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This Popplet will have lots of information!

It is important to attempt to lay out your Popplet in a clear and coherent way. Make sure that each
of your headings are distinct and stand out from the others. You can add sections together. In the example below, the questions What is the
Kiddush Cup? and What is the Challah loaf? were added together to make more room. You may also combine What can you do? and
What cant you do? together to make more room. Just remember it has to make sense to the viewer!!!
It is up to you how you want to display your information.
The example on the following page includes a different layout as well as a summary of the key points of information. Note that not all of the
information was used! Decide what information is a key point and what information is not as necessary. Remember your Popplet is just a
summary of information!!!

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