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.-GRAHAM BRASH a) O == = we 28 FOR PROGRESSIVE PLAYERS WY Sa) ae x= i) ie art DO YOU KNOW THESE OPENINGS? CHESS OPENINGS FOR PROGRESSIVE PLAYERS by M. GRAHAM BRASH ‘Wit 61 Diagrams Hl METHUEN & CO. LTD. LONDON 36 Ewex Street, Sirand, W.C2 Fi palin 19 INTRODUCTION ‘A xrowirnoe of ches the King of gars, may. perbape be {eeasded as the Keystone of feral edbaton. Whether cone fideed plein ee from the cares an worries of tease life or asa means of developing the reasoning aca, the sume of ces stants supreme among itlectal recreates. Tas Inide face of chance is enrely absent, art from the sight advantage ‘ofthe rst move, whi fe eancctid by the rule that, a ees of ums, tis sien fo the two opponents aterm “Once the rudients ofthe same have bon masiced, the most lesporant sly that of the openings. The average moderate Diver who perhaps mews the stne tho oF thie chess Payers ty fegularys sotto rly on one OF two favourite opens, fin! ray be overtaken fy hatter on psping agaist sanset ‘tho speimgs an unknown opening on him, Tes therefore adsabe for every chow piger to acquire 2 sound Knowledge of seeral ‘opening, stacks, defences and gums. The object of this book to presen thse in clear, sinple manner systemaccal arranged fin dvd ito the five naturol series nto which they fal vie tthe fist-moves. Each opening bas a pase to ill, wih a Sagram showing the position afer Buck's Seventh ove, and he aor variations fellow ae annoatows,togetier with comments, ‘nating, aad ccsonall a rp. "To corhmut the vanous openings 10 memory ght appear 0 be detirabl, bt, even ere ths possible, shuld pot be seme. “The erent clement in ches iv an understanding ofthe reson behing enon move, whether made by yourself or by Jour opponent ‘Asc seen fom the oototes (Which rey no means xa ‘ofthe mulpe variations in each opeins, but am to show oly the test of many), any game ean seedy Take onan unusial Sharactr and, unless one is prepared fo contest every dsiation from the normal with some widerstanding of is opponent's Meat ‘or inenios, a ame maybe fst the cay stage, Every good ‘move ina Opening or variation hat parlcuar object In view, Aluuck, defence, or evelopment of poston, and should not be ‘epic to unter ert hasbeen made Yo wndersand is mean fing. Te must alvays be remembered that ches combut ben we fess, and i snl to study every movement of the ‘posing “army” and ale ones own plane whenever necessary to Inet the sation created hy the last moss. To ogi the opening 1 stereotyped i aeat mistake (ease in Gin ene in which itis aurea beforehand to pla seeran opening tsording 1 the textbook) for many games tay’ be won or fst the fis ew opening moves. Rell ates: “The opening isthe hardest Pato the ‘lime; for i very aifeult at tat pois to set to know what = {going on.” The noi, therfore, cannot give too much ms tothe ‘ty ofthe openings the why and the whesefove of exety move ies only thus that he a avoid being aught in 4 trap, oF ea ‘ot bya Wek move of his adversary ‘he extensive range of openings given in this book, all of tam ‘thoroughly tested and sraaed, i 1 legacy of gent Chess players ‘over period of five unded Sears. Chess ofcourse, 3 most §ncent me, but the modem metho of ply wae standardised ‘nly inthe teenth cetuy, when considerable shangss were wie in the pomes ofthe Queen and some he piss, Unni abou the end ofthe ninetecnthcxtuy, the King's side ‘pening (1. PK) were most populis, hough the Quecs Pawn ‘Game ncusing the Quen's Garb) was prada aig ground 61 favourite n chess tournaments. The twentieth Selury fas sen the re of the mover schoo with fe new ideas aad experiments In during openings which ave added infite variety and ely ‘iced the scope ofthe pane. The tsory ofthe openings & cone Suny being developed. and sew moves are introduced 40 oft that the enthosaste player mnt Heep his Anowledge of these Aevelopments upto date, Several variations fa gunes layed 2 fecenly asthe World Charmpionship of 1938 have therefore been Inala in the footnotes, The great chew Masters Nae ot aay correct in thei assrtons ‘mae nthe enthusiast of the moment as when Palo declared in 1799, “Playing the King's Knight the second move fy ntely rong: eaute it not only foes the ack bu pies ie 10 the ‘dvesiry's or when Jove Breer abut 1920, Claed that “aller the Ast move, 1. PKA, Whi gate fen he lst Toes: bt, ‘ste belignt Brtsh amateur, HE it, wrote move thin egy dears ago, "Openings Ignored or rejected to-day ty formers ow berecognled ad adopted by the bert of pgs” “The twentieth century has seen a eat development of the ‘cers Pan oping, formertydsparagsd by te seat Masters Lil now they ze used mere often thin hy other opening sive", ie Cl Se tes senting = ne tournaments and matches. The young player, however, shouk ‘maser the Kin’ Side openitay before attepting To play seus hese with Que’ side openings, which are much more dit ‘development. The fst enenyfour openings. te tena the Fist Series are known as "open games,” wale openings 35 10°35, hich Black replies to White's 1 P-K4y wit a dierent move fom his opponent (hee else asthe Sacond Seri) ate see ‘pen or smicioe gins. The remainder ofthe opines inthis book re Known 28 “lose game” and are ete died io “Third Series, commencing |. POM, with a similar move by Black, Fourth Satis 1. PO, to whith Black reps with 2 ifered ‘move, and Fith Series, in which White opens With any move ther than PKS of POG, These were formerly cise as begat ‘openings, and are ony suitable for advance lye, Inthe Kinss Pawn openings each erty move of Whites willy an ack calling for edhe mediate defensive action oF doe a ‘ualy dangereuscoanterstack This fends to stable the onde ‘ofthe mows. Inthe Quees Puen openings, on the othr nd, the asl abject is fo buld up sons postion, sovtrling the ‘ite, so thatthe atk cane brought ome later wth an overs Powering combinaton. There is therefore conserve soope Tor Ianspostions in the clove games, making it rather iu 0 fmrange such openings in methodical manner. Payers wil hive 1 be prepared in such games 10 meet 3 sth-ovt to diferent ‘penis by ther opponent ‘Objection may be mae tothe fc tht thi book the openings re not coninoed so far asin some other books of this ate, which ake them on othe sseemth nave or even forte t ‘Sbjct in stopping short of these further developments io thw ‘He onus of eontnung the game thus early on the player ithe he that he may’ gun more practice i reesoning the why and ihesfore ofeach mate. Two or three more moves are ier tach opening ae the dgram ofthe poston ar Black's evel ‘move. Further analysis would derive this book of He concise ature, and rue the ation of ionumerabe aciatigns which ‘an be const i other publications intended for reference by ths more advanced plaet Is hoped that this restraint il be ‘wekcomad by younger puaet, ak a noperabuncnnse of vratons Imight tend to dssouragethone for whom this book bas: been secily compiled Capulanea, roe: “Before development hasbeen const 0 piese shoul! be moved more than vee, une ewan #0 ve obtain ether material advantage orto secre freiom of ection.” ‘The objet of this 10 obi a al-vound development of the pins and pce, hut the exceptions to TMs excelent rae can Be Seen in such openings a the Ruy Loper in whieh White's Kin’ Bishop makes several moves in teeesion and Alekhie's Defence ‘wth ropeatod moves of Black's King’s Kale ’\prchlem shies i often dificult for yours rayers is that of casting. Considered purely asa defensive mesure, would prob bly be Rater to dey the option unl ones opponent has co: entre his attack on one die of the boar aod then 38 If be Double to easton te ote side, But casing ean lo be used as fp alacking manmuvte, as tis is usualy tbe quickest way of triaging he Root ito lay. For stance, fo an Opeaing in which the Queens are exchanged carly im the ime, casting i almost ‘conti 'No clam to ocsinaity is made jn these openings, which will be recognised by expertncel players asthe standards of opening Day ‘roled tvough the cemtute, but the auhor offers ths Book 1 the hore that its simple, clear and methodical the of resent tion wil commend itl o al layers whether in the novice ess trata more advanced stage. Once you have mastered the suede Sh the opeiags, you eed have ne Tear of te midge, the Srtof wich it fet stron combinstons aint your opponent Sie not neaasting the defence of sour ow postion. Te sy Of the endgame isa dierent rater, but I doesnot present ‘asy difclles as the opening. Try to master the seas behind ‘hse openings, owe ater agoter, and you Wil Gad not onl ‘rest imororerct fa your sill at he, bu your enfotnent of the nme nl be ennced ty the infin vait that they afer, ‘The rounsplyer however, sould not ty Yo absorb oo many pening ath cry taps (OE tis bound Togas some com Aston, Let him star withthe cao mano, the ol Kalan open ing whikh is sl found to conform most fully to the ideas of ‘ondary developmen. His ext serious study should be the RLY ove, the mast populit of all King’s Pawn. openiags. Having ‘sine procieney i tes, some Knowle of the sva8 Gate the To whine vane dling thew LANGE sTesex) and ‘Peitngs the Hing Gaus the te sedated tore procenting Forte THs progress shoo then Je him to the raenctt DerESCE ahd the ssunx perenc bot of which he tre fo encounter many tes. Only hen crain of his ground in hese openings he may roel o he cue in oni nd he anc a ecuatn, ghing spl stenton to the sory Deseret Ftenive sey of hs lnporant opxings he shoud be ale Unt the move advanced pen rodued bythe no: NDAN fed guns mow per He wil thea be In poston fo Sty othe psig wBich may sil ape Lo hi. TR druvinck tw th show propamme, however, tht yoo cannot tats the moves of yur opponent, andy, a8 Wh, Siny'L, Pe, you mst be prpured fo reply (ot Freeh, GutKann, Sein, or ehoe Bees gen inthe second eh tthe boo Arcs should ead) with a ely other ks, PQa, or one of te openings een Inthe ih seis. ‘Onc fou arene todo ll hx with some conience sn cin ott our oven the mide an ad gx ton you Rave become 3 hon Payer Sloat important f jin chess coh where you cin meet sconper yrs tan yours, and-study thie methods of py inches, bom mow fhe puri reguar Prac an eset ol poate CONTENTS. FIRST SERIES (1, P-x¢, PKs) Ginoco Piano vans Gambit Accepted Evans Gambit Delned. “Two Koigh! Defence Mex Lange Atak ay Lopez: (1) Morty Defense Ruy Loper: 2) Stentz Defence Ruy Loper: 8) Helin Defense “The Seotch Game ‘The Scoich Gambit Ponsian's Opening “Thre Knight? Gane Fur Kaights Game Patrols Defence Phidors Defence “The Vienna Game “The Bishop's Opening The Cenee Game ‘The Danish Gambit The Kine’s Gambit: (1) King's Knight's Gambit. ‘The Kins Gambit: (2) The Mazio Gambit The King’s Gambit: 2) King’s Bishop's Gambit The King’s Gambit Declined Falktser Counter gamit SECOND SERIES (1. PK4: relies other than PK) ‘The French Defence: (1) Casal Form “The French Defence: 2) MeCuteheon Variation ‘Te Cao-Kann Defeoce Seisn Defence: (1) Dragon Variation Sian Defence: (2) Schereningen Variation Sklan Duence (3) Passive Rely ‘Te Centre Counter Game ‘The King's Fancheto Defence ‘The Queen's Fancheto Defense Alekhine’ Defense [Nimzowitst's Defence THIRD SERIFS (1. P04, P09) ‘Qusen's Pawn Game 1) Cole's System ‘Queers Pawn Game: Tarakower's Attack ‘Queens Pawn Game; G) Stonevall Variation Queers Gambit Acceped ‘Ques Gambit Declined: (1) Orthodox Defence ‘Queea's Gambit Dectined (2) Cambridge Springs Delco ‘Queens Gambit Destined: () Taruch Defence (Qussns Cambie Desi: (4) Tehigrin's Deteace ‘users Gambit Destined: (9) Shy Defence ‘bin Counter sumbit FOURTH SERIES (1, Pt: relies oer than P08) ‘The Dutch Defense 46 Staunton Gambit (or Blakmar Attack) a Indian Defences: Nimzomitich’s Deere; (1) 8 Indian Defences: Nimzowitsch's Delene: (2) Zach Variation » Kings Indian Defence: (1) ” King’s Indian Defence: 2) Grunts Defence 51 ‘Queen's Indian Defence 2 Bogotubov's Defence 2 Calais System | so “Tehigorin's Defense ss FIFTH SERIES (1, Any move other than P-K4 or P08) ‘The English Opening % Bits Opening From's Gambit Réli-Zakertort Opeting “The Rei Gant Accepted The Rei Gamlst Decne Van’ Kruys Opening “The Saragossa Opening King’s Fanchetta Opening ‘Queen's Fanchetto Opening “The Polish Opening ‘Andersen's Opening "The Queens Knights Opening FIRST SERIES 1. GIUOCO PIANO (THE QUIET GAME) “This case Katlan opening should be mastered before atempting taping other opening In spite of modern theories of deveonment, the Givoso Prno sill exhibits the mst orderly principles ofthe ‘opening moves. Wie 1 PKs 2. Kt-KBS 3 BB Pons B-KtSeh 4 s « 1 (Continuing: 8, Casts, Bs Kt, 9, POS (Miller Ata), and (@) BBS, 10. R-KI, Ke—K2 11, ReKY, PHOS, 2. DOK, Bh, 13, Kev, Caste 1 KUeRP, Keke 13. ORS KOKI 16, RoR, PKBA, oF (9) 9.2 KECKA. 10. Po Reem 1. Q-Q4, B-KBA 12. Qs RU, P03) acim he Seas ate SoG SME MG fanny fh BRR ROR FP = ges ee UEP Cie Partin) PON. A AK. OE, sohiaaiwecas rai ire tes ies Bitiay Meh Okt ea Vator eed ic MQ SMPSB Ra ES CH ' 2. EVANS GAMBIT (ACCEPTED) Arising out of the Givoco Piano opening, this Gambit at White's fourth move, offering te saci 2 less vuble wing Pan wos ‘orignated in 1824 by Caplan W, D. Evans, RIN, ‘many years before an adequate defence was found Whe Black LPKé PKS 2.KUKBS Kt-O8) 3B BB 4 POKU! B&KP Spm BORE SPO Pam 7. Casts BKB (Continuing? . Soi 194). “a Ges ch Cento ce een at oe ee eee ae see eee: 6. R06, mate. “- TF Prk oe POKRT Eatin OBE. 9, SICILIAN DEFENCE: (@) SCHEVENINGEN VARIATION. Bloc’s second move, P—K3, was formerly the most popular Continuation ofthe Sicilan, bt of reeat years Ke_QHS asin the ‘Dragon Variation has been more payed. lack fit move, PQS, Tendt tothe Scheveningen Variation, 7... B—K2), but 5. {EES is probably aster continuation for moderate ayes. Block 1 PKA PQBt 2 RKB PK! RPoe PAP 4KOP KKB S.Kt-ons POs 6K? KB 7 casles BK? (Cominving: 8. K—RI (Maroey's Conination), P—QRS. 9 PH, Q BE anda) 10-8-K5, Casts, or() 10. BBB, Cass) rae Vartan a oe Poke apoio gr we spree a PSG SE isa MS URL ES PPR OY BOS ice Baku eke Che PoE REA bebo, bee TRS St fof Wat's Pav BS Black's Knight certainly reads the les ‘evelopment, but no good lteratve has See suggested. The ely forte f Bisl's Queen, as shown in Note I, is to risky to be esommende. Is ntrsing to compare ti older Way of laying {his opening withthe Centre Game (Opening No 18). Write 1 Pod 2PeP Kt-KBI 2.P-oF Kix 4 Kt-KiS BOKS SBKM — PQB3 6 Cols PKS cn) ne “eae Pano Ra ae kt xen once cr eS 40,5 PBs, P-OBS. 6 QEI-GE Kt-O2 7.894, PI ~Pawas are the sul of ees 32, THE KING'S FIANCHETTO DEFENCE [Although seldom playa, tis well forthe student of hess 0 mise hima wih ibis ruber stegular opening Jest it {rung upon him unespectely. act's postion father cramped, Dur tes ha a change of equalising (Cominsing: 8 Castles, Q-K. 9. K-RI, Kt—0B3) Bn eee ee Semper AFAR NS ESP. REEL Ta SR AGT a RR Opening theory hat been advanced ip rset year 1 sack a sage of Brose at even a sigh weakness this fed etapa emis 4 33. THE QUEEN'S FIANCHETTO DEFENCE ‘The chief objetion to this usual opening i that it disctoses ‘luck tenons and leaves hi no option but to pursue them, leit, witha move and, can prepare for Blacks onslaught Tnadvance Ths opening sometimes paged |. POF, P_OKU, 2. PKs, ce Simin the King’s Fanehesto Defense (Opening No.2), White's firs vo moves can be transpose (Continuing: 8. BxP, Kt—KBS.9. Kt—KB, PBB. 10,P—06, KICKG. I BRS, QIN) staat Seat mkK ee FOR Ria Bra 34, ALEKHINE'S DEFENCE ‘This moder defence istroduced in 192 by Dr. Alexandre Alekhine (Workd Chumpion, 1927-45 and 198)-a8, forsake the panel ‘of developing the pies one ty oe, and move the Knight seta times, perating White to cccupy the centre. Bul in doing soe lures White's Paws forward To uatenale postions, afer Which be ‘She to develop hi piss wih constant pressure Wate Black | PoK¢ — KUCKR PKS Kot Pose KiUKG Pom PQ Pope PAP BPxP KRY BK BoM (Continuing: 8. K-93, PK, 9. B-K2, snd ther 9. 0°02, or Kt_Kt5, or KD) $A SRES RES EER dd FEM Sala, Gales AR RIS PiU, 5. Pho Fctboms valeting, 185) hi co ih y 3 P06 PQ. A BP, KP ORR re ae 2 Eas Rt ae ete OE Reka eee kom 1a FoR NIHOE 8 RON, Kee 8 OPK, Pa foe i en te BSN we Re TEA et me RRB BOK. PKG. Eee leks tm hate mcr imme “ 35. NIMZOWITSCH'S DEFENCE Aton Ninzowitch, one of the pretest modern chess sates, ‘eas probably reponse for iavoducog move varity into the penis than anyother payer of cent years, Here he bulls up aT posidon for anata aginst White's King’s ie (Continuing, B-KKS, Q—Q2.9. OKE—Q2, Casts) SSobicdlg Bo ahs ame means Be. erloltne spat aks ae ee Gees Sekt as Pew Ae, ORE Rak BRS, Hitt dt clad a ‘Tho pawn is now regarded as strongest at home, and weaker she more is advanced, because ins advance ft eaves behind It ‘holes or snares whch ent be guarded by pawns.” Tue seRieS 36 QUEEN'S PAWN GAME: (1) COLE'S SYSTEM ‘The name Queen's Pawn Game is wll applied to all games commencing I -P-Q4 oder shan te Queen's Gambit, even ong the Dutch and Indian Delenes, which are ere aang. Ina diferet sees. In all Queens Pawn Games, oth players mist te careful fot to obstruct to adiance of thee Queers Bishop's Payn by Kt--QR asthe sfengh ofthe opening depends oa & ‘oid cere formed by the Kw’, Quen and. Queen's Bishop's Pays Call's System is qulct method of bung up this ent, (Contining: 8. POY, PxKIP, 9. PXP, KIKI; oF 8. PKS OPP. 9. KixP, BxP) gs Ta a Jima ha aerate eS Pe ea ee ee een oat cats: dean tao ~ a tones Reet Penn cite Raters oe ree PRRs CAN EL ee 37, QUEEN'S PAWN GAME: @) TARTAKOWER'S ‘ATTACK Whit’ hid move in this variaon (favourite development of ‘Tartakowers) is move aggresive, and is usualy ruber fiat for Black to counter White Black L po Poot 2. KKB} Kt-KBs! SEKI PSE ar 5 Pa 6 B03 7 Oke (Coming 8 Cal, 0-92 9,0-K2, POKES) PPR EGR Be Pils STORES GIES ap ail a AASB ETE EE QR TSA CRRewedeery srs RTS ok “OKs 02 6, OKO, Q-KU.7.Q-2, 8-05 (Tamakoner sii Aree eg 6 KIB. 7OKIAO8 FRR. £2, ade ES BS “if you do not treten anything ia the opening, you give entre livery to our epponent not only nthe development of his pies ‘ut alio in the choles of threats 38, QUEEN'S PAWN GAME: @) STONEWALL VARIATION 1a this variation, wih its quiet development, White manages to Iuld uo strane pawn formation i the sen, with ee tein ‘of unehing an atack on the King’ sie 7. OK (Coating: 8. PKR3, B-R4.9, POKES, Px) coh OOS BEARER ot wt G5, bok RP, xeireateas a SEER be 2. Qh 1 aint ioe aera ri ae PPbtot tia ist ATE ER GENK OR, SKIKE, Kt, Pegi PRD 3 RB, GK G26 Kea PRET 02, "Bring aut your piece,” 39, QUEEN'S GAMBIT ACCEPTED Inthe Queen's Gambit, White ofers his Quoens Bishop's Pawn In orer to breakup Blk pvt formation, and Blak accepts the Gambit (asin ft opening, he shoal hot alempt to retain ‘he Gambit Pain, Move usally. the Gambit dctned, bat it Flack remembers the above warning e can sil hold his ow in White rot Pont KKB PKs Be castes (Continuing: 8. P=P, QO. 9. Rx, BxP) ork ge tak BGBM eta PRG Pam Save. 6K P, KE KBS. 7 Re QB, GKE—G2. Cope oe ee ' a eae Pee icy any emcee Bains Se orgs noes RESERNRPemaee BANK, Ke Moraga F-a0 10 49. QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED: (1) ORTHODOX "DEFENCE “Tis opening, ints many variations i now layed more on than any other opeing in turmaments and matches The Ort the Stet defence fr Blick, though his game is rater confines ‘Therefore, White should no hasten exchanges, whi would esl ‘nan enlargmont of sks tetory, White Black Lee Pot 2 Pop PKS 3. KO8 KIKI 4 BKS BK SPKS QkLgr & Kem Cantos! TRB PB (Coniming: 8, OB, KL-KS.9. BB, Qa; 0 8 B03, PxP. 9. BXP, Kt—Q4) s ‘i : fs ee pmo etn 3 POR A Po i ea tis EO SPs Bee Re potote aiael Beis Ra rotece ina cones i rete Sr ret Be ee RRSP ea, btn oe 41. QUEEN'S GAMBIP DECLINED: @) CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS. DEFENCE “This defence i atibuied wo the great Amrian player, Plsbury. ‘Here Blase counterattacks on his sith move, planing While’s “Knipht and threatening his Bihop at KKU alr a paw capture leads (oa Keely contested game. wie 1 Pas 2 Pont 3. K-08 4 Bx 5 PKR 6 Kp 1 Kom ‘(Contioing: 8. Q—B2, Castes 9, B-K2, PKA) oh a BATT Ra BR COREE DES ESSE ee eee PBatemee eoetelteas aS ns Mak Sa PE Ta SH Cee Sri et, We ay 6 FOR PP Rte Stan an Me ol 7 HO 42. QUEENS GAMBIT DECLINED: (3) TARRASCH DEFENCE, {In this variation, Black counterattacks on hist move by plang PQB4, thereby permitting his Qosers Knight to occupy 3, ‘move iudvaneed postion than 2. His Quact’s Pon is usally Salud bg hen opty deed cn eae ng om White |. Poo Pom Kam BPxpe Kim PKK axe (Contining: 8. Castes, Cases. 9: PP, BHP. 10, B—KIS, BST REA, BORD! or 10X14, KHL pate ea os ee eee ee oa eh 6 OP RPPES. E BMG, ea ial cat” Nin Veriton 8 PK, QP FG P05 FB TDK, “Whoever wants to use his pes, if necessary on bth sides of the chessboard, rust be powerline ent” 48. QUEENS GAMBIT DECLINED: () TCHIGORINS. DEFENCE “Tis aggresive defence hardly to Black’ advantage, his two Kgs will not be so veto inthe ead-game as, White's (wo Tishors, Hones, White's two doubied Pawns are a weakness. ‘tvsnevethless of consierable interes, andthe several araions ‘ver in the notes ae all ell worth studying. White Black ro rot Poon! Kian KKBY B_Kis OR} Bak KP

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