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Are Guns Good or Bad?

Will I Be
The Next Victim?
By: Gilbert Lopez Jr.
April 29, 2016

America has become a nation where

guns have excessively taken over. Due to
this issue, America has become the most
popular country where massacres have
occurred with many citizens affected.
Actions have been taken and many gun laws
and regulations have been placed by the
government as they very throughout the
states. Regulations have been made and
passed in response to individuals abusing the
second amendment and those individuals
inability to hold true to what that freedom
gives society. It has also created checks and
balances to help monitor gun use and limit
individuals who will not properly use a
firearm. These regulations and restrictions
were made to create a safer environment for
society members.

Guns should be viewed in a more

neutral aspect due to the vulnerability that
each citizen undergoes every day. The
violent crime rate in the United States has
gone down substantially in the last 20 years.
Our fears, though, have gone up, because of
the high-profile incidents of mass killings of
people caught unaware. Killers have taken
lives in churches, schools, hospitals,
government buildings, the site of a
marathon, the Twin Towers and even a part
of a military base where soldiers were
known to be unarmed (2016, January 08).

The laxation of these laws have caused the

causal impact of mental illness in the

government to try not to be biased and

aftermath of mass shootings. Four

exclude our rights as an individual to bear

assumptions frequently arise in the

arms. As a result, the government should be

aftermath of mass shootings in the United

able to track down each individuals mental,

States: (1) that mental illness causes gun

physical and criminal history in order to be

violence, (2) that psychiatric diagnosis can

able to bear arms. The tolerance that occurs

predict gun crime, (3) that shootings

throughout each state vary in their laws and

represent the deranged acts of mentally ill

regulations to include a sense of justice and

freedom to each of the citizens for any
biased actions made. Some states regulations
and laws are more lenient or harsh than
others because it is based on how the
reaction of the government and citizens
come into terms. The regulation and law that
needs to become strict and excessively
which needs to be maintained throughout
every state is background checks. From past
research and studying, most massacres have
been affiliated with many individuals with
mental, physical and emotional instability.

loners, and (4) that gun control wont

In the United States, popular and

prevent another Newtown (Connecticut

political discourse frequently focuses on the

school mass shooting). Each of these

statements is certainly true in particular

instances (Am J Public Health. 2015

With a sense of discernment for this
2nd Amendment, the citizens will receive
liberty, hope and justice for a suitable

Reference page
T.K. (2016, January 08). American Sniper
widow: Gun Control wont protect us. CNN.
Retrieved from
Metzl, J.M. (2015,February). Mental Illness,
Mass shootings, and Politics of American
Firearms. Retrieved April, 2016, from

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