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Intermediate English | Monday, March 28, 2016

I. Quiz
1. The patriotic heir inherited good __________ when his parents died.
(a) fortune
(b) gold
(c) kindness
2. The scientist believed that the terrible telescope in the museum was __________ to the others.
(a) superior
(b) inferior
(c) terribly
3. They used the lumber to make a __________ object you could put in your pocket.
(a) metal
(b) plastic
(c) wooden
4. __________ people often use textiles to build their countrys flag in their pocket.
(a) Happy
(b) Patriotic
(c) Happily
5. They usually travel to the mountains, but this summer they __________ to the beach.
(a) traveled
(b) travel
(c) are traveling
6. My friend Jennifer asked if I wanted some chocolate but I declined because I __________ chocolate.
(a) hate
(b) am hating
(c) hated
7. Which family member __________ the dishes every day in your house?
(a) do
(b) has done
(c) does
8. Scientists __________ to have self-discipline to develop future technologies.
(a) are needing
(b) need
(c) have needed
9. Kyle __________ his sister from school per his parents instructions.
(a) is picking
(b) is up picking
(c) is picking up
10. After the battle was won, the ruler __________ the new cities and towns.
(a) fulfilled
(b) routed
(c) conquered
II. Vocabulary

spring or leap like a ball

thick, fluffy milk based product
sweet dish served after a meal
put lightly into water or liquid
thick animal hair
gather crops at the end of growing season
sweet preserved fruit spread
one who performs illusions
beating, hitting repeatedly
doll or toy which can be animated by manipulation

III. Idiom
to hit the nail on the head = to find the exact or right answer
Example: Mick hit the nail on the head when he said that the
company is lacking confidence.

NS 11.19.15

Intermediate English | Monday, March 28, 2016

IV. Grammar
Verbs have a tense in English, which tells information about the time it takes place or if it continuing,
among other information.
The simple past tense tells us about things that actions or situations that are happened in the past and
are finished now. Most regular verbs form the simple past by adding ed to the main verb. Some are
irregular, like be, which is below.
I was. You were. He/She was. We were. They were.
When you combine this with not, you normally just add not. If you are making a contraction (like cant),
you can do this as below.
I wasnt. You werent. He/She wasnt. We werent. They werent.
V. Story
Samantha sometimes does not go to work because she is sleepy or she just does not feel like going. At
first, her boss tries to be understanding, thinking that maybe Samantha is getting sick. Of course she is
earning less money because of all the time she misses, and soon her boss loses patience. He fires
Samantha and looks for someone else to do her job. Samantha is upset, and she is also a little worried
about paying her bills. But she decides that she really does not like to work very much. Still, Samantha is
lucky because she has lots of friends and family members who love her. So rather than look for a new
job, she starts to ask them for money. At first most of them are willing to lend her a little bit. But, when
she does not pay it back, they become upset. Why is she being so irresponsible? They all stop loaning
her money. Just like Samantha always has excuses for her friends and family, she also has excuses for
her landlord. She usually does not have the money for her rent, but she always says she will have it
soon. Of course, Samantha's landlord eventually loses patience and tells her that she must leave her
apartment immediately. Samantha does not know what to do. She does not know where to begin to
look for a new apartment, and anyway, she does not have any money to pay for rent. She feels
desperate and realizes that she has made some very big mistakes. She begins to call her friends to see if
they will let her stay at their apartments, but they are all still upset about the money she owes them.
They say no.
Finally, Samantha is left feeling very desperate and worried. She dials her brother's phone number and
hopes that he is in a good mood. When he answers, she explains her situation and admits that she
thinks she has made some big mistakes. Her brother, Edwin, agrees with her. Her behavior has been
very inappropriate, and he refuses to lend her any money. He tells her that she can stay with him, but
only under very specific conditions. First, she must begin to look for a new job. And while she is living
with Edwin, she must walk his dog every day, clean the house, and do cooking. If she does not fulfill all
of these responsibilities, she must leave. Edwin sounds very serious, and Samantha knows that her
brother is not joking. She knows he is giving her an important opportunity to make a change in her life.
She realizes that she must live up to her responsibilities and fulfill her obligations. Samantha thanks her
brother and agrees to his offer. She will do her best to find a good job soon. She wants to pay everyone
back as soon as possible and get her life back in order. She knows it is going to be a challenge, but she
also knows it will be well worth it!
VI. Conversation
1. Values

NS 11.19.15

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