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Donte Washington

Professor Jizi
UWRT 1102
15 March 2016
How do we quantify intelligence?
I chose to research this topic because I when I first started to research education in the school
system it interested me to find out how people measure intelligence and question their methods.
It also brought to mind how to include talents and skills into the IQ.
I already know that the people arrange standardized tests in order to test the IQ of people by
giving those problems to solve in the five categories of math, science, reading, writing and
science. There are many different theories when trying to determine IQ and many different
factors that can possibly affect them.
It is known that music stimulates the mind in a way that promotes an increase in intelligence.
There are many proven studies that confirm this. Also if we were to actually use the IQ scores
made for the public it would show that the majority of the population would be presented as
below average. It is thought that ones IQ is affected by how they were raised and the privileges
they were given. Theorists also believe that the culture affects the standard of the children but not
necessarily the IQ. Also, theorist think intelligence is hereditary.

QuestionsWhat is the average IQ?

How do we increase our intelligence?
Can we really quantify intelligence?
How do we account for the arts?
Who decides what the average IQ is?
Is there a gap between races?
Is there a gap between social classes?

1. How do we quantify intelligence?

2. Purpose: To further investigate how intelligence is utilized and displayed
3. I feel as though I am going to discover a lot of bias researchers information that conflict
with each other because it is an abstract concept to think about.

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