Revised 6a-Ngss Dup Goals Objectives and Assessments - Template

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Digital Unit Plan Goals, Objectives and Assessments

Unit Title:

Chemical Reactions and Bond Energies

Content Area: Chemistry

Name: Juan Pablo Perezchica

Grade Level: High School

Next Generation Science Standards/Performance Expectations

HS-PS1-2. Construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple chemical reaction based on the
outermost electron states of atoms, trends in the periodic table, and knowledge of the patterns of chemical
HS-PS1-4. Develop a model to illustrate that the release or absorption of energy from a chemical reaction system
depends upon the changes in total bond energy.
HS-PS1-7. Use mathematical representations to support the claim that atoms, and therefore mass, are conserved
during a chemical reaction.
Anchoring Activity
Students are industrial scientists investigating a mysterious chemical reaction involving hydrogen peroxide. They want to know
the identity of an unidentified catalyst that is driving a reaction forward using this reagent, as well as the products and the
overall chemical equation involved, to determine if there is any functional and industrial benefit to the reaction. They will also be
calculating the reactions enthalpy and be determining the exothermic/endothermic nature of their formulated chemical
equation, to see if there are additional industrial benefits (and benefits that can serve humankind).

Driving Question of the Unit

How can we determine the generated products and the energy associated with an unknown chemical reaction, if we only know
the identity of the reagent(s)?
Is there any industrial and functional benefits for this reaction?

Unit Goals---Describe what you want students to be able to do. For example, I wanted my students to be able to know when to
use the epistemic practices when I gave them verbal or visual cues. Students will need to be able to recognize science even if it
is not in the verbal form. See the article Outside the Pipeline: Reimagining Science Education for Nonscientists. A summary of
the article is in the appendix of this unit plan template.

Students will be provided with materials to develop a model of a chemical reaction system, and will, in subsequent lessons,
refine the model, to show correct molar quantities of the participating substances and the energy absorbed or released to push
the reaction forward. The goals of the unit are as follows:
1. Learn about the individual components of a chemical reaction system and the changes in energy required to push reactions
forward. Learn the relationship between the energy generated/absorbed in a chemical reaction and the difference in the sum of
bond energies between the products and the reactants.
2. Develop an initial model (chemical equation) based on experimentation and lab demonstration performed by the teacher in
front of class. Students will have to understand the important of the law of the conversation of matter (and mass) to meet this
unit goal (and to satisfy the HS-PS1-7 performance expectation).
3. Research more information about the participating substances (reactants, products, catalyst) of the demonstration, their
respective phases of matter in the reaction, and the observed energy generated, using textbook and internet research, to revise
4. Students will calculate the sum of bond energies of both the products and reactants and link these to the energy
generated/absorbed during the lab demonstration. Teacher will show authentic model and correct calculations for the sum of
relevant bond energies and the energy generated/absorbed during the lab demonstration.
5. Students will generate a multi-paragraph paper about their generated model, the molar quantities of the substances involved,
and link the sum of bond energies of both products and reactants with the energy generated/absorbed in the lab demonstration.
They will also reflect on how their generated model compared to the authentic model.
6. Help students identify and develop individual interest and expertise in the subject matter.
7. Facilitate students pursuing their own science related interest, questions, and personal curiosities through inquiry-based
8. Have all students develop a deep and durable involvement with science.

Lesson 1 [Chemical Reactions/Reaction Energies and Bond Enthalpies]

Student Learning Objective:

Acceptable Evidence Formative and/or Summative Assessment:

Students will be able to distinguish the

difference between products and reactants in
a chemical equation (this will be review) and
indicate that a change in energy is needed to
drive the reaction forward.

Formative Assessment: This will be a progress monitoring assessment and will

assess students understanding of the components involved in a chemical
reaction, and the connection between energy generated/absorbed in the reaction
and the difference in the sum of bond energies between the products and
reactants. It will be given as an online socrative quiz made up of six questions.
Students will work in pairs to complete this quiz, so that they can share and
discuss the lesson, giving them the opportunity to clarify or carefully think about
information. It will be given in the last 9 minutes of class. The results of this
assessment will inform the teacher whether more time needs to be devoted to
this lesson. This assessment will be graded only for participation

Student will be able to demonstrate an

understanding that the required amount of
energy to make products from reactants in a
chemical reaction system is identical to the
difference in the sum of bond energies
between the products and the reactants
(change in enthalpy). Students will also be
able to state the difference between
exergonic and endergonic reactions.

Lesson 2 [Chemical Reactions/Predicting the Chemical Equation]

Student Learning Objective:

Acceptable Evidence Formative and/or Summative Assessment:

Students will formulate a chemical equation

based on a lab activity involving a chemical
reaction involving a hydrogen peroxide. A
catalyst will be used to move the reaction
forward (the name of the catalyst will not be
provided). The reaction will generate two
gaseous products. Students will apply prior
knowledge, generate a question, consult the
classroom textbook, and discuss a solution in
groups of two based on their observations.

Formative Assessment: Students will write down their observations and initial
conclusions about the chemical equation on an investigation (inquiry) scaffold
guide. While they work and jot this information down, the teacher will assess the
students for understanding. This assessment will inform the teacher, so that he
can clarify directions and clear-up any misconceptions the students may have.

Students will be guided through this activity

using an investigation (inquiry) scaffold

Lesson 3 [Chemical Reactions/Revising Chemical Equation through Research]
Student Learning Objective:

Acceptable Evidence Formative and/or Summative Assessment:

Students will refine their formulated

chemical equation and draw a final
conclusion about the authentic form through
the assistance of internet and textbook
resources (expert input), to account for the
correct molar quantities of the reactants and
products. The reaction will be performed
this time by the teacher, so that students can
once again evaluate the
exergonic/endergonic nature of the reaction
and observe the reaction move forward.

Formative Assessment: Students will collaborate with their partners and will
discuss, conduct research to satisfy lesson objectives. They will be guided with
the investigation (inquiry) scaffold guide. The teacher will walk around class,
listening to conversations, engaging with students in discussions to assess
understanding and clarify misconceptions about the content.

Students will write their revised chemical

equation on the investigation (inquiry)
scaffold guide and support their conclusion
with evidence collected from the expert
input. They will also list ways that the
reaction might be useful in industry and for
humankind on the scaffold guide.
Lesson 4 - [Chemical Reactions/Final Calculations of generated Chemical Equation]
Student Learning Objective:

Acceptable Evidence Formative and/or Summative Assessment:

Students will be able to correctly calculate

the sum of bond energies of both the
products and reactants and link these to the
energy generated/absorbed in their
generated chemical equation

Formative Assessment: The teacher will assess students with a worksheet

activity, where students will have to show bond enthalpy calculations,
demonstrate an ability to sum up the total bond energies of the reactants and
products (separately), calculate the difference between the sums, and identify
this difference with the energy generated or absorbed the chemical reaction. The
student will have to explain important differences between his/her generated
equation and the authentic equation. The student will also write a paragraph
explaining how the chemical equation might be useful to industry and for
humankind, based on what theyve learned about the products and

Students will be able to correctly calculate

the sum of bond energies of both the
products and reactants and link these to the

energy generated/absorbed in the actual

chemical equation provided by the teacher.

thermodynamic nature of the reaction. The worksheet will take 35 minutes of

class time and will be completed by pairs of students.

Students will consider important differences

between their generated chemical equations
and the authentic one provided by the

Formative Assessment: The assessment will be a three-problem exit card, to be

completed in the last 7 minutes of class. This assessment will be graded for
correct answers and each student will have to do it on their own. This will be a
progress monitoring assessment and will measure the extent of the students
understanding of the unit up to that point. With the exit card, the student will
also be judged to see if he/she can calculate the sum of relevant bond energies
and successfully link these to the energy released/absorbed in a chemical

Lesson 5 - [Chemical Reactions/Putting It All Together!]

Student Learning Objective:

Acceptable Evidence Formative and/or Summative Assessment:

Students will compose a 4-5 paragraph paper

about their generated chemical equation, the
molar quantities of the substances involved,
and associate the difference in the sum of
bond energies between products and
reactants with the energy
generated/absorbed in the lab
demonstration. In the paper, they will also
reflect on how their generated model
compared/contrasted with the authentic
model and how the chemical equation might
be useful to industry and to humankind,
based on what theyve learned about the
products generated and the thermodynamic
nature of the chemical equation.

Summative Assessment: Students will be assessed with a 4-5 paragraph paper

summarizing their generated chemical equation (from research), their
conclusions about the molar quantities of the reactants and products involved
(and if this lined-up with the actual equation), and if they could successfully
communicate with words the connection between the difference in the sum of
bond energies of the participating substances and the exergonic/endergonic
nature of the chemical equation. Comparing and contrasting their generated
equation with the actual equation will also demonstrate evidence of the learning
objective. Students will work on their own.

Unit Summative Assessment

Formative Assessment 1: This will be a progress monitoring assessment, given in lesson 1, to assess students understanding of
the components involved in a chemical reaction, and the connection between energy generated/absorbed in the reaction and the
difference in the sum of bond energies between the products and reactants (also known as change in enthalpy). It will be given
as an online socrative quiz made up of six questions. Students will work in pairs to complete this quiz, so that they can share

and discuss the lesson, giving them the opportunity to clarify or carefully think about information. It will be given in the last 9
minutes of class. The results of this assessment will inform the teacher whether more time needs to be devoted to this lesson.
This assessment will be graded only for participation.
Formative Assessment 2: This will be a progress monitoring assessment, given in lesson 4, to assess students understanding of
the unit up to that point, and to determine students capacity to calculate the sum of relevant bond energies and successfully
link these to the energy released/absorbed in a chemical reaction. The assessment will be in the form of a three-problem exit
card, to be completed in the last 7 minutes of class. This assessment will be graded for correct answers.
Summative Assessment: Students will be given a quiz assessment, made up of 14 problems; nine problems will cover the
components of a chemical reaction, energy generated/absorbed that drives a reaction forward, calculations using bond
enthalpies and a random chemical equation, and the relationship between the sum of relevant bond energies and the
exergonic/endergonic nature of the reaction. The other five problems will cover the lab demonstration, its authentic chemical
equation, and the exergonic/endergonic of this reaction. It will be a graded assessment and it will be completed after all the
lessons have been covered. The assessment result will communicate to the teacher whether the unit has to be modified for
future students.

Useful Websites:

Bond Breaking and Bond Making in Chemical Reactions:

Bond Enthalpy (Bond Energy):
UC Davis: Bond Energies:

Review: Outside the Pipeline: Reimagining Science Education for Nonscientists Science, April 19, 2013.

Summary of the Article:

How People Interact with Science
Individuals have different motivations for using scientific information. Factors that influence the use of
science include social, cultural, and demographic differences. In addition, the type of science that is useful
differs from one problem or issue to another. Science comes in a variety of forms such as experimentation,
observational data or simulations or field research. One goal of science education is to facilitate student
understanding of what forms of science are best suited for the problems that we are trying to solve.
Students will need to understand that science is a flexible philosophical and methodological human
endeavor. The sub-goals of this BIG IDEA are as follows:
Students will need to understand the context of a problem to understand what type of methods are
Students will understand and interpret the scientific principles that speak to the driving questions
and anchoring activities presented in the coursework. The principles will change with subject matter.
Students will engage in ill-structured problems, defined in personal and practical terms, to practice
using different principles and epistemic practices.
Knowing Science: From Knowing the Textbook to Accessing the Science you need
Science education should prepare more students to access and interpret scientific knowledge at the time
and in the context of need. Students will need to be able to read articles and the text book, draw on prior
knowledge to interpret the text, and be able to cross reference what is read with other materials. This is
not simply the application of science for a particular problem, this is reconstructing the science in valid
ways to construct solutions. When it comes to planning science for students some sub-goals of this major
goal are as follows:
To confront students with an ill-structured problem or challenge framed in an anchoring activity to
extend their existing knowledge and develop concrete solutions.
To create a learning environment where students develop the skills to recognize when and how
science is relevant in their daily lives.
To be able to cite textual based evidence to support or refute a claim (CCSS ELA)

To be able to convert a phenomena into a mathematical model (CCSS Math)

Thinking Scientifically: From Practicing Science to Judging Scientific Claims

Students will need to engage in the epistemic practices of science in flexible and creative ways. The
procedures that make up the epistemic practices of argumentation, experimentation, modeling, and the
negotiation of expository text are not static but are guided by the cycle of scientific thinking. Students will
rarely need to go through ALL the steps in a given epistemic procedure in order to engage in scientific
problem solving or research design. However, students will need to make sophisticated judgments about
credibility of scientific claims based on cues like publication venue, institutional affiliation, and potential
conflict of interest. In order to plan lesson that allow students to engage in this big idea teachers will need
to set some of the following goals:
To help students understand how scientists evaluate evidence and how research is packaged for
presentation. Engaging student in argumentation and negotiation of expository text does this. Note:
expository text will need to be presented in more ways then just the textbook.
To help students engage in peer review when teachers are planning an argument or negotiation of
expository text.
Students will engage in epistemic practices to examine a science-inflected social problem, with the
goal of uncovering epistemic and ethical nuances at the interface of science and daily life.
To help students engage in and interpret scientific text.
Appreciating Science: From Positive Feelings to Deep and Durable Involvement
Teachers will need to create learning environments where students develop an appreciation of science and
recognize how science influences their daily lives. Students will need to connect with science though
interest areas and following their personal curiosities. Therefore, some of the sub-goals of the work science
teachers do will be to:
Facilitate students pursing their own science related interest, questions, and personal curiosities
through project-based; inquiry-based; and model based learning.
Facilitate socio-scientific issue discussion in class.
Help students identify and develop individual interest and expertise in the subject matter.

Connect students with science resources in the community such as clubs, museums, projects,
science fair, and business that specialize in science outreach.
Use science-based games to facilitate student interest and curiosity for science problem solving.
Empowering students to use the epistemic practices in their everyday lives and to own the practices
for life long problem-solving.

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