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1.0 Marketing............................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Role of Marketing.............................................................................................. 3
1.2 Key functions of marketing................................................................................ 3
1.3 Types of Markets................................................................................................ 3

1.0 Marketing
Its the management task that links business to customers by identifying the needs
and wants of customers and fulfilling and satisfying them profitably.

1.1 Role of Marketing


Find out what customers want

Communicating it with the other departments
Selling the product to consumers profitably.
Crete brand value
Maintain or uplift the existing brand value
Help in decision making

1.2 Key functions of marketing.


Build up the relationship between customers and the business.

Develop the appropriate marketing mix
Cross functional working
To differtiate a product or service from the competitors
Collect and analysis the information
Enhancing of profits by satisfy customer wants and needs

1.3 Types of Markets

1. Consumer markets, markets which sell goods and services to the final
2. Industrial markets, markets that sell goods to business or industries, which
uses them in the production process of another good.
1.4 Marketing Objectives
Objectives are targets to work towards. Marketing objectives are goals that are
set by the marketing department to achieve the business overall objectives.
Eg, to increase market share
1.5 Marketing Concepts
1. Production Concept
Idea that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable,
there for business should highly consider on the distribution of the product
efficiently. Also known as production oriented organization.
Mostly consider, (a) Efficiency of production (b) Efficiency of Distribution (c)
Economics of scale
2. Product Concept
Idea that believes that consumers will favor products that highest quality and
products that have continuous improvement. Also known as Product Oriented.
Mostly considered, (a) Quality and features (b) Profitability through product

3. Selling Concept
Idea that consumers will buy product that are highly advertise
Mostly considered, (a) Aggressive selling promotion and selling effort (b) profitably
through sales value.
4. Marketing Concept

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