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GAP Guidelines oapasa ‘Soptomber 1, 2007 7 Publication of Global Asset Protection Serdoes OIL AND CHEMICAL PLANT LAYOUT AND SPACING INTRODUCTION Lost experience clay shows hat reso exlosions in congested ses fl and chemical plants an roautin exons oses Wherever explo racers nt prope: layout ae ‘aqua spacing between hazards are assent los prevention ard con Lay alates othe fearon apart wins gs sl Spang pears a aktum sans SORTS RS otaycnoe wey and esos hoping see, NSbone information can be found in several publications." POSITION Management Programs, Managamert rcoram séiminsrators shou rpat'o top wanagament hough heii uber ‘fstpe They shoud ao etl lose provertion Repecon and aul programs fo conmuicale Brog eflecvenessto ep mansgemat Ths maragerert ecback ata faire of GAP 0.4 OVERVIEW)" evelopng eprostem, pay peter etenton ote along npn area Hazard Hentfiestion and Evaluation Program Detemins lant Inout ane spacing nocseay oi es site baad on ret caa senate or ‘soo ec ves! and oun oxplstns, andres. ales orepexsure cles. Soe Gana tracert anaes and evasion meade appleabis fo veraur wxlsen or Sra Scanaron Ths aay es conptdn condnaton wh AP Sesion pron GAP2.52 ‘September 1, 2007 Management of Change vaste emg of a modceons to eaupment and procedures ote lanl roses eel ‘ng the Menaperert of Change pes Conde! «Hazard encabon end Evliaton program ‘Erol now pocsess or fran mossssion a etna procoee pro comoling Srl ste ‘loot an equprer ina Dotemine the nee or change 0 spscng or aso Duplication of Facilities Ferlrgesale cherie! sd pevecemia planis,proide mull process wine. Iniarge scale es, cupist, wth tld sparas equpmers ts igh cuscoptb toes cr mparant nue operations. For snaer sal bats ype plans tal presses impart fo prodtion Irtheterm muti snc unts hr ana large vl Pysaly separate dptestedunis,preces vane or aqugment i edequtespesngin ‘teordance wth cecton 2 compertnentalze Wi let ressanteanetucion General ‘Cones the folowing when dlrmining the yout and te separation rue: ‘+ Harhazard operations (see Aspen: A) ‘+ Grouped operations ‘ta eoeatons Namborof prc tek Potent envierent mage ‘Concatsion of propery end business iterupton vale Inporance felt or cantning operons qupmentreplcorent arnt te rerependency facies hic usar or super latonships Markt share concen Fee an culsin exposures ‘corosveerncompesto natal exposures Vapor lu explosion + souces eigaton Naintsrance ad energeny occasbity Dinas and de ening + Prevaing wd eonstons Natal hazards and ciate Fats expansions teaches aan fe mar, et GAP Guidelines GaP252 ber 1, 2007 oview te varus hazards an oss potentials o eta he deg of separaon recurs ‘Setwean unis and aqupment Cavs Tales, and 3 ths gud minim spss ude ‘Dasedon te ara veeel epson navaca sees pacing wR appropriate iber 1, 2007 Gap.252 Soy Saar nda GAP Guidelines “Ye One rte Stop sie, SS ene tentepentng treats 0 ‘abut Sone Tok Spry Rsomenaine Fe OAnd Chie ts, nr age aroun of treo aor cob elated i ape de eaten ‘rer perfor amore deal hazars alas and evaluson per GAP 0.1 Cato te vopor ‘ue explosion oveprossure ccs. Wer applicable, base th mien spacing requree beeen ‘zope he obowmg eters: ‘© Donotacate ies eaupert of adjacertunts wan the pal (0.21 bat overpressure dre + sn saomantr scree aga itn he (0 a ove coeto winetra te eaested vapor ous svrre temo acount bese on a aot lates dite Fon etn ‘Spain eauredby Owe spacing bles, ure De greater fe wo. GAP Guidolines 3 Aco att Pat Saas Gap252 ‘September 1, 2007 Overall Plant Layout Inaty, nase ste etecon on exposure tom ureonzalbl aor, suchas foods, earths, {aa woveo, ubidenco, haces, ond ajar al en choia par hasbeen sled, arang layout an spacing to raduce hoof of some ofthe rials and went tasers at coreratero loses. + Unccnvotatle cts rela te slop, clit, exposce ont! hazard, wind econ and ‘cm Homes eng in soe pnd st pte Wp at ag he ak ar IMeatese good ayut based on he provalng wed facies, mantetonn, pee pars supa, cali an suomatn gin sues re racton deol soar rocucten capaci, fanerable hud hla, pl con andthe 0 of Soewante ahd separator to confl pls ae fe spd. Rete GAP.25.3 ae a svconpavoain aint B 2 Tet GAP Guidelines Gap252 September 1, 2007 se ahaa assarsment ot each lant speraton onl eis the layout or ntti of orks ‘runt baton En we plant. Rava th posse loss everts ad the oaeaquancas reach Proposal Soca ayut wick wll mnie the oral propery damage and rests business Frcrupton shoud an een oc ‘Subd hover sero gine ares dead io process ni lis, eres and otis, ‘Soe coc acu or ut tack geetaly haw angular nape, keep the maximum nt eo S00. e001 (02 m x 169m) for trofgtng pupae. Prov aces roadways betwen blocks to alow each eeton ofthe plant tobe aceasta t Tosa srstons 1 size road wath and clearances hand age moving equpment end anergeny vehicles orto ‘nen 28 4(88 whichis rote 1+ Maintain suicant oveoes anneal clearances for tucks and cranes fo ok ting hg ‘acks pe nay, tanks oan Donot expose reads tore am darage diches and penay. Signy sous o0cs in ees suet oa eo, Lost hens rd mantars ong ease alow ee hook up rethinks Prove feet wo arrancasto he lant fr emergency velo prevent he possi of ‘hides bing osked dug an neat 3, open be, ay. ‘+ Panandinplemert a"Reatvay Cos” penn sysionauhatend and conte by se Emorgonoy Response paromel as parole stmparment Nrcing stem. Provide spacing atwean units based upon the geste of other Table 1 oa hazard asst The ‘hace betwoenbbory mts ef sing una Sab kp daa nd opan Do ek conser he ‘hoor area between units as a future tea for process expansion Process Units vate he process hazards and, depending on the ets uh reve asym nigh ‘lematite onl moa aca gioupe au show in GA225.2A, Cana he tal ni secon {a dtarmie the paong rqurod between fe various Becks based upon late hazard of 02h Seperate heros nts rom thar hazardous unt tad re area “Separators gh hazard te by aig moderate even wer hacard unt ae 3 way to fedun such exposure. ©. Separate DNT plant rom TDA plat by pang esl rn ai unt Sateen er ‘Locate equipment erucireecomenon o mull proess uns, sch sage coretere and {uties, era corte rose and Wed heater, 29 380 pron a eng evan fom paling te ‘ral operation and causing exteeve busiessmeuplon. Lay cuthesausment tin aunitin ane af wo genet ways + Use grouped aya, whore sir equipment is grouped tegen ease epratn,maionance GAP Guidelines GAP.252 Septamber 1, 2007 ‘Use Somtine ayut where sipment is anangein a eoquncn si othe proces Sow ‘ayn. \Whecever it dos ot sont thoes cnt, censor ccasily fr maitenanoe and operations Inakiemiringspacng andiyau. Locate equipment needing Hequent ott, maltonanoe ‘decning tu bouderes. eaelarge earls renupment lose Unt boundars oa e367 ‘oes frames. se Tale 2 er minimur spasng guidelines for spacing win prooess units, The econded Sepsaona ao the low, Porzotal stances batween sje ees ot uprent ard classification ‘Tha foloning haar leaestons ae fr equgment nd roessae: Reactors ‘lacey arosees eaters 2s maser, temedite ohigh haz. Thereave hazed (Gascifatonte dled in GAPO52A ‘+ Froneaters at proces ycocarbons at high enperaires and fow ees Operation can case ‘tk often or cues aye els Hohn pup © Hinde tanmableandcoturtble qu, cette at omparctres above S20" (280°) or ove ered. auciger temperate. © Hunde taresble on comb aide nd operate peut above 60 pl (245 bar © Handouts Famable gases, ‘+ terns hazard pues: ‘loner purgs hang farmatie or canusible aus, Canned and magne pugs havea lower ea haar, an reo there reno spete spcing taqarment ‘ewra-Unt Spacing For roper naan ojut, nude the folowing prince: or goup pumps and conpresor handing farable prot toe dng aea. D9 rt locate hom uncer pipracha a cold heal exchanges ara vesals Ore pump nd ver ‘Stes parpendicuar to ppeacs o” cer eauprent io rimize We @oosroIn cas ofa PUTO Seal lure. Separate igh pressure charge puro om any cher majo process equoment anc ‘iherpurpsy aloes 25875) + Loose compressors at eas 00 (20 mj domrmd om od hess and at east 39278 m) fomny oor erpoang equomar To mld rmecesny exporre, So et esther ‘dps are andor any comproser + ete healers ad use or he no a esac them tne comer ofthe unt Loose ‘ondhuous gon sources sind fh peoes it ‘+ inreasd pacing for vary igh hazard equeman surcaptbetoexioions, euch tracts ‘to poesbe spss bom frm oer reas by bat een wal, GAP Guidelines GAP252 September 1, 2007 “Koop fanmrable posits storage to minimum win the process nk beurre. at ak, ‘ural sna vessels wi Farmall ops tae, posbe. “Th eter aye of prosass unit i peacoat inthe cana oth nt th are esse {andreas lcsiogcutards of fecal pprack, Place pus ate outs fe process ‘to. Lint the stacng of equipment in roceassturures ta equate: wth no We poten. Slope {he ground suace so atid can avay tom the cover oe un Do rps caage benches Unde pects Put cabetrysin Ine ap eo he prac: Utities \Lozateconral ance, sch at coclng nes, blr, power tans ard eleties subtatons, ‘Sn om hazardous soso hey vot ba tect ty re reglosen win he plano be 8 aurea open ary ptenalfanmablique ga leace, Marian odes separa ‘ctocon deren uty sevens becouse ity esos Could to unaatcantone mae ‘Bantunis, posal eres esa splosens. cease he alabiy one nliesby teang ‘Slogala spacing betnoon boar ot graratre roped sressrznin accordance wih NEPA 46 sear eta aula nd mate ‘nal cantar Late sutton eay an hezsdour seas oinrease he ely fhe power ‘ples shoud seas scurry eats deoulon cablsto In har exoosure to expassne fies some ane vanes ana oass Wolk acess, Control Rooms Locate and conseut cantatas, meter contl cantar, and ther essen fais alow pears to aly st down uns irda eargencyeanatens. Lost te conta bulg whore ‘nn be expsadby Ses or nposne sparen et ease, design he burg 1 ‘itetand plot anloionoverpressce. mare cael ome afe exposes oes ost Drepessres octePeemargancy scene ceoanaon con’ 2 sal ea, Consider unmanned state computers, trina rooms andi ack rpms eaualen fo motor ro efor forte puree ofthis gun Services Kap warcousos, ahora, shop, ergs staons and ofces away fom process aoas, Walang equpmer, cr ands ae wel st hge sume of Seore can bore -eartable lgntonsoueae" Loading and Untoading ‘Space lading racks, pers ad wharves well away for ter tess dv ge numbers leks, ‘tear, barges or ships carming age amount of tarmanie or combursle ti ade ant {att eaee ererganoy veils overeat accom hazares by lag oadng 3d ‘Stlcdig eparans a ean pernater dow athe ety bale Locate aes accor to Tale tert APIS21, whichever is rete Tank Farms: ‘Const Tale so gerard recommender er spacing aboveground strep aks nthe ol and {hanical nasty. The apacng is vena a tance formar cel lnk sho aie facson of GAP Guidelines Gar252 Soptombor 1, 2007 ‘he lost nk ameter. har are adverse coon, such a oo fr pretation water uly Set cr pot acu, ai Pou! age, ree be uray a ‘Seo Table for mnimum pacing Between ak ams nd other nts Do net group ode trent yps of aks nd corer ogee. Locate stooge tanks ts owe lvaton han oer ocupancios to proven aud of gaesfom ving toward espe or buldgs and exposg en Locate tanks downwind of cher aees. ‘range atraspere erage ans a resus rows mt moe than two dogp and ‘acento areas acnosanay fe aoquate tetighng ecceesy ‘Shoe pnng inven ground ae usualy fle win 10 or 8 min oii xcorure nota a tele nimum sour of pong valves an tages we ies ntl pumps, vave mans, Sraande’ ping ouside aes of mposnang stan. Pride take wi roper aes or alnage o arene imourdng fatty. Winre ans ve 500,00 80 (80,000) re present, erase mint dances 1000 (G08) spay batwoen de ‘Space take toh harm adiaon intent fom a expenng ee ecw to tthe cnt of ‘he adjcot tan, Tlaranca of nk to fame raditon ean be noeand y ‘+ Paring vossls a rostve clr general wit or site. ‘+ Proving aed water sora rank shot conlng stom, Rafer to GAP.122.1.2 radon ‘uience “+ Insulating o reposting te tnk sel. Gudence on be fundin GAP2.5.1. Aumospherie Storage Tanks lest neal sting ro! tanks 2 fosing roo tks when prion intra oss are provided ‘nen lasinsumsur oa soe pa are ures tha conarasion after Rostra hs {anon aco eter or epacng purpose. ‘+ Posing often: Store cud ci and emerabo Huds (Class) Boating rot fenat featng eats range foatg ro! tks msaces of 00,00 bares (27700 ra single rom: mater we Resear, paca ane rar han ore dams tar + Coneroottane: Cambusii tiie Cleat) may be dared cone root tks wah he ‘Sloungiatons or oxcpter (© Caneroottarks in axes of 500,000 bale (47,70 present an narrate aout of Sotrealy expose vapor space, even sting heavy ln such cane, uve aly Sonne ‘ott 12 Donat store baud wth al ove characters in cone rafts age tan 180 (458m) In ddametr, uss aninatrgoytom fpr 10 Attar of Gib A er Ss © Ava stage of tanenble us (Cis) cone rol ak. cane eo tanks ro ued for ‘ammabie dds rapes! th tar sos esa han 18,000 boas 23,860, ‘rowiean ir gos lanka anarreas the sacs, © Space coe oa tanks string Cat I gus cperaing a ambient ampere, 25 oatngandeane oars alr an SEO0 bares (680) © create saprao of cone fo! ans exces of 10000 bare (1580 casing ‘cnbusble guide ered at erpartre Nghe han 200 [C). Prosturzed and Rotigrated Storage Tanks ‘Spheres and spheroids: rvs spacing ban goups of vessels fast 10 (80) erthe [eft tank ameter Lt each ark up oe mauum of Sk vasa Seo Tble foro "inmum specingbstwoor vee, Drums and ult: int hrona presutee storage veel ont move than sx vasa ot ‘30,00 gal (196m) combina capaci nay one youn, Prove teat 1001 (80m) ore [srgost ark tometer botwaen groups. Algn ves se ht eens arent parted award ‘ocr arose or star stage rea, as hove osecl ond to rocket ay fa rng raid ‘mate rom conic Do nl oat pressured worage vessel ove gach cna See 0 Geena Refrigerated dome root tanks: Prove spacing bstnsen gop of vassals ofa ast 100 (30m) ‘rth rect ark Saree Lint coc ark group toa manera fs vessels rode rele ‘Spaong f oposed combustible nsusto ees on ha tks. DISCUSSION ‘goa ayst and etc spacing between Pazais, equipments uns lve te flowing bona 1 Less eulsin damage. Overressure resid by en enlosin decease raid asta tance ‘tom tne cane ofthe exlosen eens. Tho naherbed at onaip betwen ovopreSs ‘a et tacos tm teres atten GAP-80.11 1 Less eeipceureRasaon lant ram are denoara athe square othe tepraion ditones ‘Hohe luton of gs dou or plumes. Gas concrrason decease as he distance fe he ‘sion source ress, 1 Esir scons oquoment for mahtenancerapecton an fetghing purposes. 1 Ease mil and pi te cen! incpen est 1 Lower canconaten vals resin in alowsr ropa damage loc exiles chou a gen lnldetocar GAP Serco ypealy esablts a prbabe masmum se (PML) an mas ‘erdoeabeles(NFL) esimsos based upen a vapor cout ener wre such aazard ets. An adequate reat of ales and good specng betwee eposon hazard te lower ‘stensvn spacing might treat heii! veeent ested to bud a gan pant. Morland wil be eared Mere pang, abn, roads andlager range sysans lb required onal er GAP Guidelines 1 Ape Sa a ec GAP252 ‘Soptomber 1, 2007 lego panos o:conerseors nigh be roquted ae fon los incaaeae with the ppg ong and atl, opresng cots incense. However elas canal bella outnalgh he ein cots ‘le totose arp to produton when eine ccs Proper lajt an saparaton dstancos chou be designed plore dsng he vr et planning "Sago ofthe poet Tis sl equrepabmirary ienleaon of Mazes ren othe cpratons Sra. the nual hazard A goo nyt may not stomatal arease econo oat ‘teats proper eparaon belveen hace ca decree ihe expose protectonrqued Ft {rales eat oor unesrosed by aprocas unt wuld have no ned tobe extoio eiant ‘peren eyot leave sanione arog los prevention conarusio, mlnancs aha ‘operation requirements Campstsaied desgn (CAD) genarses thee cereal layouts whlch have proven efetv fo ‘vata he proposed sptalarangere ef unto pa. Fgh equpme't erceteen ard ‘i congas are spt say by hese compute gareraladtacques. The use f CAD SOW ‘Spear, martnane and les powetn prenrel o easly cont snd mae spproprate ‘Sconmendsions Seolemodss ota sr ene enor dud excitons oudndcat thats evn rater separation Betwosn sme isis ‘eosed besaune of ghar han noma elon domoge plenial andbesmane lorpon (Ofer hazard asessent mts cn provid good lng pote easton snd are desrzed ‘atous Centro Chemical Process Safty ublesions to OOW Fo & Exlosen dex oh werner" “Toble provides minimum tenant spacing hich shou be terenae ere a hazard ata ews ht lrgrSepraton distances ae equred. Uvavoradie cords, such es eats ‘oping, per crenage anetal operators, can rerasce he sipecre bewesn uns, Cus ‘equringhihe' sparen esteas. Al itnoas babe Ut re eauted Yom Dat Wats “Sdtuy tis a dated by GAP Sareea re magn nee suroundrg ut Tis el ‘ypeaty box theped are ences equpmentrequed fhe cpraben of we ut Cao ower, ‘artance bung oer stirs pot nogral ote unt ae considered oe dependert ‘Sd shoud rt ented Inthe bata tT lie crosbes thy, sen, a malar, fiiched peduct png. “Te processing units are generally he mst hazardous operations in aan For operons urpees the process uns ae genera rovped ogee and ranged in ssordance wah the ‘ener pisces ow. ‘ten. tre prcetn spacing requromens wil exceed maktonsnce aecessbily requirements. The {lai locaton of equipment dopa on te probate aloes of arnale atria, efrrblo ‘ug hls, ant ptr be source a giton.A domo elt loess posebe win process unt NEPA 30 dens arma tgide Clase mtr ant combust lus 2 loss land i rstotals The cesltatencepands on fe fash pt an botng pate fe pod. sone vry hat imate, Css ie eri behave a tanmabe tase Dosae the soage erpartue oudareeed te fesipon lenpereue Unset pase nd anamor stro eae Speci recautens andar net earesadin Table. ‘GAP Guidelines Ratorenced (9251 Pasta Fer ot ad era Peso ‘GkPaS28 Mara Canton Outs Onno: Sng Rar GAP Guidlines 2A at of a tt Sons (GAP Guidetines Reterenced (Cont'd) (eAP259, nae Fer ser Anh at ‘Skbaats Qancmes Pepene se Pan enn Ga Gleaas2 Ghat esr Aa2 wd ey San Pn FO nd he Pl REFERENCES: 1 a th Cn a Ad nit S38, At el, syn te Pre Pa La FF Hoan 2 88 hal gen, Aon oe Yok ote ay 8 Mang Ye 2 Non ME Pod Fura Fo Th pe ty. 0M Se Lu Prat Segan a, eta ead mac Roe oe Age, Sparse Pret an Presents Enns a Epa Nahe Fn Pn sa Se 4 essere 2-8 Ont Fr Pesan psy Syn ia Pea eh ‘seen | cr hat Pom Sty tat naa ef Chel Engeas Non Ya (nk pn ne: He Clan Ot, Soe hai Cay, St ale, be ek (eran Eagar nena 1. ise atta sc La a Pg ren Pes GAP Guidelines

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