Srs Lesson Plan Artifact

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SRS Lesson Plan Artifact

Ethan Johnson

SRS Lesson Plan Artifact

The second artifact that I chose to include was my SRS lesson plan that included the SRS
tool Plickers. I chose this artifact because of the tool impeded into the lesson, which is Plickers.
Plickers is an online/app site that allows you to collect data quickly and effectively that you can
then use in your classroom instantaneously. You simply create multiple choice questions on the
site, print out the scan able cards that are created by the site, and then teach your lesson and have
students raise a specific card when they think they have come to the correct conclusion. Once
students raise their card, you simply scan the room with your smart phone connected to the app,
and the data of who is correct and incorrect is write their in the palm of your hand. The site is
easy to use and there were no challenges of using the site. The only challenge that I faced was
using it in the classroom. The app paired up with your phone is a little particular and everyones
cards have to be facing the same direction. There were a few times where the cards wouldnt
scan, but once we worked through it as a class, it worked perfectly. I use this a lot in my
classroom now when I want to do lessons that require student responses and I want immediate
feedback. I relate this site to using the whiteboards, however changing it to be digital. Its easier
to collect data then your traditional whiteboard, and is also more effective for feedback purposes.
I continue to use Plickers in my classroom to this day, and will continue to use them in the near

SRS Lesson Plan Artifact

Ethan Johnson

University of St. Francis

College of Education
Lesson Plan
Name of Lesson/Topic: Exponents Day 1 of a 10 day unit.

Learning Goals or Standards to be addressed:

8.EE.A.1. Know and apply the properties of integer exponents to generate equivalent numerical

Students will understand

Students will understand the various properties of exponents and how to use them to generate equivalent
numerical expressions.

Students will know

Students will know the following rules of exponents: Product rule, Quotient rule, Power rule, ZeroExponent Rule.

Students will be able to

SRS Lesson Plan Artifact

Ethan Johnson

Students will be able to use all the following rules successfully:

Product rule
Quotient rule
Power rule
Zero-exponent rule
Students will also be able to generate equivalent numerical expressions when given an exponent value,
and be able to apply exponents to use scientific notation.
Learning Activity

How will students be formatively assessed?

Plicker/Whiteboard Activity

While students are working through the problems

with the white boards I will also have plicker cards
for them to raise when they get their answer. Using
my cell phone, I will scan the room using the
plicker app and the app will evaluate how many
students came to the correct conclusion.

Students will come into class with their homework

completed from the night before and ready to ask
questions about their misconceptions. I will then go
over the agenda slide and discuss what the students
will be learning that day. I will give the students
time to discuss as well about the learning objective.
Proceeding this, we will use the website estimation
180 to practice skills of estimating. Once
completed, we will begin the activity. All students
will have a whiteboard where they will work
through the given problems. I will put a problem on
the board and students will work through the
problem with their partner together. Students have
not seen these problems before, however have seen
the processes they need to solve them. Each
problem will build upon the next, making it crucial
for students to understand progressively. I will
allow students 2-4 minutes for each problem. When
time is up students will raise up the plicker card
they believe is correct and I will scan the room with
the plicker app to gather the answers. We will then
discuss the problems as a whole class. I will put the

SRS Lesson Plan Artifact

Ethan Johnson

correct answer and incorrect answers on the board

and discuss how students achieved those answers
and the different misconceptions. If time allows,
there is an activity where students mix and match
the rules they learned today. At the end of the
period, I will do our usual heads down hands up
assessment trick.

How will the needs of students with various needs (ELL, digital learners, gifted learners, RtI students, and
special education students) be addressed during and after each stage in the formative assessment

During the formative assessment process my aids and I will closely monitor the students with various
needs to make sure they are getting what they need from the lesson. My groupings are set up in a way that
allows my special ed students to sit with a higher level student that pushes both the SPED student and the
gifted learner to learn at a higher pace. I also meet with every one of my RTI students as part of our RTI
program in our school so I can use the tools to evaluate them and then reteach if necessary when we meet
together. My SPED students also have two different classes that they take where they learn extra
math/study skills and there I can focus on the topics with any of the students who struggled during the
formative assessment process.

SRS Lesson Plan Artifact

Ethan Johnson

Describe the specific learning activities and process for implementation. What SRS is being used? How
should students access the SRS tool? How will students be introduced to the tool? Will the SRS be used
in any other way beyond formative assessment (attendance, engagement, rewards, etc.)?

1. Set purpose for todays lesson. Have students discuss todays purpose and what they will be striving to
2. Discuss any questions over previous nights homework (teacher checks digits to see who turned in
3. Estimation 180 warm-up.
4. Whiteboard and plicker activity. All key concepts will be introduced. Teacher will present problem for
students to work on, students will show board with work and plicker card when finished, then group
discussion on how to solve the problem once time is called. Student-led discussion. Students have not
seen 75% of these problems before.
5. Envelope activity to reinforce rules if time allows.
6.Exit slip if time allows.

Students will come into class with their homework completed from the night before and ready to ask
questions about their misconceptions. I will then go over the agenda slide and discuss what the students
will be learning that day. I will give the students time to discuss as well about the learning objective.
Proceeding this, we will use the website estimation 180 to practice skills of estimating. Once completed,
we will begin the activity. All students will have a whiteboard where they will work through the given
problems. I will put a problem on the board and students will work through the problem with their partner
together. Students have not seen these problems before, however have seen the processes they need to
solve them. Each problem will build upon the next, making it crucial for students to understand
progressively. I will allow students 2-4 minutes for each problem. When time is up students will raise up
the plicker card they believe is correct and I will scan the room with the plicker app to gather the answers.
We will then discuss the problems as a whole class. I will put the correct answer and incorrect answers on
the board and discuss how students achieved those answers and the different misconceptions. If time
allows, there is an activity where students mix and match the rules they learned today. At the end of the
period, I will do our usual heads down hands up assessment trick.

SRS Lesson Plan Artifact

Ethan Johnson

Students will access the SRS by having cards already printed out for them at their desks. I will use my
phone to access the app. I will introduce the cards as if we were using the whiteboards for me to collect
students answers, an activity we have done many times before. The SRS will only be used to gather
students answers.

Reflect on how the lesson will improve the learning environment for students. How will it improve the
retention of important material and learning processes?

This lesson will improve the learning process because it gives students an opportunity to get immediate
feedback as well as discover the different topics of exponents. By using the plicker app it gives the
students immediate feedback on if they are correct or incorrect which allows them to see where they are
making different misconceptions. Also, by using an exploration activity where students arent just given
the various rules, they feel as if they own the material rather than being fed the material. The whiteboards
are also a great tool for immediate feedback as well.

Describe other ways you can incorporate technology learning into your classroom.

We use technology every day in my classroom. Whether it be as simple as the smartboard for daily
lessons or something more complex like the plicker app, I try and implement some sort of technology into
my lessons on a day to day basis. Ive used different websites in class for online learning and the flipped
classroom model, as well as our schools online program, DIGITS, which allows the students to complete
lessons and homework at their own pace online. Ive also used websites such as quizizz, kahoot, and
socrative for online assessment tools.

Screen shot of plicker website with SRS questions for day 1.

SRS Lesson Plan Artifact

Ethan Johnson

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