Crossing The Line Scenarios and Answers

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Crossing the Line Scenarios and Answers

There was a forest fire in Northern Wisconsin. How does this affect the
cost of making wooden chairs? (cost goes up)
Bugs infested half your seasons corn crop. How does this affect the cost
of producing Kellogs Corn Flakes? How does it affect the price of buying Kellogs
Corn Flakes? (cost and price go up)
Sufficient April rains and moderate summer temperatures yield twice as
many soybeans as last years October harvest. How does this affect the cost of
producing soymilk and tofu? How does it affect the price of buying soymilk and
tofu? (cost and price go down)
The citizens of Flint, Michigan are unable to drink their water, as it has
been contaminated. What happens to the price of bottled water? The demand?
The supply? (price goes up, demand goes up, supply goes down).
Theres a Mad Cow disease epidemic in Nebraska. What happens to the
supply of hamburger meat? (supply goes down)
The iron ore miners go on strike in Ohio. What happens to the cost of
producing steel? What happens to the price of steel? (cost and price go up)
Teleportation is now possible! What happens to the demand for
automobiles? (demand goes down)

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