
English 113B
April 28, 2016
Animal Cruelty in The Fur Fashion Industry
Imagine yourself restricted in a freezing cold and dark cage. Imagine yourself having to
live with no food or water, you have lived in this mucky place your whole life, for you, this is
what you would call home. Suddenly one day you are ripped away from your small cage and
start to endlessly get beaten to almost death, excruciatingly skinned alive then tossed like
garbage into a pile with others who had experience and suffer the same fate. This is how horrific
the fur industry is and unfortunately, this kind of things are happening to animals on a daily
basis. Innocent animals are constantly being torture in order to make clothing out of fur, and later
on sold to famous designers or brands. Although fur is fashionable, fur should be banned in the
fashion industry because this is how cruel and heartless the fur industry can get, all for fashion.
Something should be done about this.
The organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals also known as PETA
shares many informative articles on their website that talks about animal cruelty for example,
every year, fur industries are responsible for the painful deaths of about 40 million animals. This
Animals are suffocated, drowned, or beaten in the wild, others are gassed or electrocuted to death
on fur farms, these animals are suffering unspeakable cruelty. This is an unhuman kind of
behavior taken by those industries who hurt innocent animals. Recent Investigation by the
organization Orange Country People for Animals (OCPA) shows that some animals are being
kept in cages that are about 2.5 feet square, stuck in a small cage with one to four animals.


Extreme crowding and imprisonment can be extremely dangerous for the animals, over crowding
animals can create self harming behaviors, including pelt, tail biting and some abnormalities.
OCPA also mentions that all of this can lead to the developing of contagious diseases such as,
Aleutian diseases, viral enteritis and many others.
A recent article named fur is back, would you wear it again written by Imogen Fox
posted on the website The guardian, Fox writes a quote by Doris Day saying, Killing an animal
to make a coat is a sin, it was not meant to be and we have no right to do it. Day, is absolutely
right animals fur is not meant to be taken and made into clothing specially to please a human
need. However, Fur is still being used in the fashion industry. Fur can be found in coats, shoes,
sweaters and so on. People feel the need to use animal fur on clothing because Fur is seen on
runways like Milan, Paris, and New York, and also on known designers such as Oscar de la
Renta, and Marc Jacobs frequently include fur in their collections, they exhibit fur in different
colors and trims. Animals are not only being used in expensive and known clothings but on our
local companies such as Kohls use animal fur as well. An article published on USA Today
written by Lindsay Deutsch called Kohl's sorry faux fur on jacket was real raccoon dog, where
she shared news, people were purchasing jackets that were made of real fur from raccoon dogs.
Kohls apologized to its customers and claimed to not have known of their jackets being made
of real fur, but this was not the first incident that the company faced. I dont believe making the
same mistake twice can count as an accident. People continued to purchase Kohls clothing with
no resentment and no consequences were taken against this company the first time which caused
them to believe it was okay to do it a second time.
Some people might disagree with my statement and say that animal fur isnt as bad as I
make it sound. It is believed that fur can last a long time (Ardiansyah, 2013). For some people


this is a great investment because since it can last a great amount of time it can be passed on
from generation to the other. Another reason why people believe its okay to use animal fur in
clothing is because many celebrities are wearing it, like Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga and so on.
Now days it is normal for people to copy everything a celebrity does or has. I agree that looking
like a celebrity might create feelings of wealthiness, chic, and even feel classy, but is taking the
lives of innocent animals worth it? Fur is not as useful as we believe, even though clothing made
of fur can last for a great amount of time, it can be very high maintenance. The energy and cost it
takes in order to keep fur in good shape is very high. It can take a great amount of time to trim
and clean animal fur. One of the main problems that people seem to be ignoring is the death of
animals. (The fur industry, n.d.). If we continue to kill animals like rabbits, chinchillas, bears and
etc., for fur it is possible endangerment and even extinction. Fur clothing for fashion is not a
necessary thing humans need to survive therefor it should not be produced.
The use of Fur in fashion needs to be stopped. We as a community need to come together
and create changes. Many organizations are helping create a change such as PETA and OCPA but
no actions can be taken unless the people want to create a change. The killing of this animals is
not being beneficial to anyone; animal fur is not a necessary material needed in our lives. We
need to stop thinking of our needs and begin to think of the harm that is being done to animals.
Many of them are being beaten to death or never get to live in their natural habitat because they
are kept in small cages. If we continue to kill them what are we going to have left for our nature.


Koerner A. 7 fur-free Fashion Designers. Ecorazzi 7 FurFree Fashion Designers

Comments.Np.,19 Nov.2013.web.25 Feb.2026
PETA. "The Fur Industry." People for Ethical Treatment of Animals. N.p., 19 Nov. 2013. Web.
20 Feb. 2016.
Fox, Imogen. "Fur Is Back Would You Wear It?" The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 01
Aug. 2013. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.
MailOnline, Danny Penman for. "Is 'ethical Fur' the Fashion Industry's Most Cynical Con Yet?"
Newspapers, n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.

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