EDT 448M: Literacy Strategy Lesson Plan

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EDT 448M: Literacy Strategy Lesson Plan

Day & Date: Wednesday,

February 17, 2016

Description of Learner(s):
Include reading levels,
assessment data, any
differentiations; add new data
to each lesson plan.

Tutor: Abby Cook

Student: ------N/A

Strategy Title, Source of

Strategy (citation) & Brief
General Description of
Strategy: 2-3 sentences.

Strategy Title:
Party Ladder
Source of Strategy and Lesson:
Language Experience Approach. 50 Literacy Strategies. Gail Tompkins. 4th
The Party Ladder is an approach to literacy development that has the aim of
practicing stamina and focus. The student and teacher develop short-term goals
for the student to accomplish every couple of pages. These goals will be
centered on the student independent reading, and when they hit their benchmark
to take a break, the ladder could ask comprehension questions to see if the
student is focusing well enough. At the end of the ladder the student will have a
party to celebrate their great accomplishment.

CCSS Standard: Identify

strand, grade, number (e.g.,
RL1.3) & include entire
standard & any applicable

Grade: Kindergarten
Strand: Reading Literature
Number: K.1

Student Learning Objective

for Literacy Strategy
(central focus): ABCD

dience: Who (the

havior: What (the

ndition: How (strategy &
text titles)

gree: Measurable
outcome (assessment)
(Should be 1 sentence with all
4 elements.)

The student will be able to work towards building stamina and focus through the
use of short-term achievable goals while reading the book Henry and Mudge and
the Great Grandpas. After the student finishes a chapter, he will be given a
question to respond to that will dictate his comprehension level of the book. The
student should make 3 or less mistakes in order to meet the objective.

Key Vocabulary: List


With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a

vocabulary from the text &/or

activity that is at the students
instructional & frustration
level (at least 4 words).

Poker cards

List of Instructional
Materials, Equipment &
Technology: List all of the
texts, materials & technology
the teacher & students will use
during the lesson, including
titles, reading levels &
sources. (Cite creator of
materials. Where appropriate,
use "Lesson plan or activity
adapted from _____).

(Lesson Adapted from Reading Strategies Book)

Party Ladder
Henry and Mudge and the Great Grandpas (Reading Level: 2.3)
Sticky note to move on Party Ladder
Coloring utensils for the Party
Read Aloud book of tutees choice for after
Independent Reading Material:
How Puppies Grow (Reading Level: 1.8)
Sam the Garbage Hound (Reading Level: 1.5)
Heavy-Duty Trucks (Reading Level: 2.8)
I Like Bugs (Reading Level: 1.1)
Little Pup Goes Down the Road (Reading Level: Grade 1)

Independent Reading (at

every session): Text must be
at the students independent
reading level OR at his/her
instructional or frustration
level if you are reading it

Text(s) Title, Author & Reading Level(s):

How Puppies Grow (Reading Level: 1.8)
Sam the Garbage Hound (Reading Level: 1.5)
Heavy-Duty Trucks (Reading Level: 2.8)
I Like Bugs (Reading Level: 1.1)
Little Pup Goes Down the Road (Reading Level: Grade 1)
___You read aloud ___Student reads aloud ___You both read silently (Your
book title: The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

Opening: Elicit students

prior knowledge about
concept & strategy in
multimodal ways (not just
questions--& no yes/no

T: Hi Mason! I am so excited to see you again this morning. Today we have a

really fun activity we are going to do together, so before we begin Im going to
explain to you what we are doing.
T: Have you ever heard of a ladder?
S: Responds
T: Well I printed off a picture of one so we can look at it together. Shows picture.
A ladder has many steps to it that you can to climb before getting to the top.
T: Have you ever seen a ladder, or watched someone climb one?
S: Responds
T: I made you your very own ladder, but it is different than a normal ladder, it is
special and was made just for you. We will read a book today, and at the end of

ILKleiman Spring 2016

the book when you have answered all of the questions on the ladder you will get
to pick a book for me to read to you while you color a picture! Does that sound
S: Responds
Shows Mason Masons Party Ladder
Teacher Modeling: Describe
how you alone will
demonstrate the entire strategy
to the student, including
complete description of
strategy & examples (no
participation from student).

T: Today we are going to read a book about a boy named Henry and his dog
Mudge, who visit Henrys grandpa together. Why dont you look through the
book at the pictures and think about what the book might be about.
Student does picture walk.
T: After looking through the pictures, what do you think might happen in this
S: Responds
T: Awesome, that is a great prediction! Well now that we know a little more
about the story, why dont we read the first chapter together, and start at the very
begging of the ladder.
Teacher moves sticky note with arrow to the first step of the ladder
T: Watch me first, the first step of the ladder says to, Read chapter 1 titled
Grandpas and then we will stop and see what the ladder says to do next.
Teacher reads aloud first chapter to student and stops at the end
T: Now that we have read the first chapter, we have to stop and answer the first
Teacher asks student the first question
Student responds with an answer, if their answer is inadequate then the teacher
should assist to help students comprehension of book

Guided Practice: During this

part of the lesson, describe
how you and the students
practice together, including
examples. You will assist the
student, take turns &
participate in the strategy.

T: That was a very good answer! Now that I have read the first chapter, it is your
turn to read the next one titled, A Pond! I will be sitting right here if you need
help on any of the words, but I know you can do it! I would like you to read
aloud so I can hear the story too. And then we will stop when we are done
because we will have to answer the next step on the ladder! Go ahead when you
are ready.
Student reads aloud, teacher offers assistance when needed
T: Now that you have read the second chapter by yourself, it is time to stop and
answer the next question.
Teacher moves sticky note to the next step and asks next question
S: Replies with answer, if their answer is inadequate then the teacher should
assist to help students comprehension of book

ILKleiman Spring 2016

T: I love how hard you are working on this; you are such a great reader! Since
we are halfway through the book we can take a 1-minute break to give our
brains a quick rest!
Independent Practice:
Release the student to
demonstrate his/her ability to
complete the activity alone.
Include complete directions
that explain what student must
do to complete the activity &
meet the objective.

T: Since you are doing such a wonderful job reading about Henry and his dog
Mudge, I want you to read chapter 3 titled, Skivvies. You may not know what
that word means, but when you read you will find out!
T: You can read silently or out loud to me, it is whatever you want to do!
S: Reads chapter 3 silently or out loud, and then stops to answer comprehension
question at the next step of the ladder
T: We are almost done! Can you answer the question on the next step of the
Teach asks comprehension question
S: Replies with answer
T: That was a great answer! Now it is time to read the very last chapter titled,
Full and Happy? Before you begin, can you tell me how you think the book
might end?
S: Replies with answer
T: I think that is a great guess, when you are ready you can begin and read the
next chapter.
S: Reads next chapter and stops at the end to answer the final comprehension

Describe how the student will
demonstrate his/her ability to
meet the objective, including
how you will measure &
document this ability.

T: I am so proud of you for reading that whole book by yourself and answering
all of the questions with such awesome answers! We have one more final step
before we can have our party.
T: The last step asks you to walk through the book and tell me what is happening
through the pictures. This will be really fun because you already know what
happens in the story, now you get to retell it to me! Lets start from the very
Student does picture walk with teachers assistance
T: Great job Mason! You have worked so hard today and I am so proud of your
success. Now it is time for our party since we got to the top of the ladder! Pick
the book you would like for me to read aloud and you can color any of the
pictures I brought in!
While the student is giving the picture walk to the teacher the teacher should
note any misunderstanding or miscues the student may have. The teacher will
decide if the objective was met by counting the amount of misunderstandings or

ILKleiman Spring 2016

mistakes the student has, and if it is more than 3 than the objective was not met,
and the student needs additional practice with stamina and focus.

ILKleiman Spring 2016

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