Marisol Robles

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Marisol Robles
Professor Batty
English 113B
25 February 2016
Animal Slaughtering
This is a bit of a cliche way to start an essay.

Have you ever thought of how many animals are being killed or ever wondered the

cruelty these poor innocent animals have to face day by day to keep a human satisfied? We live
in a world where most of us are meat eaters and consume meat once a day. Most families in the
United States consume meat at least once a day, which means many animals are being
slaughtered a day to feed these families. People that consume meat, most of the time have no
idea of where this meat is coming from and will ignore this issue. The more people are
consuming meat, animal slaughter will increase drastically. Even though many people will
Qualify this statement

ignore this issue of animal slaughtering, it is important to stop consuming meat to prevent animal
from being slaughtered, decrease deaths, and promote animal rights.
Comma Splice

There are many of us whom live off meat and will cook at least once per day, however
we never think of where that meat came from. According to Jeff Leslie in Animal Rights without
Controversy about ten billion animals are killed for food annually in the United States. It is
shocking to see these large amount of numbers of animals being killed to satisfy a humans wants.

A human doesnt need meat to survive its just a want that a human wants. Although animals and
They actually have many of the same genes.

humans are biologically different, they dont carry the same genes, however they do share the
same feeling as humans do. For example when a person gets bullied he/she is facing cruelty
This is not clear

amongst them with an animal when its being slaughtered, its suffering. As stated by Jeff Welty
in Humane Slaughter laws the animals that are usually being slaughtered are livestock and

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poultry, basically what this means is that livestock and poultry are the most popular consumed
by humans. Chicken, pigs, and cattle are the common meats consumed by humans. The
slaughtering process that need to be followed is quite different from livestock and poultry cattle
Quote accurately

arrive at slaughtering plants by truck, which then they are driven by foot to the location where
they will be killed however with poultry they are taken to the barns where they were raised and
transported to the plant where they will be slaughtered (Welty 180). With all this cruelty that
animals are living in order to feed a human being humans should take this into consideration and
stop consuming meat to decrease animal slaughtering.

You have
this point.
Make sure
you are
new in

Everyday there are billions of animals killed due to animal slaughtering. The most
common animal slaughtered are pigs, chicken, and cattle. As stated in the food and agriculture
organization of the US by Jeff Welty in 2005 there were 48 billion chicken, 1.3 billion pigs, and
3012 million cattle slaughtered. The numbers of death are shocking to me to see that more and
more innocent animals are being killed in order for a humans to survive. Though its not
necessary for people to consume meat every day, there are other different plates that can keep
you satisfied as well such as pastas, soups, and sandwiches? You can start changing your eating
habits to make a change.
Animal rights are important and need to be enforced just like human have their rights like
freedom of speech and religion. As stated by Jeff Leslie animals shouldnt be tortured or
Is this accurate?

engaged in acts of cruelty against thyme. I agree with this quote they dont deserve to be killed
or suffer from torture for a person to eat them. However in New York people who transport
animals when going on a road trip are required to allow animals out for rest, feed, and water
every five hours (Leslie ,120). As seen in the video the real price of meat: one cows
heartbreaking trip to slaughter posted on YouTube by peta [people for the ethical treatment of

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animals] shows how cattle are tortured before being slaughtered. He cattle are taken to the
slaughtering plants by truck and arte usually tied with a rope around their foot to be brought
down form the truck to the slaughtering location. This video was heartbreaking to see the animal
being tortured and suffering for no reason. The way the animals are slaughtered makes me
wonder if people are not aware of what they are acting and the conditions animals are going
through to feed them. In my household we are not meat eaters consumers, we have meat
occasionally once per week. If you cut down to eating meat once per week it can make a
Perhaps not rights but welfare.

difference in animal deaths and we can support animal rights.

Although many people will think its right for billions of animals to be slaughtered,
animals are meant for care and treat them like theyre supposed to be treated. People will just say
theyre just animals well animals have feelings just like humans do and animals need to have
Not Clear

their rights. Its like someone saying were just humans and someone decided to beat us up for
a reason. Then how would we feel? We obviously wouldnt like it. Think about it if we wouldnt
like the stuff they do to us, animals dont like it either.

Animal slaughtering has become a serious issue in the United States and needs to be addressed.
Though many will continue to consume meat we should stop consuming it to end animal
slaughter, decrease deaths, and promote animal rights. All the torture and suffering animals go
through o feed a human is insane. Although I consume meat once per week, these videos made
me realize that there are many animals being slaughtered for our fault. We can try to change our
eating habits to end animal slaughtering and make this world a better place.

Although your overall thesis is clear, in that I understand that you are against factory farming and animal slaughter; however,
the wording itself could be more clear. Make sure that each body paragraph is saying something new. Right now it is difficult
to see the different topics of your paragraphs. When you introduce a quote, make sure you state both the author and title if
available. Make sure you properly punctuate article titles. You may need to include in-text citations if applicable. Be sure that
you quote accurately and edit your work carefully. Since your essay on Turnitin is only the works cited page, your essay is
technically late, but Im only taking off one days worth of points. You should combine your works cited page and essay onto
the same document to prevent this from happening in the future. 79/100 - 10 = 69/100

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